What Iz Nh (#Roddycc)

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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Kiing1 » Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:45 am

Ingame Name: kiing1

Time Played:447

Do you have any experience pking?:yes

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...:yes

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): ranked first

Why do you want to join: because i know most of you guys and i would love to join the squad <3

Timezone or country: netherland-belgium

Previous clan: H B O pvm clan for a lil bank

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: yaaaawww wassup guys long time no see!!! i'm back from my break and i'm ready to clear wildy's together!

Tar diputs
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Tar diputs » Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:42 pm

Ingame Name: Tar Diputs

Time Played: I have played for the last two days.

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes I consider myself a good NH and veng pker. I play on oldschool.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: NH, BR, DH, DM, DUEL etc i feel pretty well rounded. I'm just getting used to the way combat is on this server. I really like the challenge and am here to better my skills with something different. I still play OSRS.

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Egede1, and I've been cool with Naz recently. Practiced with both.

Why do you want to join: I think the decision here would be clear to join you guys since I came to just PK and this is the best PKing cc in the server. Also other cc members have been really toxic. Everyone I've met from this cc has been nothing but helpful and inviting.

Timezone or country: USA East Coast

Previous clan: no clan

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Sure

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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Ihavenorng » Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:53 am

Ingame Name: Oda Smells

Time Played: 56 Hours

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes, Primarily Venge Pking But willing to learn how to NH

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: I used to war on 07 with other clans on 07 and rsps' , just listen for the callouts.

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name):N/A

Why do you want to join: To practice NHing and grow together with the Clan.

Timezone or country: CST USA

Previous clan: N/A

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:11 am

Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Alecc » Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:37 am

Ingame Name: Alecc

Time Played: 56 hours

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes I pked on 07 with Wolves, pked on spk with Lockdown and pked on multiple servers with MT.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Yes

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): No

Why do you want to join: Newly playing server more actively and would like a clan to join.

Timezone or country: EST

Previous clan: Been in lockdown on spk, moneytalks, elementals, on 07 been in wolves, ROT, and pked with LIT in the dmm finals

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes im on discord all day every day.

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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Beaky » Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:42 pm

Ingame Name: BEAKY
Time Played: 242 HRS

Do you have any experience pking?: A LITTLE

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: A LITTLE

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): THE MAIN MAN - NAZTUHS

Why do you want to join: Iv'e never really been in a clan properly as such, and would like to be involved 100%

Timezone or country: United Kingdom

Previous clan: HBO

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: YEAH

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The underdog
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by The underdog » Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:56 pm

Riskitt wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:03 pm Ingame Name:

Time Played:2550 hrs

Do you have any experience pking?: just melee pking so far

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: no

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): the underdog

Why do you want to join: make some cash and learn to pk

Timezone or country: canada

Previous clan: Business

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Text
Kiing1 wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:45 am Ingame Name: kiing1

Time Played:447

Do you have any experience pking?:yes

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...:yes

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): ranked first

Why do you want to join: because i know most of you guys and i would love to join the squad <3

Timezone or country: netherland-belgium

Previous clan: H B O pvm clan for a lil bank

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: yaaaawww wassup guys long time no see!!! i'm back from my break and i'm ready to clear wildy's together!
Tar diputs wrote: Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:42 pm Ingame Name: Tar Diputs

Time Played: I have played for the last two days.

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes I consider myself a good NH and veng pker. I play on oldschool.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: NH, BR, DH, DM, DUEL etc i feel pretty well rounded. I'm just getting used to the way combat is on this server. I really like the challenge and am here to better my skills with something different. I still play OSRS.

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Egede1, and I've been cool with Naz recently. Practiced with both.

Why do you want to join: I think the decision here would be clear to join you guys since I came to just PK and this is the best PKing cc in the server. Also other cc members have been really toxic. Everyone I've met from this cc has been nothing but helpful and inviting.

Timezone or country: USA East Coast

Previous clan: no clan

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Sure
Ihavenorng wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:53 am Ingame Name: Oda Smells

Time Played: 56 Hours

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes, Primarily Venge Pking But willing to learn how to NH

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: I used to war on 07 with other clans on 07 and rsps' , just listen for the callouts.

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name):N/A

Why do you want to join: To practice NHing and grow together with the Clan.

Timezone or country: CST USA

Previous clan: N/A

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes
Alecc wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:37 am Ingame Name: Alecc

Time Played: 56 hours

Do you have any experience pking?: Yes I pked on 07 with Wolves, pked on spk with Lockdown and pked on multiple servers with MT.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Yes

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): No

Why do you want to join: Newly playing server more actively and would like a clan to join.

Timezone or country: EST

Previous clan: Been in lockdown on spk, moneytalks, elementals, on 07 been in wolves, ROT, and pked with LIT in the dmm finals

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes im on discord all day every day.
Beaky wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:42 pm Ingame Name: BEAKY
Time Played: 242 HRS

Do you have any experience pking?: A LITTLE

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: A LITTLE

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): THE MAIN MAN - NAZTUHS

Why do you want to join: Iv'e never really been in a clan properly as such, and would like to be involved 100%

Timezone or country: United Kingdom

Previous clan: HBO

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: YEAH
fyi I'm the main man ok ty :copium: :copium:
pm me

Hcim ess
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Hcim ess » Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:40 am

Ingame Name: Hcim Ess

Time Played: 675 hours (700 on main)

Do you have any experience pking?: A little bit. I have killed 15-20 PVM'ers.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Some

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Ranked First (Roddy) and Cosmo Pyke

Why do you want to join: I want to learn more about NH'ing. I also want to rule the wilderness ;)

Timezone or country: USA. Eastern timezone.

Previous clan: Church CC

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes, I have disc.

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The underdog
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by The underdog » Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:38 am

Hcim ess wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:40 am Ingame Name: Hcim Ess

Time Played: 675 hours (700 on main)

Do you have any experience pking?: A little bit. I have killed 15-20 PVM'ers.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Some

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Ranked First (Roddy) and Cosmo Pyke

Why do you want to join: I want to learn more about NH'ing. I also want to rule the wilderness ;)

Timezone or country: USA. Eastern timezone.

Previous clan: Church CC

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: Yes, I have disc.
I see dead pvmers, I like.


Hell dog
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by Hell dog » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:52 pm

Ingame Name:k1n9 pkz

Time Played:159 hours

Do you have any experience pking?: yes

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/…: yes

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): the underdog

Why do you want to join: love to pk with cool peeps

Timezone or country: usa central

Previous clan: none

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: yes

S l s 9s
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Re: What Iz Nh

Post by S l s 9s » Thu Mar 03, 2022 10:08 pm

Ingame Name: S L S 9s

Time Played: 140 hours

Do you have any experience pking?: I use to kill people on call of duty and on Fortnite.

Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: I run round the house pretending I’m part of the sas if that counts?

Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): well it certainly wasn’t roddy! Poop101 advised this is the place to be.

Why do you want to join: the protection from Liam would be great! Stop me from dieing at revs!

Timezone or country: super England!!! Mightyyyy englandddd! Incase you missed that ENGERLANDDDDD

Previous clan: the lounge, poop101

(Willing to) Discord text and/or speech: sure as long as roddy and Liam don’t kidnap me

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