Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

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Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Ryan » Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:45 am


So as discussed in a previous post, I think it's time we revisit the YouTuber rank and see how we could improve what I feel to be somewhat of a dead rank. I'd like the communities input on this, and I'd also like to discuss the 'Requirements' for receiving the YouTuber rank. Please try to keep this as on topic as possible, as I'd actually like to improve this rank and perhaps incentivize more people to start making videos for PKHonor. I know RSPS YouTuber's aren't exactly 'popular', but having some high quality content is always beneficial.

Church came up with these reqs, based on our previous ones;
1. Uploads should be semi-regular, at least 2 a month.
2. While specific lengths of video do not matter, low effort videos will not be counted.
3. Opinions expressed do not matter, but videos cannot be toxic by nature. Rage Bait, Overly Toxic PKing banter, or videos intended to harass other players could cause loss or disqualification of youtuber status.
4. Videos that are overly simplistic in nature will not count, such as only uploading guides for holiday events or only containing minimal information.
5. The administration team reserves the right to remove or grant the rank as seen fit even if these guidelines are not strictly met or broken.
6. YouTuber comes with no benefits or privileges and is simply a visual indication of effort and appreciation.
If anyone has any thoughts or ways were could improve them, I'm all ears. I'd also like to visit the idea of making the YouTuber rank a community appointed rank. Within reason. And I say within reason because I know what you guys are like. Personal feelings get in the way of good decision making more often then not, and a dislike for a certain person would most likely lead to people voting no on their proposal post.

As for Incentivizing the rank, it's a little hard tbh. I've done a bit of research on a few other server's YouTube videos and for the most part, the 'super users' of each server tend to give YouTuber's small things like new items when they are released, 'mystery box' type things for mass opening videos. Now that's all well and good, but on PKhonor there's literally no point. We have an honor rank that allows you to spawn every item for testing purposes and you can do mass openings. But we also don't have a massive variety of 'mystery box' type things. So it's sort of an irrelevant video idea, I guess?

I've discussed it with Mike for literally two seconds, so obviously this isn't an official statement, rather an idea. But perhaps grading, or ranking videos based on content, time, editing, views, all that sort of stuff. Higher grade videos would receive a certain amount of donator credits for the video? Or maybe in-game currency? Again, if anyone has more ideas on how to incentivize the rank, I'm all ears.

One other idea I've toyed with and I know Billy started and stopped very quickly, back in the day.. An official PKHonor Youtube Channel. A channel that would allow anyone to submit content, being that it's to a certain standard, which can be posted to the channel. But instead of things like PK videos non-stop, I could get people to make guides on bosses, skilling guides, all that sort of stuff and compensate them for doing so. Obviously I know there's already a fair few guides out there, but I don't see any harm in making new ones with the newer items we now have in-game?

Obviously I'm just spit-balling ideas here, but I'd like some community input on how we could best implement and improve the rank. Thanks.

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Fungamer » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:41 am

An official channel seems nice. Not too fond of the idea of paying them in donor credits, though. Grading them will always be very subjective. In the most extreme cases, some players will think a 10 second low effort meme is absolute gold & think that a 15 minute fully edited episode kinda sucks. New requirements seem fine.

Perhaps YT rank could be kinda like a honor rank that creators can put on an account? Allows them to test everything even if they have no honor account.

I think its hard to provide more incentive for the rank besides the recognition from the server itself & ability to promote their content in the discord. People make videos because they're either passionate or driven by money (or a combination of both). I don't think the big bucks can be made with PkH videos and the budget isn't really there for PkH to sponsor videos. Giving them rewards like donator credits seems to elevate them even further beyond what we would consider regular players unless it's a very underwhelming amount, but at that point, why bother paying out to begin with?

Maybe the server could "sponsor" videos/creators in other ways, like giving them 100b or a set of gear to give away to new players or something like that. This would have to be closely monitored ofc. Having the rank put them into a position to make more content seems way better than offering rewards for content, but that's just my two cents.

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Raj » Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:57 am

A couple useful things for YouTubers come to mind

1. Access to an honor account (ideally with overload abilities)
2. An item/command which allows for detached camera views, with panning/rotation hotkeys
3. Access to certain development builds (this can be really good so that they can make guides and things in advance of content releases, with scheduled video releases). This is sort of already an option with the beta servers were running, but not really super consistently, and never with finished releases. It’d also need to be entirely at the developers and the owners discretion, but there’s only a few situations I think where that will come up
4. Ability to request GP from admins with mods reviewing the transactions, purely for giveaway/community videos

I think 3 and 4 are mutually beneficial for both the servers growth and YouTubers ability to make good content. They also conveniently require the least actual work.

