Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

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Should there be junior and senior moderator or just moderator?

Keep as it is: juniors and seniors
Merge the two and just have one rank 'moderator'
I don't mind either way, as long as it is properly organized
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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:56 am

I2aw origins wrote:Here is where I disagree, if they've passed their trial once, why should they have to deal with that again?
How do you mean passed their trial? Keep in mind a helper is not a trial mod and does not have to go through any trials to get that rank. Or are you talking about something else?

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Maurits » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:57 am

I2aw origins wrote:
Mike wrote:
Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, all current help and pvp moderators will receive the rank 'moderator' (with the white crown - except now standing for the general rank of 'moderator'). An exception is the current trial moderators (who have the help mod rank) who will be demoted to the rank of trial mod. Any new trial mods will as of then receive an actual 'trial mod' crown instead of a help mod crown (to make players less confused and to make it easier to grant the right powers to the right ranks).
There are no current helpers in the game and nobody would be demoted to helper. We will however start hiring helpers in the near future.
Here is where I disagree, if they've passed their trial once, why should they have to deal with that again?
They won't have to pass it again, they would just get a different crown (trial mod) untill they finish their trial.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Stefan » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:57 am

I2aw origins wrote:
Mike wrote:
Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, all current help and pvp moderators will receive the rank 'moderator' (with the white crown - except now standing for the general rank of 'moderator'). An exception is the current trial moderators (who have the help mod rank) who will be demoted to the rank of trial mod. Any new trial mods will as of then receive an actual 'trial mod' crown instead of a help mod crown (to make players less confused and to make it easier to grant the right powers to the right ranks).
There are no current helpers in the game and nobody would be demoted to helper. We will however start hiring helpers in the near future.
Here is where I disagree, if they've passed their trial once, why should they have to deal with that again?
They don't, we're talking about having a special crown for trials, as far as I understand the concept.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:58 am

Slashy wrote: They don't, we're talking about having a special crown for trials, as far as I understand the concept.
Exactly. The only difference for our trial mods is that they will finally receive an official rank and crown for themselves, along with the associated (lack of) powers. Other than that, their trial will just continue until they either passed or failed it.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Pls senpai » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:58 am

Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?

Trial is trial.

If you pass trial, you get mod.

Mike wrote:Perhaps, but it doesn't hurt to know if that person is actually interested in the rank. Applications are mostly for us to see who's interested so that we can keep an eye on them.
We can (and do) sometimes pick players to become moderator (or helper, soon) without them having filled out an application. But then the first order of business is to know if they're actually interested in taking on that role. If they are, the process pretty much goes the same as with an application.

Applications are mostly there to make sure we aren't overlooking some people who might just become a great mod but who we haven't really noticed in the game yet.
I see where you're coming from.

I just don't like the idea of someone like Slim Shaddy applying 18 times just to be said no to every single time.
Things like that I consider as spamming applications and crownhunting.

You cannot personally admit that you don't think that last time helpers were implemented, they were taken the wrong way, and made into a Pre-trial trial, when it was supposed to stay what YOU implemented it as. TO HELP.

If people remember, for 3 days after helper came out, Re Incarnate and I did a better job at effectively doing help requests than ALL of the helpers after us, except maybe Michyy and Oh Raelly. When Kyle and I were promoted, we didn't expect helper to be some sort of road to mod(at least I didn't) and like that it SHOULD be.


Twerksumthin4head of helpers.


Kind of pointless to argue what a rank should be, because people like Too Known will go and fuck it up for all of us.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:01 am

Twerksumthin wrote: You cannot personally admit that you don't think that last time helpers were implemented, they were taken the wrong way, and made into a Pre-trial trial, when it was supposed to stay what YOU implemented it as. TO HELP.
We'll make sure the rank is used the proper way. If we can't do that, we'll remove it again. We can only try to learn from our mistakes and do things better in the future.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Maurits » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:01 am

Helper won't be a trial-trial for moderator, it was an important point and we agreed on it.

If a helper wanted to become moderator, they'd have to step down from helper, post an application and go through the same process anyone else would.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Legit nukes » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:05 am

I don't know if you have seen my thread In general staff but it's titled "New staff system" a lot of staff have given their suggestions and opinions on a new staff system including me.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Pls senpai » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:05 am

Legit nukes wrote:I don't know if you have seen my thread In general staff but it's titled "New staff system" a lot of staff have given their suggestions and opinions on a new staff system including me.

And me, i think.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Rick » Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:07 am

So if I get it..

The PvP rank crown just changes in the Silver Mod crown (Help Mod) and will be named Moderator.

The Help Mod rank changes into a trial moderator rank and will get an other crown?
