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Re: Doxing

Post by Empty » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:04 am

Stale fish1 wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:32 am
Monys wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:03 am
Stale fish1 wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:57 am
@Nazuths You've done this to yourself, now you deal with the consequences
Saying this is entirely Niels fault is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard you say. He felt comfortable enough to a few people to share a couple bits of information about himself (name, province, University(?), or whatever) then they leak it or whoever pieces enough of shit together to dox him and send it to others makes them scumbags. Trusting people doesn't make you at fault for them betraying you. Trust is what makes people human. Anyone on this server could send me their Facebook/whatever right now and that would never go past us, or any information they wish to share with me for that matter. It's called being a trustable person. I would consider myself a cunt if I were to send someone's information out to a few friends or w/e. Absolutely no one deserves to have their real lives leaked to a large group of people without their consent. It's flat out wrong and rude. We all play here to escape real life, not get that stuff thrown into our faces.

As to it being policed on the server , it is entirely too much to do when it is on discord/other platforms. As Rapsey said, other platforms tend to their own gardens. But, if it happens within the confines of the server, then that person honestly deserves to be banned and ipmuted, if they persist with it.
Might be an ignorant thing to say, but after seeing how insecure he is after been doxed, he clearly does not have the self-confidence/mental stability to be able to have pictures of himself out there, everyone should know the risks associated with giving 'stranger's' information over the internet, I mean for fuck sakes this shit is taught in school from a young age

Not saying I support doxing either but in this instance and any instances similar to this going forward I don't believe there is ever going to be a line in the sand with rules because there are so many different policies that would need to be put in place
as much as i dont hate you, i still have to say that's just bullshit brother, would you like to be doxed only because you are the #1 pker on the server (Nazuths)

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Re: Doxing

Post by Stale fish1 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:18 am

Antonio wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:04 am
Stale fish1 wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:32 am
Monys wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:03 am

Saying this is entirely Niels fault is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard you say. He felt comfortable enough to a few people to share a couple bits of information about himself (name, province, University(?), or whatever) then they leak it or whoever pieces enough of shit together to dox him and send it to others makes them scumbags. Trusting people doesn't make you at fault for them betraying you. Trust is what makes people human. Anyone on this server could send me their Facebook/whatever right now and that would never go past us, or any information they wish to share with me for that matter. It's called being a trustable person. I would consider myself a cunt if I were to send someone's information out to a few friends or w/e. Absolutely no one deserves to have their real lives leaked to a large group of people without their consent. It's flat out wrong and rude. We all play here to escape real life, not get that stuff thrown into our faces.

As to it being policed on the server , it is entirely too much to do when it is on discord/other platforms. As Rapsey said, other platforms tend to their own gardens. But, if it happens within the confines of the server, then that person honestly deserves to be banned and ipmuted, if they persist with it.
Might be an ignorant thing to say, but after seeing how insecure he is after been doxed, he clearly does not have the self-confidence/mental stability to be able to have pictures of himself out there, everyone should know the risks associated with giving 'stranger's' information over the internet, I mean for fuck sakes this shit is taught in school from a young age

Not saying I support doxing either but in this instance and any instances similar to this going forward I don't believe there is ever going to be a line in the sand with rules because there are so many different policies that would need to be put in place
as much as i dont hate you, i still have to say that's just bullshit brother, would you like to be doxed only because you are the #1 pker on the server (Nazuths)
Ofc I wouldn't, but at the same time I would never kick up as much of a stink about putting my own personal information out there, and making a forums post about trying to get some outrageous rules put in place to protect people from seeing his irl shit, like I said, he put the holes in his own boat and now it's sinking

At the end of the day it was just some irl pics being sent around and ngl he kinda cute

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Re: Doxing

Post by Empty » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:21 am

just a little update:
why i made this thread? - Is to spread word about what is going on in the community right now to the ones that do not know, and to catch higher up staff member's attention, because something has to be done.

Nazuths this, nazuths that: - there's no possible way Nazuths got himself doxed, even if i were to tell people my real name which is obviously Antonio, what do you do first? obviously go through alot of small talk INSTEAD OF GOING TO DIG FOR THE PERSON'S INFORMATION IN THE INTERNET. what im saying is, he definetly did not get himself doxed.

Hello no cc: - Don't use this thread because you are banned for dox threats anyways, this wont help you at all.

Anyone: - If there was anyone to do a mass dox on PKHonor discord, what would get done? - delete their messages and maybe kick them from the discord at most. as for how it has been so far.

