Bughunter contest: combat improvements

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Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Mike » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:13 pm

I've been doing a lot of work on our combat system during the past 2 weeks and have (re)written over 3000 lines of code to that end. A lot of lower-level code has been rewritten and the entire "hit" system has been reworked.

Of course, with such massive code changes, there's bound to be some bugs. To make sure those are all taken care of, I've decided to organize a bughunter contest!

Anyone is allowed to join the contest and all you have to do is play the testserver (http://client.pkhonor.net/PkHonor_testclient.jar or http://client.pkhonor.net/PkHonor_testclient.zip), look for bugs and report them on this thread.

Reporting a bug results in 'points' that I'll be keeping track of. Points are awarded as follows:
1 point - minor visual bug
2 points - minor bug or important visual bug
3 points - general bug (something that doesn't work)
4 points - bug that gives an advantage
6 points - bug that gives a big advantage
10 points - game-breaking bug (like crash the server or find a dupe)

Contestants are ranked according to their points gathered and once the contest is over, the following are awarded:
1st place: 10,000 donator credits or 4000 PkHonor Points (or a mix of both)
2nd place: 5,000 donator credits or 2,000 PkHonor Points (or a mix of both)
3rd place: 2,500 donator credits or 1,000 PkHonor Points (or a mix of both)
4th place: 1,000 donator credits or 400 PkHonor Points (or a mix of both)
5th place: 500 donator credits or 200 PkHonor Points (or a mix of both)

Please keep in mind the following:
> Always include your in-game username when you report your first bug, so I know where to add the credits/pkpoints after the contest, and how you would like them divided percentage-wise (like 60% credits, 40% pkpoints). Keep in mind I can never assume your in-game username is the same as your forums username.
> Any bugs that are also on the production server and are not related to combat will not result in any points
> If the same bug is reported twice, the first person to post it receives the points
> If two or more players work together to find a particular bug, they all get the points awarded that are normally awarded to one player (so they're not split)
> You can spawn items with ::item itemid amount(optional) - see http://wiki.pkhonor.net/stats/items
> You can complete quests and achievements with ::q1, ::q2, ::q3 and ::ach
> ::spec to refill spec bar

Things that I know are broken (no need to report):
> Following is still the same as on the production server
> Magic is too accurate (see http://forums.pkhonor.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=47334 )
> When switching weapons, the combat interface doesn't immediately update, sometimes resulting in a 'regular' hit instead of a special

Improvements released on the testserver so far::
> Rewritten the "hit" system: as of now, whenever you launch an attack, once it's underway, there is nothing you can do to influence the hit in any way, so switching gear, prayers etc. does not affect the hit anymore. Of course, your targets defence is only calculated on hit (not on cast).
> Reworked spell and projectile speed: before the change, any projectile took a fixed amount of time to arrive, regardless of distance to the target. Distance now affects the time it takes for a projectile or spell to arrive.
Because of this, a skilled player could get two hits underway with certain weapons before they arrive to the target, which wasn't possible before. If all works as it should, one should be able to "one-tick" now (or at least almost). This needs to be confirmed though, and probably still needs some tweaking
> Fixed stun and freeze spells: you are now only frozen as soon as the attack hits (not on cast). When the freeze is over and you are immune for a few seconds, the correct graphics are now displayed for caster and target.
> Fixed some bugs with multi-hit spells and special attacks
> Fixed some minor bugs with "on hit" effects such as soul split, vengeance, recoil and deflect, especially with multi-hit spells and attacks
> You can no longer trade others when dying and any open trade when dying will be automatically declined
> God spells now have a chance at applying an on-hit effect (saradomin: drain prayer, guthix: drain defence, zamorak: drain magic)
> All obsidian weapons now have (or should have) their correct fighting styles and animations (Skill r us 2 points)
> Magic comp bow now has the correct ranged accuracy
> Added the correct graphics for sapphire bolts (e) and pearl bolts (e)
> Soul split now displays its graphics properly when used against multiple NPC's at the same time
> Fixed the special attacks of the following weapons:
- Korasi's sword (now also gives the proper magic XP)
- Saradomin sword (now also gives the proper magic XP)
- Dragon halberd
- Vesta spear
- Dragon 2h
- Bandos godsword (reduces your enemies stats with 100% of the damage instead of 10%)
- Zaros godsword (bandos), now reduces your enemies stats with 30% of the damage dealt instead of 10%
- Ancient mace, can now give you more prayer points than your max prayer level and now shows the proper animation and graphics effect
- Magic longbow, special attack is now more accurate and hits at least 1 HP
- Magic comp bow, special attack is now the same as the new magic longbow special
- Barrelchest anchor, max damage increased by 10% and its hit delay has been increased
- Seercull, now reduces your enemies magic level with 100% of the damage dealt, is much more accurate and the graphics and projectile have been fixed
- Bone dagger, now reduces your enemies defence level with 100% of the damage dealt instead of 10%. It's now also more accurate against unsuspecting NPC's (unsuspecting meaning: they weren't attacking you at the time).

