Todays updates! (9 December 2014)

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Todays updates! (9 December 2014)

Post by Mike » Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:52 am

Updated on 9 December:
- Dylan (Donderstone2) has passed his trial and is now officially PkHonor's third programmer! Thanks to his efforts, we'll be able to roll out more updates than ever before, faster than ever before. He has hereby received the programmer crown associated with the rank as well.
- Fixed a bug with the Castle Wars catapults which caused them to deal more damage than they should. They can still oneshot an enemy but only when hitting an enemy in the exact same square as the rock falls. The damage to surrounding squares has been reduced to 60/40/20 (instead of 75/50/25).
- Fixed the Zaros Godsword, you couldn't combine it with other godswords before
- When leaving a CW game, you will now automatically leave the Saradomin or Zamorak clan chat

Updated on 8 December:
- Bandos kiteshield against Nex: when while wielding the Bandos kiteshield, all incoming damage from Nex will be reduced by 20%. There is also a 1 out of 4 chance that an attack will be deflected, preventing you from taking damage and dealing 25% of the original hit back onto her.

- If you kill Nex while wielding the Bandos kiteshield, there's a small chance you get a Zaros Godsword as a drop from her. The sword is untradeable.

- The Zaros Godsword is exactly the same as an Armadyl Godsword (same stats and special attack). However, you can use the sword with another Godsword to combine them in order to improve its special attack (the new special = AGS special + half of the other godsword's special, see below). The other godsword will be consumed in the process and you cannot reclaim it. Improved Zaros Godswords are also untradeable.
NOTE: there is currently a bug that prevents combining the godswords. This will be fixed on 9 December (tomorrow)
- Zaros Godsword: Your special attack deals 35% increased damage and has increased accuracy (same as an AGS)
- Zaros Godsword (Saradomin): Your special attack deals 35% increased damage with increased accuracy, heals you for 25% of the damage (minimum 5) and restores your prayer points by 12.5% of the damage (minimum 3).
- Zaros Godsword (Zamorak): Your special attack deals 35% increased damage with increased accuracy and freezes your opponent for 9 seconds
- Zaros Godsword (Bandos): Your special attack deals 35% increased damage with increased accuracy and reduces the enemy defence by 10% of the damage (unlike the others, we didn't reduce the special from the BGS as it was already relatively weak)
There is no Zaros Godsword (Armadyl), since the plain Zaros Godsword is in essence already an AGS.

- GodWars Dungeon minions and bosses now drop god arrows (Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix arrows). When used with the associated Saradomin, Zamorak or Guthix bow, the arrows will be consumed. In return, your ranged strength is increased by 15 (135 instead of 120) and your prayer points will be restored by 10% of the damage
If you have used up your god arrows, the bow will continue to fire without ammo, since it's basically just a Zaryte bow. Keep in mind that when wearing the halo, you improve your god bows strength with another 10, so you can have 145 ranged strength with god arrows (almost the same ranged strength as a hand cannon which is 150).

- The most important CW bugs have been fixed. There are still some remaining, but those are relatively minor and will be taken care of later.

- The Catapults at Castle Wars now work. I made an easy to use interface where you can see all allies and enemies (with special map icons for flag carriers) and all you have to do to fire the catapult is click on a quare on the map. It's a little inaccurate, as you can only click a 4x4 square and the rock will randomly hit one of those squares. After a slow delay of 0.6 - 2.4 seconds (depending on the distance at which you're shooting), damage will be dealt in a 7x7 square. The rock deals reduced damage the further from its center, but the center square deals 100 damage so it can oneshot people with luck. The cooldown is 20 seconds. You have a minimum firing distance of 8 squares but other than that you can hit the entire map. Rocks cannot hit you when you've got cover inside.

- Castle Wars rewards have been buffed. As of now, contributing to the game in any way (damaging and killing enemies, killing a flag carrier, unlocking the enemy door, destroying the enemy big door or scoring a point) will result in you regularly receiving CW tickets during the game. These same actions are also used to charge your hybrid armour. Winning the game will obviously still reward in extra tickets.

- Hybrid armour now charges at a faster rate. I know some players were stuck at 60% charge simply because from 60% on the rates were too slow. Getting to (and past) 100% charge should no longer be an issue.
Keep in mind that to charge Hybrid armour, you need to perform the same actions as to earn castle wars tickets during the game (see above point)

- When entering the waiting room or the game in Castle Wars, you will now be put in the clan channel "Saradomin" or "Zamorak" depending on which team you are. Nobody else but the people in your CW team can join your clan channel so the enemy cannot spy on you. You are allowed to leave the CC or join any other CC during the game but this is not recommended.

- Anyone who completed the Correcting History quest will now get an appropriate entry in their bookcase. This wasn't the case before. Anyone who had completed the quest before has had an entry added for them, but the date is today instead of the actual date of the quest completion (we couldn't trace that information back).

- Fixed being unable to wear a Quest Point Cape or Completionist Cape even if you had completed the last quest.

- Completionist Cape (Souls) now works as intended.

Updated on 21 November:
-> As of now, anyone who completed the quest can buy fully charged crystal bows and shields at Lord Iorwerth in exchange for a crystal seed and 50M
-> The 'smithing' teleport now brings you to Port Phasmatys
-> The door of the Port Phasmatys smithery is now always open
-> An anvil has been added in Port Phasmatys and you can now use the furnace for goldsmithing
-> The puzzle box used during the quest can no longer get bugged
-> As of now, if you die during the quest (like in the pit with the monsters), you can reobtain your items by going back there (this is a general fix, it also works for other "private height" places where you can die and lose items)
-> When logging in at the ::private place, you can no longer encounter other players. However, if you disconnect during a conversation and log back in, you'll still see your conversation partner(s)

Updated on 18 November:
-> Added Correcting History quest

Note: we know that some NPC animations are bugged, we'll be looking into fixing those later on. If you find any bugs, please let us know by responding to this thread or PM'ing a mod or admin about it.

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Kylo ren » Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:55 am

Awesome. Hope everyone enjoys the new quest. It was a lot of fun! :)

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Andjobs » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:00 am

Hopefully honors can do it, because 2500 pkp with the reduced rates on magic trees is kind of steep for your newkid community you have.
click me

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Markymark » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:08 am

Great job!

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Fungamer » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:08 am


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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Imquick » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:14 am

Thanks you for making a new quest! Finally something thats new that everyone can do! :)
Thank You PkHonor Team!

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Hi dro0 » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:14 am

hope its fun! :D

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Infection » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:21 am

I know it's about fun and all, but are there any rewards?

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Hayden » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:22 am

Infection wrote:I know it's about fun and all, but are there any rewards?

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Re: Todays updates! (18 November 2014)

Post by Slowbro » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:35 am

Imquick wrote:Thanks you for making a new quest! Finally something thats new that everyone can do! :)
Thank You PkHonor Team!
everyone who has 2500 pkps