And please last of all, keep this thread a #safespace, stop bullshitting on people for no reason, no one got themselves doxed, stop spreading negativity (like i did in the few messages with Hello no cc above this one). this thread should only be used for opinions and possible RULE CHANGES *cough* *cough*

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Re: Doxing

Post by Patel » Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:37 am


For the record, I've been pretty consistent about opposing the permanent removal of people from the server since 2013. Please base your assumptions about what I'm saying/my intentions accordingly.

Longtime players are the life of PkHonor. This much is well established at this point. They are also often are the ones who really get to know each other, migrate to private groupchats, and of course, are drawn into the ones where malicious individuals will take their information. It's a risk, sure, it's not our jobs to monitor, sure, but it undeniably effects the playerbase and the server. That's demonstrably straightforward and has happened since I joined the server. It will continue to for all Pkhonorian time. Groups of friends play together, leave together, and hell, even RWT together.

As far as DOXing from this goes, clearly it's reached the game. People are fighting in this very thread over who dox'd who and why. Hell, people are even blaming a guy who got Dox'd instead of condemning the doxxer. What a sorry piece of shit situation, excuse my language. I have no doubt there are people in this thread who know exactly who did what. I don't recall calling it an obligation to act on these loose threads, it can't possibly be.

Edit: Just noting that real life examples go pretty poorly as we know, lol. If you paid for a club ofc they shouldn't get involved for trivial disputes. But doxxing is illegal so the authorities would anyways. Etc.

So... That people don't just get kicked out of (social) clubs for being shitty outside of them is untrue. In the limit of voluntary social gatherings of arbitrary size it's not difficult to argue this. Yes, you kick people out of clubs when they're shit individuals outside of the club/group and you find out, even if there isn't an explicit honor code. This is not an uncommon occurrence or otherwise a violation of basic intuition, you just have some standard for who you want around you. It's not some vague notion of high moral standard, and it's not 'parenting'; they don't face any repercussions in the grand scheme of things, they're just not welcome in your metaphorical garden anymore. They'll find another. No legal ramifications, no controversy, just "hey you're not welcome here." Usually takes a few complaints and a few screenshots. Most decent people will just stop after a warning.

Of course, in Pkhonor the sad thing is if there's retaliation ingame, and the retaliation breaks rules, we have no "choice" but to punish the party who is merely responding as any ordinary human would. This whole set of actions has been weaponized, people will bother each other but within the limits of not being banned/punished, whether it be through alternative social media/groupchats or even ingame. It will elicit a response that then gets the original victim in trouble. They know the rules as well as mods do, sometimes better.

So in a hypothetical scenario where you know the screenshots you're looking at are genuine but have to follow a set of principles because that's what you're supposed to do... We don't need to act as if some overarching principle is going to change in the PkHonor court of law by acting when one of 2 or 3 admins acts on a blue moon after seeing enough proof. That is the very basis for most of the staff principles anyways - acting when you have evidence. Not everyone can pull an owner's authority type of move, but you will get away with asking for forgiveness over permission when you have a) your bases covered, b) get rid of someone who is definitely turning people off to the server by harassing them with their own information, and c) are otherwise not a dispensable individual. Nothing I said to Church was false. As I've said in previous arguments of similar nature: no point in mulling over perfect solution fallacies when a fixable problem is staring you in the face (not to say that this particular scenario is one such case). I never said every instance needs to be managed, it couldn't possibly be. That's just common sense and I didn't think it needed to be explicitly addressed.

So yes, the staff have no obligation to act, nor should they feel that they do. But if they had info? Even if it wasn't logged down to the millisecond? If they knew a certain person's mannerisms, usernames, or some other set of characteristics well enough to be sure they had the right guy? My position is that they should chase the loose end and see where it leads if they have the time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Then they should be decisive.

OT: Sorry @ Niels, to those that came before him, and to those that will sadly come after.

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Re: Doxing

Post by Tay roc » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:38 pm

Patel wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:37 am Groups of friends play together, leave together, and hell, even RWT together.
Patel is really throwing digs at my boys :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: Doxing

Post by Empty » Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:43 pm

Patel wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:37 am @Rapsey

For the record, I've been pretty consistent about opposing the permanent removal of people from the server since 2013. Please base your assumptions about what I'm saying/my intentions accordingly.

Longtime players are the life of PkHonor. This much is well established at this point. They are also often are the ones who really get to know each other, migrate to private groupchats, and of course, are drawn into the ones where malicious individuals will take their information. It's a risk, sure, it's not our jobs to monitor, sure, but it undeniably effects the playerbase and the server. That's demonstrably straightforward and has happened since I joined the server. It will continue to for all Pkhonorian time. Groups of friends play together, leave together, and hell, even RWT together.

