An ancient, unfamiliar presence looms beneath the city of Mor Ul Rek. As each day passes, its intensity grows, and its grip on the TzHaar race strengthens.
Mor Ul Rek isn't all sunshine, rainbows and killing the locals for cool, new equipment.
Jal-Xil is lost and now hes venturing his way back HOME, annihilating ANYTHING or ANYONE that stands in his path, firing with RAGE.
Last location Jal-Xil was witnessed at was the lava pools east of the King Black Dragon(KBD) hills, rumours say that according to some of the Pkers and wilderness pvmers, Jal-Xil's destination is The Wilderness Volcano, at the far north east side of the wilderness.
Credits to an experienced wilderness adventurer, he shared a prediction to Jal-Xil's planned path :

Background of the Infernal city Mor Ul Rek :
Saturday 9th April 2022, 8PM (GMT+3)