Construction development (14 October 2013)

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:43 pm

It could kill you with cuteness....just look at the rabbits that bitch slap you for 99s whilst training hunter.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Ivy » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:10 pm

So skillers cannot purchase a crystal unless they have traderights?

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:42 pm

Mike wrote:Mini-jad is indeed coded, but I'm not sure if it would be a fitting final boss, as he would need to be stronger than ancient warriors.

Cute and extremely deadly? It's a possibility but seems kind of strange.

In any case,
5 October update
-> Fountains can be added in the formal garden of a POH, refilling your health, prayer and special attack bar when drinking from it. Only the house owner or premium members who are a guest in the house can drink from the fountain. It's quite expensive to get so it doesn't really affect the current fountain that premium members already have in edgeville.

-> Fixed a bug with rugs in skill halls and quest halls

-> Fixed the spiral staircases in skill halls, quest halls and dungeon stair rooms

-> As of now, you'll need to have two bedrooms (with beds) in your house before you can hire a servant. Considering servants are very useful to use as bank, people will have to determine for themselves if sacrificing 2 rooms are worth the servant, especially non-donators who can only build up to 10 rooms.

-> An elf has been added which sells crystal seeds (building west of seer's bank). These crystal seeds can be used to build a crystal throne in your throne room.
The cost of a crystal seed is 1 crystal bow (of any charge). Crystal bows will as of now also break down into a crystal seed when used up (after 2500 shots), in the past it used to break down into ashes.

[Edit] The traps in the throne room now also work, you can trap players or let them fall into to your dungeon. You can only let people fall in a dungeon in pVp mode, and players can always teleport out of a trap.
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee add this ... ock#p45500
Simon wrote:I wanna be a rock.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Re incarnate » Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:26 am

I think the kitten should be the final boss?
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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:20 am

Blahblahdie wrote: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee add this ... ock#p45500
Simon wrote:I wanna be a rock.
Soon brother, soon.. *pad pad*

You just sit tight now while papa Mike preps some rocks for you.

Hephaestus wrote:So skillers cannot purchase a crystal unless they have traderights?
No, crystal bows can be traded freely. You don't need trade rights for that.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Rick » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:27 am

Hmm don't use the baby jad as final boss...

Instead of that perhaps the Summoning Skill can be introduced in a few weeks. You already have some work done off Summoning. Why don't you finish it?

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:46 am

Mila kunis wrote:Hmm don't use the baby jad as final boss...

Instead of that perhaps the Summoning Skill can be introduced in a few weeks. You already have some work done off Summoning. Why don't you finish it?
I wouldn't use mini jad as final boss either, there has to be something else that's far better to use.

And no, for starters there are several people opposed to the summoning skill. Certain familiars (like a pack yak) would make pVm even easier than it is now and it might have a bad impact on pVp as well (if we would allow it in the wilderness). Furthermore, there is SO much work yet to be done for summoning to finish it. Sure, the familiars are there, but none of them do anything yet.

However, soon after construction, I'll start working on pets which will be sold in a pet store. That I will do and it won't take a lot of time.

Still, first I gotta finish construction. One thing at a time Rick, I don't want to delay this update any more than I need to.

6 October update
Combat room has been finished:
-> Gloves rack has been added: here, players can purchase gloves at the same price as they're sold in the premium store
-> Weapons rack: same as gloves rack, but with the addition of a shadow sword. It's mostly for looks, but has decent stats (slightly better than a dragon scimitar), is cheap and doesn't require any level to wear it.
-> Extra weapons rack: same as weapons rack but with the addition of the Keris. Although not that cheap (11.5m coins), the keris is a very useful weapon to be used against kalphites. It can hit *very* hard and is the only melee weapon (apart from verac's set) that can hit through the kalphite queen's melee prayer.
Note that the KQ will be made harder and will have several guardians around her, considering she's too easy to kill as it is (and the keris would only make it easier). Kalphite guardians can poison you.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Rick » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:23 pm

No worries Mike, one thing at a time. But I thought you did alot about Summ already :p

Anyways it might make PvM more easy but why dont you counter it and buff all bosses and it's minions? I would say atleast 50% stronger? Perhaps we can poll it.

Also could you explain the morph ring a bit? All those npcs wich attack style do they use?

Love the Construction work man.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Rawr » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:24 pm

I came. Again.

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Re: Construction development (5 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:45 pm

6 October, update 2
-> Beer barrels have been added in the kitchen, all ales you need for this can be bought at ::chill:
- Beer: get wasted for free, including guests
- Cider: adds +2 to your farming level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature cider which adds +4 farming
- Asgarnian ale: same as beer except you get drunk a lot faster
- Greenman's ale: adds +2 to your herblore level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature greenman's ale which adds +4 herblore
- Dragon bitter: same as beer but also heals 8 hitpoints, if you are the house's owner you can get mature dragon bitter which heals 16 HP
- Chef's delight: adds +3 to your cooking level, if you are the house's owner you can get mature chef's delight which adds +6 cooking
