Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

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Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Marklauten » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:25 pm

Below is a quote from rapsey.

"You (a sysadmin specialized in IT security) were able to get my bot file" (ask anyone, this is the one and only time this has ever happened in PkHonor's 13+ year history)
=> Staff or admins have the ability to see any file while PkHonor is running!

Because obviously you are utterly convinced that your computer security is 100% perfect and unbeatable, so there is no way anyone could have breached it to obtain the file some other way in this one-off case... Because obviously, in this day and age, no new security flaws are ever discovered anymore...

"You could get my file"
=> Staff can always know the truth of any situation!

Oh yeah, clearly that follows.


I'm not trying to be technical. You're trying to be illogical. If you want me to take you seriously then make sure your arguments make sense.
First off, do not try to pretend you did something fancy rapsey. You cannot exploit "security flaws." You probably are an IT help desk operator that figured out how to set up a private server. If you were good at your job and actually cared about the server, you would have released COX already. Whats taking so long? Your sysadmin skills are holding you back? Don't pretend you are some IT guru that knows how to hack. You tried to pretend this last time too and I used what's called "social engineering" to get you to post the files you were able to pull. Fun fact that wasn't even the one I was using. The one I used was automatic. I switched the code to see if you were able to access the running file or the file on the hard drive. Then you posted it informs which confirmed you were only able to access local memory. Which in the cyber-security field is still a huge no-no.

Rapsey admits to being able to see all program files while PKhonor is running. (To ensure rule-breaking isn't possible) Yet there is no way to tell if arsenic scammed someone? I feel like chat logs are not an invasion of privacy, but if everyone thinks it is, then why does raspey have a built-in mechanism to see all program files running on your computer? As a cyber-security expert, I have been exploiting this server to see how the program is set up and what the possibilities are. I have confirmed that the pkhonor system admins can access and pull (unencrypted) data out of memory while pkhononr is running. This counts for word documents, txt files etc. So if you have a text document running with your passwords for all accounts, heck even real-life bank accounts, then raspey (and who know who else) can pull that file if PKhonor is running. That seems dangerous and against personal privacy rules. (Especially since there is no local record of a 3rd party accessing your file, and since people afk 24/7, rapsey has access to your files which are loaded into memory (running) 24/7

With that being said, is there no way to tell if Roddy and arsenic knew they were scamming or breaking a player-made deal? Raspey even knew arsenic was wrong because he reversed the deal, but no punishments are handed down? Seems like rules are enforced for some and not others. OR there are no rules in place in which mods know they can exploit and "scam" people with no repercussions. Botting is bad? Access all running files on the computer? Mods scamming people is bad? "Not against the rules nor will any rule change"

Also please do not take this as "I'm salty." I have been playing on another server for about a year now and am accepted in the community and by mods and I'm having a wonderful time. (They also like my donations as well) It's got nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with this server how the owners, admins and mods operate, and how they enforce the rules. If that is what the PKhonor community wants, then great. I just have noticed distrust and hate for the server within the community and I have noticed it stems from the was the owners, admins and mods behave. (To be clear there are awesome mods, it is not everyone @Jadyen for System admin)
Free Ironman Mark!

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Marklauten » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:42 pm

Marklauten wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:25 pm Below is a quote from rapsey.

"You (a sysadmin specialized in IT security) were able to get my bot file" (ask anyone, this is the one and only time this has ever happened in PkHonor's 13+ year history)
=> Staff or admins have the ability to see any file while PkHonor is running!

Because obviously you are utterly convinced that your computer security is 100% perfect and unbeatable, so there is no way anyone could have breached it to obtain the file some other way in this one-off case... Because obviously, in this day and age, no new security flaws are ever discovered anymore...

"You could get my file"
=> Staff can always know the truth of any situation!

Oh yeah, clearly that follows.


I'm not trying to be technical. You're trying to be illogical. If you want me to take you seriously then make sure your arguments make sense.
First off, do not try to pretend you did something fancy rapsey. You cannot exploit "security flaws." You probably are an IT help desk operator that figured out how to set up a private server. If you were good at your job and actually cared about the server, you would have released COX already. Whats taking so long? Your sysadmin skills are holding you back? Don't pretend you are some IT guru that knows how to hack. You tried to pretend this last time too and I used what's called "social engineering" to get you to post the files you were able to pull. Fun fact that wasn't even the one I was using. The one I used was automatic. I switched the code to see if you were able to access the running file or the file on the hard drive. Then you posted it informs which confirmed you were only able to access local memory. Which in the cyber-security field is still a huge no-no.

