Player Made Deals

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Fungamer » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:45 am

Damn its almost like I predicted this bad system would be abused to get away with scams and everyone at the time disregarded what I said & when people took it seriously, nobody put in any effort when Ryan came forward to us, the community, to fix the rules and prevent this kind of drama from happening again :pogo:
Last edited by Fungamer on Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Ryan » Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:46 am

Trying to filter through all the bullshit to see the point behind all of this, and I agree to an extent.

Do I think we should involve ourselves in certain situations where there is concrete evidence and no PMD thread? Sure. But how often does that really happen, and lets be honest. (Im not talking specifically about this case here). 99.9% of the time it becomes a case of Player A saying one thing and Player B saying another. There's always half arsed screenshots that provide little to no context and most times don't even include any sort of rules or restrictions for risk fights. It quite literally descends to "gl 1t" - player that loses OMG SCAM!. How are we supposed to do anything with that? It gets to the point, where we'd either have to blindly and most likely incorrectly pick and side, or simply not get involved. (Which is the stance we eventually took).

I am absolutely open to ideas as to how to make changes that are beneficial to everyone, but also make it as fair as possible to both parties. We can't base punishments and decision-making on pure guessing games. Which is literally what used to happen. If anyone can be bothered looking back over 10 years worth of forum posts, so often these sorts of cases were mishandled and the community were furious about it. We've had the PMD system for quite some time now and it's given us very very little issue. Except when people decide they can't be bothered using it. Perhaps if both parties verbally agree to similar terms in-game and both players screenshot it, I could live with that. But at the moment, its 'gl 1t' inbetween 15 messages of "ur garbage mate, get good!". There's no terms, no definitive agreement on rules or anything. Let's be real here. If you want it handled or regulated by staff members, give us something to work with.

Again, I'm talking about these cases in general, not this case in particular. I'm all for increasing our involvement, but only if it's viable for both staff and players. So what’s our alternative here guys? I’m all ears.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Ahmed elrahi » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:33 pm

Nazuths wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:25 am Is there a video of what happened or is there just 2 screenshots completely out of context? Also what happened to the use of a middleman? I'd like to believe anyone risking "more money than 75% of the player base has in their bank" would be cautious enough to get a middleman. I'm also curious who fought on Tayron's account, can't imagine Tayron doing a risk fight of this size. I wouldn't care how many witnesses there were cause the people witnessing the fights would do anything to take Arrsenic down, either provide some proper proof or let's continue our day.

Put some of this energy to better use instead of creating a witchhunt.
Proof has been sent to who it was needed to be sent to, let’s not worry about this one case nazuths. You’re not staff team so don’t try to make yourself relevant on this. How about you post some logical solutions instead and keep this post on topic. Your entire comment was off topic and clearly posted to try and defend your clan mate from his wrongdoing that you should know more than all Ex senior mod :)

Funny how you don’t reply until I make a post and then you quote me. Yes correct, less than 25% of the playerbase has 1.6T.

You weren’t involved in the risk fight so don’t worry about who was who’s account. Everyone involved knows, including the other risk fighter.

Crazy to me you would think a thread like this and the reactions from other players online is one devious plan to take down arrsenic, you were one of the witnesses of the fight AND the scam and proceeded to mock about it at edge ditch after. Get a grip lmfao

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Nazuths » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:46 pm

Ahmed elrahi wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:33 pm
Nazuths wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:25 am Is there a video of what happened or is there just 2 screenshots completely out of context? Also what happened to the use of a middleman? I'd like to believe anyone risking "more money than 75% of the player base has in their bank" would be cautious enough to get a middleman. I'm also curious who fought on Tayron's account, can't imagine Tayron doing a risk fight of this size. I wouldn't care how many witnesses there were cause the people witnessing the fights would do anything to take Arrsenic down, either provide some proper proof or let's continue our day.

Put some of this energy to better use instead of creating a witchhunt.
Proof has been sent to who it was needed to be sent to, let’s not worry about this one case nazuths. You’re not staff team so don’t try to make yourself relevant on this. How about you post some logical solutions instead and keep this post on topic. Your entire comment was off topic and clearly posted to try and defend your clan mate from his wrongdoing that you should know more than all Ex senior mod :)

Funny how you don’t reply until I make a post and then you quote me. Yes correct, less than 25% of the playerbase has 1.6T.

You weren’t involved in the risk fight so don’t worry about who was who’s account. Everyone involved knows, including the other risk fighter.