7 August update (on the testserver)
I've released a new testclient, so you'll need to redownload yours at http://client.pkhonor.net/PkHonor_testclient.jar or http://client.pkhonor.net/PkHonor_testclient.zip. In the update are the following:
> Removed the old code that tried to improved following (so following should be back to what it is on the current production server), please check if this all seems to be back to normal
> Removed the delay for switching weapons, the client now has built in logic to detect your new weapon and will immediately update your combat interface (and immediately display or remove the spec bar if needed). The server still has additional logic to check if you have the right requirements etc.
However, if a weapon switch fails (due to low level or something), the server won't revert your combat interface to what it should be. I'm still working on fixing that, will be done by tomorrow along with the rest of the (somewhat important) bugs reported on this thread
> Spec bar is now divided in 20 chunks of 5% each, instead of 10 chunks of 10%
> The spec bar now shows "Special attack: x%"
> The ancient mace special animation should be fixed now
> You now see the eating emote when eating and wielding a 2-handed sword at the same time
> The spec bar now turns blue if you don't have enough special attack energy for the weapon you're wielding (and turns green as soon as you have enough energy):

Current contestant ladder:
Spoiler: show
20 - Skill r us
7 - Houwuh
4 - Rawr
3 - Slowbro
1 - Pksasaftw

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Slowbro » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:15 pm


d2h doesn't have a special bar
Last edited by Slowbro on Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Mike » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:16 pm

Slowbro wrote:test server links aren't working
My bad, fixed

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Brant » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:23 pm

glad to see the community helping in this... as the worst pker ever i dont think i could do much help in doing pking stuff, i will try to spot out some things on max hit dummies but i wont pk anyone

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Siq » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:30 pm

claws do nothing, shows animation, that is all.

-edisdnilB -ingame name

edit: maybe it was just me, but i didnt hit anything on vesta

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Jelle » Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:45 pm

no idea if this is supposed to be or not but i can hit 108 +- with the sara sword spec.
seems pretty broken

also im getting the message "no such command" everytime i talk to an npc and everytime i teleport. its quite annoying.

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Mike » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:21 pm

Siq wrote:claws do nothing, shows animation, that is all.

-edisdnilB -ingame name

edit: maybe it was just me, but i didnt hit anything on vesta
The vesta spear hits all targets around you when in a multi-combat area (I just tested that, seems to work) and also grants you 5 seconds immunity from all melee attacks (but I should probably add some graphics so you know it actually did something).

As for dragon claws, I had stated I was working on fixing them in my original post. I'm done with that so the fixed dclaws are now released on the testserver.

@Houwuh: 6 points awarded, bug fixed & released (the sara sword accidentally hit twice and applied the magic spec twice too)

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Jonas » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:52 pm

Dragon Or instantly goes to your refund box when you die.

IGN: Pksasaftw
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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Rawr » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:58 pm

Jonas wrote:Dragon Or instantly goes to your refund box when you die.

IGN: Pksasaftw
It's a Donator+ item, so of course it does. That's not a bug. It's the same with most other items in that store.

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Re: Bughunter contest: combat improvements

Post by Rawr » Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:00 am

I don't know if it ever got fixed but you should check to see if you can still trade people when you're dying. Used to be able to put anything you wanted into the trade window and you would spawn with it all + your usual items kept on death. That's kinda combat related?