Rapsey admits to being able to see all program files while PKhonor is running. (To ensure rule-breaking isn't possible) Yet there is no way to tell if arsenic scammed someone? I feel like chat logs are not an invasion of privacy, but if everyone thinks it is, then why does raspey have a built-in mechanism to see all program files running on your computer? As a cyber-security expert, I have been exploiting this server to see how the program is set up and what the possibilities are. I have confirmed that the pkhonor system admins can access and pull (unencrypted) data out of memory while pkhononr is running. This counts for word documents, txt files etc. So if you have a text document running with your passwords for all accounts, heck even real-life bank accounts, then raspey (and who know who else) can pull that file if PKhonor is running. That seems dangerous and against personal privacy rules. (Especially since there is no local record of a 3rd party accessing your file, and since people afk 24/7, rapsey has access to your files which are loaded into memory (running) 24/7

With that being said, is there no way to tell if Roddy and arsenic knew they were scamming or breaking a player-made deal? Raspey even knew arsenic was wrong because he reversed the deal, but no punishments are handed down? Seems like rules are enforced for some and not others. OR there are no rules in place in which mods know they can exploit and "scam" people with no repercussions. Botting is bad? Access all running files on the computer? Mods scamming people is bad? "Not against the rules nor will any rule change"

Also please do not take this as "I'm salty." I have been playing on another server for about a year now and am accepted in the community and by mods and I'm having a wonderful time. (They also like my donations as well) It's got nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with this server how the owners, admins and mods operate, and how they enforce the rules. If that is what the PKhonor community wants, then great. I just have noticed distrust and hate for the server within the community and I have noticed it stems from the was the owners, admins and mods behave. (To be clear there are awesome mods, it is not everyone @Jadyen for System admin)
If you can exploit security flaws, then go ahead. I'll give you a folder and you can DOX everything in it. Quote me in it and show the server you are a cool hacker like you say your are.


Have fun!
Free Ironman Mark!

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Thoby » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:49 pm

I am honestly so glad this meme has returned.

For your info: if you think that Rapsey had 'accessed your data out of memory', you're mistaken. Have you ever even seen memory data? Ever? I hope you have, since you are a self-proclaimed cyber-security expert and all. Nonetheless, feel free to Google it. Memory data is not easily readable/parsable. Nor do I think Rapsey would've had to do some weird process-data trickery to do what he did. You probably just have a faulty SSH service running. He found this file and concluded that that was what you used. Nothing special.

I can access the client code, and I know for fact how it works. I am not going into much detail, since the functionality is solely there to prevent bot-clients and I wouldn't want to give them tips on what to look out for. But feel free to decompile the client and search for the functionality that can allegedly be used to hack your 'real-life bank account'. I am looking forward to the results.

Oh, before I forget: yeah, Sysadmin release CoX already!!!!
Feel free to send me a message, I'd gladly have a chat!
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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Fungamer » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:51 pm

Nah, Rapsey legitimately is an "IT guru". He has a lot of knowledge. Guy literally gave me a massive headstart for my degree with some of the stuff he's told/taught me. My best bet is that Raps has security certs or has equal experience. I also know other things that I wont disclose because I respect his privacy, but yeah, he's not some helpdesk guy.

Being good at IT has nothing to do with quickly updating stuff. Especially when Rapsey isn't even the one working on CoX.

Lol'd at the social engineering part.

Rapsey can see stuff if he wants to. Literally anyone who knows how to set up an RSPS can probably put a RAT or keylogger in it. That's where the trust comes into play. Rapsey has never done anything like this before since there was nobody idiotic enough to even challenge him in this way. And I don't think anyone will try to challenge him again lol. I trust him enough to not violate my or anyone elses privacy.

People may have a distrust for the staff team right now because of the whole arrsenic situation but that has nothing to do with your conspiracy theory that PKH is some secret plot by some black hat hacker rofl

You say this isn't about you but man, this is 100% about you. You got knocked on your ass by someone who has more l33t h4x0r skills after you talked shit. Your pride got hurt. Take the L :lol:
I highly doubt a person who feels the need to constantly say they're a cybersecurity expert actually IS a cybersecurity expert.

Also, system adminS? Even if your findings are somewhat true (couldn't really be bothered to think too hard about them since it's only claims without facts), unless Rapsey is looking for me or Raj/Isaac to be an intern I don't think it's plural here :P

PS: If you're inviting people to break into your system, don't be surprised one of your vulnerabilities get exploited by those people...
Last edited by Fungamer on Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by 026 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:51 pm

I actually zba anymore.

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Brant » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:52 pm

Bro, you are a clown for bringing this up. You're playing a private server of a game, they can do whatever they want to it, hell they could have you delete your entire c drive if they felt like it. I would shut up before they actually do anything. Also telling us your Document folder root doesn't mean shit. There are multiple shortcuts that can access that stuff already in programming languages.

TLDR: STFU, get over yourself. You botted on a private server and think you were cool. You're not

Edit: On the topic of personal privacy, there is no term of service for this server, meaning you are at the mercy of the owners and developers
Last edited by Brant on Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Fungamer » Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:56 pm

@Marklauten we all dreaded this question with maths homework but I'll pose it anyways

Show us your work. How did you conclude all of this?

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Raj » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:09 pm

Fungamer wrote: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:51 pm Also, system adminS? Even if your findings are somewhat true (couldn't really be bothered to think too hard about them since it's only claims without facts), unless Rapsey is looking for me or Raj/Isaac to be an intern I don't think it's plural here :P
W that my name came to your mind

OT: Don’t know, don’t care, probably cause I’d never try botting on this server, posting about it on forums, and then trying to play the “it’s just a hypothetical bro” with the literal owner of the server. Gonna call this an edge case for sure

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Hoping » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:23 pm

honestly, didnt understand or comprehend that whole little paragraph from rapsey. to smart worded

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Re: Discussion on Invasion of Privacy and Rule breaking

Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:27 pm

Just don’t get hacked anymore bro.


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