Construction development (14 October 2013)

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:23 am

Maurits wrote:
Emerald wrote:The only thing I really question is the Nex/Werewolf/Spirit Mage/Aviansie. We already have scrolls for all of them except Nex and those are next to never used so that would make them never used for sure. Nex just seems a bit much, you'll just see everyone and their grandmother running around as nex.
I agree, Nex should be replaced with a more suitable NPC.

Other then that, I like them all.
I couldn't really think of any that was cool enough to be used as the 'final' form. If anyone has better suggestions than Nex, feel free to let me know.


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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:26 am

A baby jad...I know you have it coded.

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Patel » Sat Oct 05, 2013 2:26 am

Emerald wrote:The only thing I really question is the Nex/Werewolf/Spirit Mage/Aviansie. We already have scrolls for all of them except Nex and those are next to never used so that would make them never used for sure. Nex just seems a bit much, you'll just see everyone and their grandmother running around as nex.
You'd have to have 50k slayer points, 1000 kills, or a mix of both. To add, dying does make you lose a portion of your charges, so it's not easy to get nex. It'll be very, very time consuming.

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Kharma » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:00 am

Awesome. Can't WAIT for this update.

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Re: Construction development (30 September 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:58 am

Mike wrote:
No pity wrote: Actually, this shouldn't be over looked.

Skillers should have a nice fat bonus for 99 con.
That would be brawling gloves.
When worn, any set of brawling gloves will give you +30% experience and pkhonor points when training the skill related to the gloves (does not stack with bonus XP from skilling inside your POH). They are sold in the construction shop (estate agent) and require level 99 construction, an amount of coins and an amount of PkHonor points to purchase.

Only reasons I hadn't mentioned that yet was because I hadn't added them yet, and because I'm not yet sure how much they should cost.
The brawlers should cost 500 pks and a max cash stack/two 1b tickets.

It's not expensive for the amount of exp you will be able to gain while using them.

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Pls senpai » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:16 am

I say 2k pkp for each brawler, or 2b cash. c:

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Azu rite » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:23 am

Will agility brawlers stack with the spottier/spotted capes?

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Blahblahdie » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:28 am

Maurits wrote:
Emerald wrote:The only thing I really question is the Nex/Werewolf/Spirit Mage/Aviansie. We already have scrolls for all of them except Nex and those are next to never used so that would make them never used for sure. Nex just seems a bit much, you'll just see everyone and their grandmother running around as nex.
I agree, Nex should be replaced with a more suitable NPC.

Other then that, I like them all. ... ock#p45500
Simon wrote:I wanna be a rock.
Enough said. Exchange this for Nex.

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Infection » Sat Oct 05, 2013 3:22 pm

The update you just posted, is just amazing keep up the good work!

But maybe change the Nex thing? Mini jad? Or a mini nex would be awesome.

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Re: Construction development (4 October 2013)

Post by Mike » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:09 pm

Mini-jad is indeed coded, but I'm not sure if it would be a fitting final boss, as he would need to be stronger than ancient warriors.

Cute and extremely deadly? It's a possibility but seems kind of strange.

In any case,
5 October update
-> Fountains can be added in the formal garden of a POH, refilling your health, prayer and special attack bar when drinking from it. Only the house owner or premium members who are a guest in the house can drink from the fountain. It's quite expensive to get so it doesn't really affect the current fountain that premium members already have in edgeville.

-> Fixed a bug with rugs in skill halls and quest halls

-> Fixed the spiral staircases in skill halls, quest halls and dungeon stair rooms

-> As of now, you'll need to have two bedrooms (with beds) in your house before you can hire a servant. Considering servants are very useful to use as bank, people will have to determine for themselves if sacrificing 2 rooms are worth the servant, especially non-donators who can only build up to 10 rooms.

-> An elf has been added which sells crystal seeds (building west of seer's bank). These crystal seeds can be used to build a crystal throne in your throne room.
The cost of a crystal seed is 1 crystal bow (of any charge). Crystal bows will as of now also break down into a crystal seed when used up (after 2500 shots), in the past it used to break down into ashes.

[Edit] The traps in the throne room now also work, you can trap players or let them fall into to your dungeon. You can only let people fall in a dungeon in pVp mode, and players can always teleport out of a trap.
