Christmas Event Guide 2020

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Scrap iron
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Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Scrap iron » Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:08 pm


Kash & Empty Pot's Video Guides
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Kashew nut

Empty Pot

Go like and whatever
Items to get before hand
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4 - Greenman's ale - (From ::chill)
1 - Cactus Seed
3 - Cactus Spine - Al Kharid farm patch
1 - Climbing Boot (From ::shops)
1 - Iron Bar
1 - Rabbit foot (Unstrung!)
Skills Needed
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27 Hunter
15 Smithing
40 Fishing
40 Cooking
51 Smithing
99 Agility (Or Will need to use alternative route)
To start talk to Santa in Varrock. He tells you that you need to make a bromance potion and to talk to Aggie in Draynor.

Aggie tells you that you need to bring her 3 Cactus Spine(Farming), 1 Desert cactus flower, 1 Rabbits foot, and Trollweiss. Also need Spiked Climbing boots to get to Trollweiss.
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To get the Desert cactus flower you can etiher teleport to Kalphite Queen and climb up the rope (Quickest Way), or teleport to Al Kharid, run south go through the entrance way to the desert and run west and then click the cacti until you get the flower. May take a few tries.
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Spiked Climbing boots need 1 Iron Bar and 1 Climbing Boots, and them to Dunstan in Burthorpe. (Combat Training Tele, Slayer Teleport, Turael (easy tasks). Once there run north and you will find Dunstan.
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Once you have your boots teleport to God Wars Dungeon teleport under Monsters (You don't need to equip boots yet). Once there run SOUTH and slide past boulder (Need 99 Agility).
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Alternative Route if you don't have 99 agility!!
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Combat Training Teleport > Death Plateau and the follow the path shown
Once you have reached the cave entrance you will need to equip your spiked boots, and begin the slow walk to Trollweiss.
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Once you have 3 Cactus Spine, 1 Desert cactus flower, 1 Rabbits foot, and Trollweiss take to Aggie. She will give to you 1 bromance potion(2).
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Go back and talk to Santa. He will tell you that you need to take the potion to the Rulers of Neitiznot, and Jatizso, and that you should take them Greenman's ale, and mix the potion with 2 of them. So use the potion on 2 of the Greenman's ale to make Greenman's bromance ale. Remember you need two regular greenman's ale for yourself.

Once done this teleport to Rock Crabs and jump agility shortcut, and go to the fish stall and get 6-8 Red Herring for boat traveling. Then run north and travel to Jatizso.
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Go North through the gate and click the door of the building west of the bank. The npc will say you need to prove yourself, and to bring 60 artic pine logs, 10 yak hides, and 5 uncut gems.

To get logs bank your stuff grab WC Axe and run North/ North West until you see Artic Pine Tree. Then cut and bank 60 logs. Once you have 60 logs you will mine the rocks east of artic pines until you get 5 gems of any type. Once you have 5 gems go withdraw a weapon to kill yaks, and a red herring for the boat. Go back to the boat man, and travel back to Rellekka.
Note: You will get a message once you've completed each task.
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Once there click the other npc and travel to Neitiznot. Once arrive Yaks are just north. Kill 10 yaks for 10 hides. Once you've got those go through the gate and try to enter the door with the other king. He will tell you to prove yourself, you need to bring him 20 mithril axes, and 60 cooked lobster. You have to make, and cook these on the island.
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After that go to bank grab another herring to travel back to Jatizso. Once back grab your 10 yak hides, 60 artic pine logs, 5 gems, 1 Geenman's ale with bromance in it, and 1 regular greenman's ale. Then talk to King Gjuki.

After that it should remove the 2 ales from inventory. Then go to bank and bank everything and grab a pickaxe. Then go mine 20 mith. After you mine your mith bank it and grab a coal bag to reduce trips you need to make. Need to mine 40 coal. After you finish that bank and grab a lobster pot, and go south of bank and fish for your 60 lobsters. Get a few more than 60, because you will burn some. Once finished go grab a herring, and travel back to Neitiznot. There are places to cook to lobsters and smelt the ore. You will need to go back to Jatizso to make the axes.

After that grab your 60 cooked lobsters, 20 mithril axes, 1 Geenman's ale with bromance in it, and 1 regular greenman's ale. Then talk to Mawnis Burowgar once inside. Once you talk to him you will be teleported to a spot where the brothers talk.

Then you receive your quest reward!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Thanks Poop101 for the early help :thumbsup:
Last edited by Scrap iron on Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:58 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Christmas Event 2020

Post by Kash » Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:33 pm

Hella detailed guide!!

We thank you.

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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Empty » Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:32 am

Really good guide, if i were in the position to propose you a helper rank, i'd do it just for this beautiful guide!
Also thanks for the little shoutout my G <3

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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Mike » Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:50 pm

Update: I wasn't even aware of the fact that you need 99 agility to pass the boulder south of GWD. I've now added an alternative route from Death Plateau to reach Trollheim mountain, without any agility requirements in the update that was released just now.

The dialogue of the witch has also been fixed to point you in the proper direction (I had accidentally made her say you need to go east instead of west). She will now also explain the alternative route that requires no agility.

Scrap iron
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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Scrap iron » Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:49 pm

Mike wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:50 pm Update: I wasn't even aware of the fact that you need 99 agility to pass the boulder south of GWD. I've now added an alternative route from Death Plateau to reach Trollheim mountain, without any agility requirements in the update that was released just now.

The dialogue of the witch has also been fixed to point you in the proper direction (I had accidentally made her say you need to go east instead of west). She will now also explain the alternative route that requires no agility.
Thank you Thank you

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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Brant » Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:54 pm

Mike wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:50 pm Update: I wasn't even aware of the fact that you need 99 agility to pass the boulder south of GWD. I've now added an alternative route from Death Plateau to reach Trollheim mountain, without any agility requirements in the update that was released just now.

The dialogue of the witch has also been fixed to point you in the proper direction (I had accidentally made her say you need to go east instead of west). She will now also explain the alternative route that requires no agility.
You needed the 99 agility because that's the same route that is taken for the last journey quest.

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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Isaac » Sun Dec 27, 2020 3:05 am

cool guide thanks for this!

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Re: Christmas Event Guide 2020

Post by Iron blix » Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:44 pm

Very nicely put together, explanitory and colorful. 10/10. Congratulations brother

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