[SEEKING] Shop Buyers - Paying Well - Fast Easy GP

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Jumping bug
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[SEEKING] Shop Buyers - Paying Well - Fast Easy GP

Post by Jumping bug » Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:01 am

Buy offers are sugject to change once I buy out the quantity I need and new items are added to the list. Please check back regularly.

Bracelet Mould - Buying for 200k each in GE
Wool - Buying for 200k each in GE
Uncut Ruby - Buying for 206k each in GE
Filled Plant Pot - Buying for 200k each in GE
Secateurs - Buying for 200k each in GE
Rune Pickaxe - Buying for 200k each in GE
Rune Axe - Buying for 200k each in GE
Noose Wand - Buying for 200k each in GE
Butterfly Net - Buying for 200k each in GE

5.4m profit per inventory which is 3 or 4 clicks. Don't forget to close door and bank through wall to speed it up.

Bagged Dead Tree - Buying for 211.5k each in GE
Bagged Nice Tree - Buying for 223k each in GE
Bagged Yew Tree - Buying for 338k each in GE
Bagged Magic Tree - Buying for 372.5k each in GE

5.4m profit per inventory which is 3 or 4 clicks. Sold by the Estate Agent NPC at home (Varrock) next to bank stall.

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