Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

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Should we add the prayer flicking mechanic from OSRS?

Yes, add prayer flicking
No, keep prayer mechanics the way they are in PkHonor
I don't care either way
Total votes: 58

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Icewallocome » Sat Jan 09, 2021 8:55 pm

The issue of pray flicking already came with Theatre of Blood. the Nylocas room underwent a change to match the server. If there's a way to implement a fix for each piece of content that gets released from OSRS where pray flicking is a necessity I don't think it would have to be changed. On the other hand I think it would be beneficial for all the players who NH and the higher tier PvM bosses. I honestly believe that if it was implemented both sides would benefit. with our pray draining so slow already I don't believe that the infinite pray would be much of an issue, The people who do use it are opting for a more click intensive fight for more kills, The players who don't want to pray flick can continue to do so.

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Church » Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:11 pm

I can see nothing but benefits for this server. It may have started as a bug but it's now a standard mechanic that all players in OSRS will learn to use at some point. For players like me who don't know how to do it cause we've never played, it's more stuff I can learn for fun or I can just not worry about it.

It can only be beneficial.

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Raj » Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:17 pm

@Rgh you did inferno without flicking right?

As everyone else mentioned, super prayers, nex gear, and items with absurd prayer bonuses (salve e, halos) make it so this will likely be a non-issue for us. You can bring over an hour worth of ppots in like half an inv I think, which is a fairly standard setup for inferno I believe. Also inferno times will likely be much shorter on here due to the higher range hits on here (Ammy of ranging and Pernix 15% bonus) as well as the chaos bp that everyone will likely be using up until zuk

Overall, not needed at all. That being said a high effort method of doing pvm for those without top tier gear (or those who want to put in the effort) might not be a bad thing

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Uim legolas » Sat Jan 09, 2021 10:32 pm

There is a use in restricted accounts and pures, but we're still missing a lot of other updates like being able to lock skills or combat XP, not just defence, attack and total XP.

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Rgh » Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:50 pm

Raj wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:17 pm @Rgh you did inferno without flicking right?

As everyone else mentioned, super prayers, nex gear, and items with absurd prayer bonuses (salve e, halos) make it so this will likely be a non-issue for us. You can bring over an hour worth of ppots in like half an inv I think, which is a fairly standard setup for inferno I believe. Also inferno times will likely be much shorter on here due to the higher range hits on here (Ammy of ranging and Pernix 15% bonus) as well as the chaos bp that everyone will likely be using up until zuk

Overall, not needed at all. That being said a high effort method of doing pvm for those without top tier gear (or those who want to put in the effort) might not be a bad thing

Only times I prayflicked were on waves where I got shit spawns, majority of the waves I'd lazyflick but it would still preserve my prayer. Also I can't see many people using prayer potions for inferno when on avg, a first cape is like 100-300 mins long. Would need to bring alot of overload unless you plan going godspeed, or can just suffice with restores and range pot ig but you would need to preserve prayer. (Majority of the runs I did i would use about 30-40 pray pts to get to wave 45-50)

However a con for not having prayer flicking I can see is people who want to complete their capes without leeching a sgs/comp cape will not be able to flick spawns? It seems like the only way to get past wave 50-66 is to tank unnecessary hits that could otherwise be negated by prayerflicking.

But yes, with the gear we have it is definitely doable. Just a shame it seems like this is coming out before CoX. Guess acb will do :doge:

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Lykos » Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:13 am

Blixie wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:43 pm If its not intended, has made 0 difference in the way our server works and plays, has 0 beneficial uses in our day to day and could possibly lead to further headaches I vote we keep things the way they are.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Spirit tank » Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:33 am

Eh, I see no use in adding it imo. Customs and comp capes make pvm easy enough plus, I like to die afking lol so i wont need the flicks too much :]. Now that prayer delay being gone...that's a different story hehe.

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Brant » Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:17 am

Since there are two things being suggested

1. Pray flicking as in getting 'unlimited' pray via tick clicking each time


2. Pray flicking as in removing the delay from when you click the prayer and the time it goes into affect.

I'd suggest remaking the poll so it's clarified and adding the other suggestion to its own poll

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Respire1337 » Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:51 pm

Brant wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:17 am Since there are two things being suggested

1. Pray flicking as in getting 'unlimited' pray via tick clicking each time


2. Pray flicking as in removing the delay from when you click the prayer and the time it goes into affect.

I'd suggest remaking the poll so it's clarified and adding the other suggestion to its own poll
Pretty much what you said ^. The problem isn't the action of prayer flicking ( the ability to maintain your prayer up without draining any points ), the problem is praying against attacks. There is a huge delay that has been around for years. Considering how vital is it to perfectly time your prayer flicks while doing Inferno, with our current system , most if not all players would die within the first few waves.

And clearly, pray flicking as in "unlimited prayer" is also a beneficial thing.

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Re: Prayer flicking - let's settle this one

Post by Mike » Sun Jan 10, 2021 4:42 pm

Brant wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:17 am Since there are two things being suggested

1. Pray flicking as in getting 'unlimited' pray via tick clicking each time


2. Pray flicking as in removing the delay from when you click the prayer and the time it goes into affect.

I'd suggest remaking the poll so it's clarified and adding the other suggestion to its own poll
This poll is about #1. #2 is simply an OSRS game mechanic that we need to investigate to figure out what we need to do. #1 is about a choice the community needs to make, #2 is about getting a mechanic right.

When Respire1337 first talked about "prayer flicking", I assumed he meant #1 (flicking for unlimited prayer). I assumed wrong, but still, that doesn't mean it's not worth discussing.

As for prayer flicking to actually protect you from attacks, please visit viewtopic.php?f=11&t=81957

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