Crazy to me you would think a thread like this and the reactions from other players online is one devious plan to take down arrsenic, you were one of the witnesses of the fight AND the scam and proceeded to mock about it at edge ditch after. Get a grip lmfao
I wasn't there and I just woke up when I posted my reply. Logical solution -> Use middleman, fool.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Kalista » Fri Jan 13, 2023 1:59 pm

Ryan wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:46 am Trying to filter through all the bullshit to see the point behind all of this, and I agree to an extent.

Do I think we should involve ourselves in certain situations where there is concrete evidence and no PMD thread? Sure. But how often does that really happen, and lets be honest. (Im not talking specifically about this case here). 99.9% of the time it becomes a case of Player A saying one thing and Player B saying another. There's always half arsed screenshots that provide little to no context and most times don't even include any sort of rules or restrictions for risk fights. It quite literally descends to "gl 1t" - player that loses OMG SCAM!. How are we supposed to do anything with that? It gets to the point, where we'd either have to blindly and most likely incorrectly pick and side, or simply not get involved. (Which is the stance we eventually took).

I am absolutely open to ideas as to how to make changes that are beneficial to everyone, but also make it as fair as possible to both parties. We can't base punishments and decision-making on pure guessing games. Which is literally what used to happen. If anyone can be bothered looking back over 10 years worth of forum posts, so often these sorts of cases were mishandled and the community were furious about it. We've had the PMD system for quite some time now and it's given us very very little issue. Except when people decide they can't be bothered using it. Perhaps if both parties verbally agree to similar terms in-game and both players screenshot it, I could live with that. But at the moment, its 'gl 1t' inbetween 15 messages of "ur garbage mate, get good!". There's no terms, no definitive agreement on rules or anything. Let's be real here. If you want it handled or regulated by staff members, give us something to work with.

Again, I'm talking about these cases in general, not this case in particular. I'm all for increasing our involvement, but only if it's viable for both staff and players. So what’s our alternative here guys? I’m all ears.
I hear you when you say that sometimes it turned into a guessing game, and I know you're not commenting on this specific case, but there should not be immunity just because someone doesn't post in the forums. If there's enough proof (and I believe here there is, with the multiple screenshots posted of arrsenic agreeing to the fight, and then im sure theres logs of him showing tayron the money in trade screen and then dropping/banking it) one should still be punished even if they didnt use the forums. I understand your point for more grey situations, but on any other rsps doing what arrsenic did would 100% be punishable, with the proof available. It's pretty clear especially from the way he was taunting after that arrsenic knew the terms of the fight, made a choice to drop/bank the tickets without notifying tayron, and engaged in the fight knowing he did not have the risk on him while tayron did as per their agreement.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Sorazery » Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:35 pm

scammer gets scammed crazy

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Wir3d » Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:53 pm

Sorazery wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:35 pm scammer gets scammed crazy
Ty Lounge.

Also who was on tayrons account?
An Iron Noob wrote:This server would be way more successful, have greater player retention, and better, more positive vibes if it weren't for Nazuths and roddycc.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:20 pm

Wir3d wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:53 pm
Sorazery wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:35 pm scammer gets scammed crazy
Ty Lounge.

Also who was on tayrons account?
So odd how your cc try’s to deflect the fact arrsenic clearly scammed. Vinny was on the account and arrsenic was made aware it was Vinny on the account.

I don’t understand how this individual scams time after time, he was forgiven in regards to the hallow pker where he middle man’d his own nh stake now he does this? Give your heads a shake and realize this behaviour isn’t ok especially from someone who is an ex-mod. Xsquire1 was perm banned for botting while being a helper, this guy has scammed while a mod and now scammed again after being a mod… open your fucking eyes please


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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Monys » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:32 pm

Disable free trade is the only logical solution!

This incident aside, I think Ryan brings the most valid point to giving the staff team more to work with. Clearly stating in PMs or whatever "Monys Vs Nazuths - 1t risk fight - I agree" or some shit like that goes a lot farther than "gl 1t". Context and conciseness is what would have clearly defined who was in the "wrong" here.

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Re: Player Made Deals

Post by Kalista » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:54 pm

Monys wrote: Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:32 pm Disable free trade is the only logical solution!

This incident aside, I think Ryan brings the most valid point to giving the staff team more to work with. Clearly stating in PMs or whatever "Monys Vs Nazuths - 1t risk fight - I agree" or some shit like that goes a lot farther than "gl 1t". Context and conciseness is what would have clearly defined who was in the "wrong" here.
It should be extremely clear who's in the wrong here by looking at the logs and seeing arrsenic drop the 1t after showing it before he went to the wild. That in combination with the screenshots should VERY clearly show what happened. The discussion shouldn't be whether or not arrsenic scammed, because he clearly did, the discussion is about the rule that lets him get away with blatantly scamming because it was a "player made deal".