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Fungamer » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:11 am

Raj wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:57 am A couple useful things for YouTubers come to mind

1. Access to an honor account (ideally with overload abilities)
2. An item/command which allows for detached camera views, with panning/rotation hotkeys
3. Access to certain development builds (this can be really good so that they can make guides and things in advance of content releases, with scheduled video releases). This is sort of already an option with the beta servers were running, but not really super consistently, and never with finished releases. It’d also need to be entirely at the developers and the owners discretion, but there’s only a few situations I think where that will come up
4. Ability to request GP from admins with mods reviewing the transactions, purely for giveaway/community videos

I think 3 and 4 are mutually beneficial for both the servers growth and YouTubers ability to make good content. They also conveniently require the least actual work.
2 sounds really cool. Would that be hard to implement? Also, maybe regular players could have some fun with it too :D

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Raj » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:12 am

Fungamer wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:11 am
Raj wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:57 am A couple useful things for YouTubers come to mind

1. Access to an honor account (ideally with overload abilities)
2. An item/command which allows for detached camera views, with panning/rotation hotkeys
3. Access to certain development builds (this can be really good so that they can make guides and things in advance of content releases, with scheduled video releases). This is sort of already an option with the beta servers were running, but not really super consistently, and never with finished releases. It’d also need to be entirely at the developers and the owners discretion, but there’s only a few situations I think where that will come up
4. Ability to request GP from admins with mods reviewing the transactions, purely for giveaway/community videos

I think 3 and 4 are mutually beneficial for both the servers growth and YouTubers ability to make good content. They also conveniently require the least actual work.
2 sounds really cool. Would that be hard to implement? Also, maybe regular players could have some fun with it too :D
Maybe, maybe not. I think it needs some tweaking to region loading or draw distance. So it won’t be a small amount of work

Edit: it’s also basically invisibility, so I don’t think regular players can have it. I don’t even know if it’s ok that YouTubers have it. If it were my choice I’d allow it for them

Another edit: if players and proximity chats aren’t rendered in the detached mode then it’s fine tbh

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Empty » Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:52 am

Tbt when i axed for detached camera for yters and got ignored :s

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Fungamer » Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:11 am

Empty wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 8:52 am Tbt when i axed for detached camera for yters and got ignored :s
Instead of whining about things that could've been, voice all your concerns and opinions to make the rank better. Now's the time for change.

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Empty » Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:06 am

No Yters should not be paid in credits imo but if you insist then every new years like the staff team did this year, and a minimalistic amount of like 1k creds.

Detachable camera

New Youtuber account with honor commands

Referrals for new players so we can keep up why they joined (free mystery box with pvm items such as items from ::shops, whips, dfses, ddefenders, barrows sets. And perhaps a chance to roll a little more expensive item like a partyhat or something.)
1 mac/ip-address per box obviously.
(referral codes would only be the ingame names of youtubers)

Lower yell timer by 5 seconds (can still get muted for spamming your new yt video thread) (eventho that has not been the case)

And access to pre-released content as mentioned in this thread already.

Those are some things i'd like to see.

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Empty » Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:07 am

Will post more once i get home and feel like doing so

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Re: Revisiting the YouTuber Rank.

Post by Kash » Thu Jan 26, 2023 12:18 pm

I found making videos that help and entertain players to be fulfilling on its own - especially when I was learning more about the game. Of course, the views and subscribers that trickle in is a nice lil bonus!

From my experience, having to keep a strict uploading schedule (eg. 2-3 times a month) makes the quality of my videos suffer. If I did make higher quality videos, I imagine I'd end up uploading once a month at max. I figured anyone could do a lot better with more time too!

That being said, I unfortunately do not have the time with all that's going on for me IRL but I'd like to give my 2cents about this topic, having had the opportunity to don the rank for awhile:

1. @Raj's detached camera idea is one that I totally can get behind! imagine the possibilitiessss
2. Getting early access to unreleased content. YouTubers could help integrate "upcoming updates" from Mike & Rapsey (and Devs) in video form - helps make the homepage more poppin' compared to the usual long-form posts
3. Quarterly community giveaways (sponsored by M&R?) - must obviously be trusted by the community & staff
4. A cleaner YouTube in-game rank (no disrespect to whoever made it lol) and ability to blast server-wide announcements to differentiate it from yell; I'm thinking with a 1h cooldown period
5. Not keen on incentivizing the rank but perhaps a boost in xp gains? - much like mods (It's a thankless job)

Thank you for reading.
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