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Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Nazuths » Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:25 pm

Welcome brothers of PkHonor,

Today I wanted to open the discussion on the current state of the server, I'll just give out my opinion on the server and would love to see your opinions!

For a while now we've been struggling with the amount of players and has been previously discussed where we hit an all-time low of 17 players (not even after an update). Nowadays when I log on to the server and check the player count I see 30 non-distinct players (meaning of these 30 there are definitely multi-loggers). This concerns me, and with me many others.

Personally, and after having conversations with players, I think one major aspect of the decrease in players, is the lack of updates (yes, this shit again). The last update we had was August 29th, today is September 27th where in 2 days it will be a month since we haven't had a new update. Before last update, it again took 18 days till a new update which for me, doesn't make the game feel refreshing at all. Right now there is content ready to be pushed out like 2B experience capes, skill cape perks etc.. Additionally, the most recent updates weren't as rewarding as expected either.

Skotizo was already dead content from the moment it was released, the uniques it has are very nice, but given the super rare drop rates of totems and shards, this is way too big of a grind for 1 Skotizo kill, let alone be lucky enough to hit a rare drop.

Vorkath brings 2 useless uniques (dragonboner necklace and dragonfire ward) into the game, while we were hoping for dragon bolts and wrath runes etc., the prayer XP gained from Vorkath is still less than braindead killing Frost Dragons, the only valuable thing that came with the update were super antifires.

Evil Chicken brought a new cosmetic set into the game, which obviously looks nice but had no additional use other than being cosmetic, the Evil Chicken egg only provided access to a secret lair with more Evil Chickens and no other use. Normal Chickens give more feathers per hour, so in general, quite useless

All aforementioned new NPCs have been criticized after the release and great suggestions have been made on how to avoid them from being dead content, with which sadly nothing had been done.

With the upcoming Theatre of Blood update, we obviously hope to reach a lot more players instead of the 30 players I face when logging in, but one update is not gonna do a whole lot if aforementioned (the lack of good updates) simply continues afterwards.

This thread has only covered the lack of good updates so far, which for me is the most important aspect, but there are many other things in game that just aren't right.. Chaotic weapons need to be removed, pathing needs to be fixed and many other things

Besides all the negativity, I have to give props to the Staff team for hosting many PvM events (community events and no KC GWD events), the interaction between Staff and players is very important and this really helps with that.

This thread is not to put the blame on anyone but merely to create a nice discussion from how to move on with the server. I love this server and I would love to see the server succeed, but for that we DO need to change things.

Thank you

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Raj » Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:45 pm

Ok now I don't mean to overstep here but I think currently we have an issue where our head code reviewer also happens to be doing a lot of coding. That very well could be an incorrect statement but I think from what I've read over my time here along with Mike's last post about him developing the last ToB rooms I think it is probably true. So that being said I think that might cause issues with getting developed content to a point where it can be released. I really don't know though but I agree that the state of updates is really weird where we have stuff we've been asking for for a while ready to go but it isn't out yet

For the NPCs ok, to be completely fair ToB has been planned for some time and we received that PvM content somewhat out of the blue so to be faaaiiiiir I think maybe they were rushed or maybe the changes are low priority given where they're at with raids so I don't mind that stuff as much because of the other work happening on that front

I also would like to thank staff for organizing events lately which have been fun and a lot of people always show up

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Slap a ho » Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:06 pm

Ah, our weekly readers digest of what’s wrong with PKHonor and how to fix it!

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Iron adam » Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:12 pm

mods need to learn to code...

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Dr phyll » Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:24 pm

If u want an argument then start talking about the problems;
If you want a good productive conversation then start with the solution.

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by 026 » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:21 pm

Iron adam wrote:mods need to learn to code...
Will do Adaman.

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Lykos » Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:33 pm

I'll give it a couple more months til Nazuths gets very upset and quits this fiesta server. This post is me claiming 27% of his wealth before he quits.

Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Monys » Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:26 pm

I agree with Nazuths on every point.

The solution is literally more updates that are actually beneficial. Maybe along with advertising but I believe that is to be done after raids 2?

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Egolith » Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:46 am

There has been more updates rolling out nowadays then let's say a year or two ago though...

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Re: Welcome to PkHonor

Post by Nazuths » Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:10 am

Egolith wrote:There has been more updates rolling out nowadays then let's say a year or two ago though...
I just checked how many updates there were in 2017 vs 2019 from January till October. The outcome was 27 vs 20 updates so this is just incorrect. For 2016 vs 2019 this was 31 vs 20 updates..

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