Mila kunis wrote:Mike I have a feeling you are fan of ales
No drunk programming!
Not really, I do enjoy a good beer but I very seldom drink alcohol nowadays.
6 October, update 3
The parlour has been finished with the addition of bookcases!
Both the house owner and any guests will be able to use a bookcase. The bookcase displays a lot of information about the house's owner, including:
-> All bookcases:
- First login
- Time played
- PkHonor points
- Voting points
- Pest Control points
- Slayer points
- Kills and deaths in the wilderness
-> Oak and mahogany bookcases also show the following:
- All skills that you achieved 2B XP in
-> Mahogany bookcases also show the following:
- If you were the first to achieve level 99 construction
- If you were the first to 2 billion construction XP
- If you achieved 2 billion XP in all skills
- If you were the first to achieve 2 billion XP in all skills
- How many times you won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize in the lottery
- If and when you managed to obtain the morph ring
- If and when you managed to fully charge your morph ring
- If and when you completed Pest Invasion
- If and when you completed The Last Journey
- If and when you completed all achievements
- How many times you killed the following boss monsters:
* Nomad
* Nex
* TzTok-Jad
* Corporeal Beast
* Kalphite Queen
* Commander Zilyana
* Kree'Arra
* General Graardor
* Balfrug Kreeyath
* WildyWyrm
* King Black Dragon
* Chaos elemental
- How many rare item drops you obtained from the following monsters:
* Nex (torva, virtus, pernix, zaryte bow)
* All godwars bosses (godsword shards, godsword hilts, armadyl gear, bandos gear, saradomin sword, zamorakian spear)
* Corporeal beast (spirit sigils)
* Tormented demons (dragon claws)
* Dragon implings (dragon claws)
Note that we cannot trace back all information (for example we don't know how many times you killed a boss exactly or when you obtained 2B in a certain skill), so some information from the past will be missing. Most info though, like all your rare drops, you quests and achievements etc. can be tracked through our logs.