Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

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Should there be junior and senior moderator or just moderator?

Keep as it is: juniors and seniors
Merge the two and just have one rank 'moderator'
I don't mind either way, as long as it is properly organized
Total votes: 48

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Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:46 am

There will shortly be some changes in the staff team, mostly as experiment (to know if it works). If the changes turn out to work, we can apply them. If not, we can always go back to the old system. In any case, it doesn't hurt to try.

One of the changes that has been suggested would be that there be no more distinction between 'junior' and 'senior' moderator (or 'help' and 'pvp' moderator as they used to be called), but that there would simply be one team of moderators (with a head mod).

One new rank will definitely be introduced, namely an official 'trial moderator' rank for those who are attempting to become a moderator. As part of the experiment, the helper rank will be reinstated to make sure help requests are handled smoother and the moderators don't need to concern them with those as much. Helpers would have no ties with the staff team and would not be any step-up to moderator, it's just an entirely different team altogether. If a helper wants to become a moderator later on, they will need to fill out a separate application for that and go through the same process as any other trial mod.
It would also not be up to the moderators to boss the helpers around. Neither party has any authority over the other, but both parties are recommended to help each other with cases. If a case cannot be handled by a helper, he hands it over to a moderator. If a moderator is being bothered by a player who needs some general knowledge about the game, the mod can forward him to a helper.

Helpers would have no authority whatsoever, just players with an easily recognizable crown and with access to ::helpyell (or ::hy) for easy communication with the rest of the staff team.

In any case, the reinstatement of the helper rank is one of the reasons we want to try and remove the distinction between 2 types of moderators. The other is that senior (or pvp) moderators still somewhat 'look down' on the junior (help) moderators while they should all be part of one team.

Please let us know if you agree with this, and if not, why you think it would be a bad idea.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Pls senpai » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:48 am

You edited a third option in after I voted. v.v

As long as.... "Not so smart people" (Dumbasses) don't get promoted to helper, we should be fine.


No Applications for helper rank, it should be awarded to people who you(or others) know that will get the job done, no questions asked.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Stefan » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:50 am

Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:51 am

Twerksumthin wrote:You edited a third option in after I voted. v.v

As long as.... "Not so smart people" (Dumbasses) don't get promoted to helper, we should be fine.


No Applications for helper rank, it should be awarded to people who(or others) know that will get the job done, no questions asked.
Perhaps, but it doesn't hurt to know if that person is actually interested in the rank. Applications are mostly for us to see who's interested so that we can keep an eye on them.
We can (and do) sometimes pick players to become moderator (or helper, soon) without them having filled out an application. But then the first order of business is to know if they're actually interested in taking on that role. If they are, the process pretty much goes the same as with an application.

Applications are mostly there to make sure we aren't overlooking some people who might just become a great mod but who we haven't really noticed in the game yet.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Rick » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:52 am

Merge them together.

Currently there is always stupid stuff about PvP being more respected and "above" the help moderators. PvP moderators were used for cases such as Hacking, Scamming etc. Nowadays the Help Mods get trained enough to handle these cases also. PvP is no longer needed. Merge them together work as 1 big team.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Maurits » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:52 am

Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, Help moderators and Pvp moderators would become "Moderators", with the same job desciption.
Trial moderator would be the same, trial to become a moderator.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by I2aw origins » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:53 am

You really should get rid of PvP & Help Moderators and put it as Moderators. It worked in the past, PvP and Helps, but now the PvP's assume they're better than Help Mods.

Helpers should not be reinstated to be honest, it essentially makes moderators even less useful.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Stefan » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:53 am

Maurits wrote:
Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, Help moderators and Pvp moderators would become "Moderators", with the same job desciption.
Trial moderator would be the same, trial to become a moderator.
So we're not talking about using the current help moderator crown for trial, and the current pvp moderator crown for ''Moderator''?

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:54 am

Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, all current help and pvp moderators will receive the rank 'moderator' (with the white crown - except now standing for the general rank of 'moderator'). An exception is the current trial moderators (who have the help mod rank) who will be demoted to the rank of trial mod. Any new trial mods will as of then receive an actual 'trial mod' crown instead of a help mod crown (to make players less confused and to make it easier to grant the right powers to the right ranks).
There are no current helpers in the game and nobody would be demoted to helper. We will however start hiring helpers in the near future. Whether they will work out, we don't know. But we'll only know that once we've tried it.

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Re: Moderators: 'junior' and 'senior' or just 'moderator'?

Post by I2aw origins » Sat Aug 31, 2013 1:55 am

Mike wrote:
Slashy wrote:Help Moderator would then convert to Trial, and PvP would convert to Senior/Moderator?
No, all current help and pvp moderators will receive the rank 'moderator' (with the white crown - except now standing for the general rank of 'moderator'). An exception is the current trial moderators (who have the help mod rank) who will be demoted to the rank of trial mod. Any new trial mods will as of then receive an actual 'trial mod' crown instead of a help mod crown (to make players less confused and to make it easier to grant the right powers to the right ranks).
There are no current helpers in the game and nobody would be demoted to helper. We will however start hiring helpers in the near future.
Here is where I disagree, if they've passed their trial once, why should they have to deal with that again?
