27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

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27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Mike » Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:23 am

Demonic and Tortured Gorillas have been added through a joint effort between Jeremy (The Builder) and myself!

You can find these gorillas by walking north-west of the Grand Tree (north of the gnome agility training), going through the opening in the fence and continuing north-east until you get to the cave at the end of the peninsula. Alternatively, king Narnode Shareen (found inside the Grand Tree) sells royal seed pods for 1 billion coins which will teleport you close to the cave entrance. Royal seed pods have unlimited uses and can be used up to level 30 wilderness.

When entering the cave, you will receive a warning that you're about to enter a dangerous area. This warning can be toggled at the doomsayer and players who already have the Ape Atoll warning disabled will also have this warning disabled. Once inside the cave, you will find several aggressive tortured gorillas which use melee, ranged and magic attacks and will switch their combat style after missing 4 attacks in a row.

Slightly east and then north along the stairs, you can find demonic gorillas which also use all 3 types of combat and switch style after missing 3 attacks in a row. They have a special attack that launches a boulder at your location which will hit you for 1/3rd of your current hitpoints if you don't move out of the way in time (similar to glacors). They also have protection prayers that they will switch once they have taken 50 damage.

Tortured gorillas can be assigned as a hard slayer task, while demonic gorillas can be assigned as an elite slayer task.

Demonic and tortured gorillas drop zenyte shards, which can be fused with a cut onyx at the wall of flames underneath Ape Atoll (use the trapdoor at the east end of the Ape Atoll temple). You then receive an uncut zenyte, which can be used to craft zenyte jewelry. Since there is no "Lvl-7 Enchant" spell in our spellbook yet, you need to right-click the unenchanted jewelry and choose "Enchant" in order to enchant them. This requires a magic level of 93 and uses up 20 soul runes, 20 blood runes and 1 cosmic rune. You can only do this while using the standard (modern) spellbook. Alternatively, you can also use the "Lvl-6 Enchant" spell on the jewelry, again requiring a magic level of 93 and using up 20 soul runes, 20 blood runes and 1 cosmic rune.
This jewelry requires a hitpoints level of 75 to wear and consists of the following items:
  • Ring of suffering: offers +10 to all defensive stats and +2 to prayer. Two of these can be combined with an imbue scroll to create a ring of suffering (i) that has double the bonuses. Unlike OSRS, the ring does not lose its imbued status when you die with it. Both the regular and imbued rings can be combined with a ring of recoil to add a recoil effect. Each ring of recoil you use adds 40 recoil charges, up to a maximum of 100,000 charges. The recoil effect can be toggled on/off by right-clicking the ring
  • Necklace of anguish: offers +15 to ranged attack, +5 to ranged strength and +2 to prayer
  • Amulet of torture: offers +15 to stab, slash and crush attack, along with +10 to strength and +2 to prayer
  • Tormented bracelet: offers +10 to magic attack and increases your maximum magic damage by 5%
The gorillas also drop the parts of the light and heavy ballista, two-handed crossbows that use javelins as ammunition. The light ballista requires a fetching level of 47 to create and yields 3000 fletching XP for the whole process, the heavy ballista requires a fletching level of 72 and yields 4500 fletching XP. The light ballista requires a ranged level of 65 to wield, the heavy ballista requires a ranged level of 75. Both have the same special attack that uses 65% special attack energy and increases damage and accuracy for the next attack by 25%.

Javelin shafts can be fletched by using a knife on regular logs, while javelin heads can be made through the smithing skill (except dragon javelins, which are dropped by the gorillas). Simply combine the shafts with the heads to create javelins. They break on use so they cannot be picked up and they can be poisoned with weapon poison

Bracelet crafting has been added!
I managed to rework the crafting interface as such that players can now craft any kind of bracelet. The mould can be found in the crafting guild and among the tools in your PoH workshop.
Bracelets are equipped in the hand slot (where gloves and vambraces go) and, with a few minor exceptions, work exactly the same as they do in OSRS. Inoculation bracelet (ruby) and Abyssal bracelet (diamond) have not yet been added as they have no use in PkHonor at the moment.
Bracelets you can now craft and enchant (on top of the tormented bracelet):
  • Bracelet of clay (sapphire): when equipped, allows you to mine soft clay. After mining 28 soft clay, the bracelet desintigrates
  • Castle Wars bracelet (emerald): offers +20% damage to the flag bearer in Castle Wars and bandages heal 50% more. The bracelet only needs to be equipped while entering the game, then you can unequip it. The effect will last until the end of the game. After 3 uses, the bracelet will desintigrate
  • Combat bracelet (dragonstone): offers +7 stab, slash, crush and ranged attack bonus, +3 magic attack bonus, +5 stab, slash, crush and ranged defence bonus, +3 magic defence bonus and +6 strength bonus. When charged, it will inform you on your slayer task progress every 10 kills. It can be used to teleport to the Warrior's Guild, the Champions' Guild and the Edgeville Monastery and like the amulet of glory works up to level 30 wilderness. It can be recharged up to 4 charges at a fountain of heroes and up to 6 charges at the fountain of rune in the wilderness. Unlike the amulet of glory, the combat bracelet does not require completion of the wilderness achievement diary to be recharged at the fountain of rune
  • Regen bracelet (onyx): doubles the rate at which your hitpoints restore and can be combined with the Rapid Heal prayer to quadruple your hitpoint recharge rate. The effect does not stack with the Rapid Renewal prayer

