Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

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Which options do you wish were considered in the goal to make Twisted Bow worthwhile on PkHonor?

Option 1: Remove 1-tick blowpipe + chaos combination, instead 50% chance to double hit
Option 2: Give the Twisted bow an additional 50% chance to double hit
Option 3: Twisted bow in combination with completionist cape (chaos) reduces attack speed by 2 instead of 1.
A combination of abovementioned options, reply which combination of options you would like to see
Other options, comment below what you would change about the current mechanics
The Twisted bow is currently fine as is, nothing needs to change.
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Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Nazuths » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:03 pm

Hello guys!

Time for yet another discussion, one we've had in the past, but in need of resurrection with the recent addition of the Chambers of Xeric (and thus the Twisted Bow).

Those who have recently got their hands on a Twisted bow, may have noticed that in quite some situations, the Twisted bow does not perform as well as they had hoped/expected and that is true. The reason for this is fairly simple, below is a table with the base attack speed, attack speed with comp cape (chaos) and the corresponding DPS increase. A 2 tick weapon (the blowpipe on rapid) that goes from 2 to 1 tick has a DPS increase of 100%, compared to a 5 tick weapon (Twisted bow on rapid) which becomes 4 tick, giving a DPS increase of 25%. This is very hard to combat for a Twisted bow, even after the blowpipe has been nerfed significantly recently.

Figure 1: DPS increase per attack speed

The blowpipe + chaos comp combination has been such an integral part of PkHonor over the years, that adjusting the functionality thereof, may cause players to become fairly upset, which is understandable, but it is also not fun for any new ranged weapon that comes into the game, to be dead content, simply because this combination exists.

Given the above information, I think it's good as a community to discuss what possibilities we have in either adjusting the current blowpipe + chaos combination, or significantly improving/adding new functionalities to items such as the Twisted bow to make it worthwhile having one.

In the spoiler below, I have created a DPS table for a specific gear setup (best in slot), and NPC's on which ranged works effectively. The green field indicates that it's the option with the highest DPS for that monster, given the weapon. Should there be NPC's missing for which you'd like to see the statistics, feel free to leave it down below and I'll add those. From this table, it is quite clear that the blowpipe has quite the edge over the Twisted bow.
Spoiler: show
Figure 2: Current DPS table of relevant NPCs, Twisted bow vs Magma blowpipe

Figure 3: Gear setup with Magma Blowpipe (salve amulet (e) for undead)

Figure 4: Gear setup with Twisted Bow (salve amulet (e) for undead)

Now, what are the options, what is there to do? Either we change the way the completionist cape (chaos) handles 2-tick weapons, such that the 100% DPS increase is no longer, and it will naturally cause the Twisted bow in its current form to become more effective in certain use cases. The other option is adjusting the current Twisted bow functionality, such that the DPS will be increased significantly and it opens up scenarios where the Twisted bow will be picked over the Blowpipe.

Below I'll list 3 options that I've heard in the past or thought of myself, of course, there must exist more solutions to the problem, if you think there is an option that is not yet listed, but should be considered, feel free to post it below as well.

Option 1: Remove the 1-tick attack speed of the blowpipe + completionist cape (chaos) combination, instead, give this combination a 50% chance to double hit, causing a 50% DPS increase instead of the current 100%.

Option 2: Add an extra bonus to the Twisted bow; every hit has a 50% chance to double hit (each having their unique roll)

Option 3: The Twisted bow in combination with completionist cape (chaos) will reduce the attack speed by an extra tick.

For each of the options, I have made a DPS table respectively, which can be found in the spoiler below. Similar to previous DPS table, do you like to see the statistics for an NPC not listed currently, let us know below. Green indicates best DPS for that NPC given the weapon.
Spoiler: show
Figure 5: DPS table where Magma Blowpipe has 2 tick attack speed and a 50% chance at double hit, vs Twisted bow (option 1)

Figure 6: DPS table where Twisted bow has 50% chance to double hit, vs Magma blowpipe (option 2)

Figure 7: DPS table where Twisted bow is two ticks faster instead of one tick with chaos comp, vs Magma Blowpipe (option 3)
Let's keep the discussion civil and productive, comment below what you think! Make sure to vote on the polls so we know what the community really wants.

Kindest regards,

Yung Nelis.

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Thearlygamer » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:14 pm

I think the thing we should keep into consideration is to not nerf the bp any further as far as making it a terrible weapon for players who don't have a chaos comp yet.

I would be okay with removing the ability to 1 tick with it only with the chaos comp and bp, as much as I love it, it's completely broken and makes the game look broken. I also don't want to nerf my chaos comp on any melee applications (chaos + souls) just because the bp needs it. If the bp is removed from the ability to stack with the chaos comp then it gives me a reason to grind for a 100 hour tbow vs a 5 hr blow pipe. Maybe this will even leave space for a corrupted bowfa to fill the gap between the 2.

If I had to pick a nerf that you listed I'd say the 50% to double hit, but even then I'd prefer leaving the chaos comp as is for all other scenarios and just removing the bp from the list.
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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Brant » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:28 pm

Personally, I think the tbow should be bis in a majority of the places over bp. A super-rare from cox should be better then a rare drop from a snakey boi.

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Will be ok2 » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:33 pm

DO NOT change chaos BP anymore than it’s already been nerfed


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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Attack like » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:36 pm

Option 3 seems the best to me

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Snapzhot » Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:57 pm

You might want to consider the impact this has on Zuk

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Raj » Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:22 pm

I support whatever makes figure 5 happen, followed by figure 7, followed by figure 6, in order of preference

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by G2lumbinub » Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:39 pm

Fully agree with Thearlygamer. Blowpipe is still very overpowered at almost every boss, especially with the new modifications implemented last week, most bosses are even easier than before. Making the Twisted bow more powerful, thus making it even easier, would be no fun. I support the change with the blowpipe of having a chanche of a double hit, that could be a fun idea and a slight nerf

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Kenneth » Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:41 pm

G2lumbinub wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:39 pm Fully agree with Thearlygamer. Blowpipe is still very overpowered at almost every boss, especially with the new modifications implemented last week, most bosses are even easier than before. Making the Twisted bow more powerful, thus making it even easier, would be no fun. I support the change with the blowpipe of having a chanche of a double hit, that could be a fun idea and a slight nerf

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Re: Rebalancing issues ft. Twisted Bow

Post by Korasi2 » Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:03 pm

Option 2 is the best option in this case, twisted bow is only usefull against a handfull of bosses. Bosses with a high magic level. The current blowpipe is good against any boss, which if you ask me is damaging to the game in a sense that any new content (90% of the time osrs bosses/minigames) has no place in pkhonor. We see it right now with the t bow. The t bow should be by far better than a blowpipe against bosses with high mage accuracy, but it isnt. Right now the t bow, thats 1000 times harder to obtain than a blowpipe, is barely usefull anywhere. So beside buffing the t bow with option 2 the blowpipe needs to be nerfed as said in option 1 or there is no place for future content as for example the gauntlet that releases a new range weapon.

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