As far as DOXing from this goes, clearly it's reached the game. People are fighting in this very thread over who dox'd who and why. Hell, people are even blaming a guy who got Dox'd instead of condemning the doxxer. What a sorry piece of shit situation, excuse my language. I have no doubt there are people in this thread who know exactly who did what. I don't recall calling it an obligation to act on these loose threads, it can't possibly be.

Edit: Just noting that real life examples go pretty poorly as we know, lol. If you paid for a club ofc they shouldn't get involved for trivial disputes. But doxxing is illegal so the authorities would anyways. Etc.

So... That people don't just get kicked out of (social) clubs for being shitty outside of them is untrue. In the limit of voluntary social gatherings of arbitrary size it's not difficult to argue this. Yes, you kick people out of clubs when they're shit individuals outside of the club/group and you find out, even if there isn't an explicit honor code. This is not an uncommon occurrence or otherwise a violation of basic intuition, you just have some standard for who you want around you. It's not some vague notion of high moral standard, and it's not 'parenting'; they don't face any repercussions in the grand scheme of things, they're just not welcome in your metaphorical garden anymore. They'll find another. No legal ramifications, no controversy, just "hey you're not welcome here." Usually takes a few complaints and a few screenshots. Most decent people will just stop after a warning.

Of course, in Pkhonor the sad thing is if there's retaliation ingame, and the retaliation breaks rules, we have no "choice" but to punish the party who is merely responding as any ordinary human would. This whole set of actions has been weaponized, people will bother each other but within the limits of not being banned/punished, whether it be through alternative social media/groupchats or even ingame. It will elicit a response that then gets the original victim in trouble. They know the rules as well as mods do, sometimes better.

So in a hypothetical scenario where you know the screenshots you're looking at are genuine but have to follow a set of principles because that's what you're supposed to do... We don't need to act as if some overarching principle is going to change in the PkHonor court of law by acting when one of 2 or 3 admins acts on a blue moon after seeing enough proof. That is the very basis for most of the staff principles anyways - acting when you have evidence. Not everyone can pull an owner's authority type of move, but you will get away with asking for forgiveness over permission when you have a) your bases covered, b) get rid of someone who is definitely turning people off to the server by harassing them with their own information, and c) are otherwise not a dispensable individual. Nothing I said to Church was false. As I've said in previous arguments of similar nature: no point in mulling over perfect solution fallacies when a fixable problem is staring you in the face (not to say that this particular scenario is one such case). I never said every instance needs to be managed, it couldn't possibly be. That's just common sense and I didn't think it needed to be explicitly addressed.

So yes, the staff have no obligation to act, nor should they feel that they do. But if they had info? Even if it wasn't logged down to the millisecond? If they knew a certain person's mannerisms, usernames, or some other set of characteristics well enough to be sure they had the right guy? My position is that they should chase the loose end and see where it leads if they have the time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Then they should be decisive.

OT: Sorry @ Niels, to those that came before him, and to those that will sadly come after.
this comment was just perfect with real good explanations and such, i really adore this one

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Re: Doxing

Post by Iron adam » Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:33 pm

everyone look at this ugly ass mfer :lol:
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Re: Doxing

Post by Empty » Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:40 pm

Iron adam wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:33 pm everyone look at this ugly ass mfer :lol:
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Re: Doxing

Post by Diskid » Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:08 am

A rule against doxing is pretty much impossible to enforce. though it is easy to make sure your safe from it, Don't put enough information out there to connect yourself to your social media, though that seems to be very common now a days. put your information everywhere then whine when people use it to identify you.

personally, when asked my age, name, location , i lie because its none of anyone's business and i know how that information can be weaponized.

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Re: Doxing

Post by Empty » Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:18 am

Diskid wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:08 am A rule against doxing is pretty much impossible to enforce. though it is easy to make sure your safe from it, Don't put enough information out there to connect yourself to your social media, though that seems to be very common now a days. put your information everywhere then whine when people use it to identify you.

personally, when asked my age, name, location , i lie because its none of anyone's business and i know how that information can be weaponized.
so what you are saying aswell is that the people who has been doxed, it's their own fault?
Just for future preferences, make it so moderators are able to ban someone from the game who has been doxing on discord, and EVERYONE who has been banned for doxing/dox threat.. well what can i say PERMANENT IP-BAN, although there's a guy i know that was just recently banned for Dox threats and he is ip-banned twice at the same time now if not 3 times, his name is 1 2/not so good/hello no cc

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