In further news:
  • A dragonstone necklace can now be enchanted into a Skills necklace, which offers teleportation to the fishing spots in Catherby, the mining guild underneath Falador, the crafting guild and the cooking Guild. Just like the combat bracelet, the teleports work up to level 30 wilderness. The necklace can be recharged up to 4 charges at a fountain of heroes and up to 6 charges at the fountain of rune (does not require completion of the wilderness achievement diary)
  • The ring of wealth now offers teleportation to Edgeville, Varrock and the Falador park. Once again, teleportation works up to level 30 wilderness. Unlike other dragonstone jewelry, the ring of wealth can only be recharged at the fountain of rune (does not require completion of the wilderness achievement diary)
  • A diamond necklace can now be enchanted into a Phoenix necklace, which will heal you for 30% of your maximum hitpoints when you fall below 20% of your maximum hitpoints. The necklace is consumed when used and will take precedence over a ring of life or the redemption prayer. The effect will not work in the duel arena when food is disabled
  • The ring of dueling now offers teleportation to the duel arena, castle wars and clan wars. It has 8 uses and will break after its last use
  • Smelting gold into jewelry no longer happens instantly
  • Fixed several ranged weapons and throwing weapons not showing a proper projectile
  • Tormented demons now use the same attack style for 3 attacks in a row and then switch styles, rather than picking a random style for every attack
  • Krakens, Giant Moles and Thermonuclear Smoke Devils are no longer poisonous
  • The Giant Mole now only uses melee attacks
  • In order to counter the huge influx of runes, rocktails and cannonballs through PvM, several bosses have had their rocktail, cannonball and rune drops removed or lowered. More valuable coin drops have been added to compensate
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent ancient warriors, rangers and mages (from outside the Nex room in GWD) to be assigned as a hard slayer task. However, just like Nex, you can only get them assigned upon completion of the Last Journey quest
  • You can no longer smith bronze wire or a bullseye lantern, as these had no use in the game and we needed the space on the smithing interface for javelin heads. These items have been made untradeable
  • You can no longer smith steel studs for a studded body, as we needed the space on the smithing interface for javelin heads. Instead, they are now sold in the crafting store for 600 coins each
  • You can no longer receive gems while mining clay
  • Teleportation jewelry is now taken into account when you enter the Nex room at the God Wars Dungeon
  • Left-clicking an amulet of glory in your Player-owned House now teleports you straight to Edgeville instead of giving teleport options. You can right-click it to go to any of the other 3 teleport locations
  • The monkey skeletons now reside in a different cave, but they are still accessible through the same trapdoor as before. At the end of the tunnel you will find a large open area filled with these skeletons

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Rizz0 » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:33 pm

Great update, thank you!

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Pim » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:38 pm

Yo Mike this is good shit

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Iron adam » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:43 pm

That was amazingly fast

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Iron bubble » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:59 pm

Adamthalion wrote:That was amazingly fast
please take a look at my 07 mage book/prayer book suggestion, really think it would help retain new pkers
Roasted by King Roald...

Sir Bubbles

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by B0rnt0b3pk » Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:05 pm

Nice update, however I have a small suggestion. What about if you add "Gorilla" task as both hard and elite and people could choose what to kill?

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Mike » Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:00 pm

Iron bubble wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:That was amazingly fast
please take a look at my 07 mage book/prayer book suggestion, really think it would help retain new pkers
It's already been brought to my attention and it's one of the things I plan on adding in one of the next updates.

B0rnt0b3pk wrote:Nice update, however I have a small suggestion. What about if you add "Gorilla" task as both hard and elite and people could choose what to kill?

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Skiller » Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:02 pm

B0rnt0b3pk wrote:Nice update, however I have a small suggestion. What about if you add "Gorilla" task as both hard and elite and people could choose what to kill?
I like this. Need to develop a good way to determine how the completing points are calculated though, as its been an issue with Revs in the past.

Thanks Mike for the updates!

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Uim elon » Fri Jul 27, 2018 4:10 pm

Awesome update! This will definitely help people get more comfortable with gear swapping and pray switching!

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Re: 27 July Updates - Demonic Gorillas, jewelry

Post by Thierryu1 » Fri Jul 27, 2018 7:16 pm

This kind of content is what the server desperately needed. Well done on the cave and the monsters. Maybe we can fill this cave with further expansions? :D

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