Demon kiteshield stats

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Which stats should the Demon kiteshield have?

Same as Rune kiteshield
Same as DFS (without dragonfire attack or protection)
Same as Arcane spirit shield (without special effects)
Same as Blessed spirit shield (without special effects)
Same as Divine spirit shield (without special effects)
Same as Elysian spirit shield (without special effects)
No stats whatsoever (but also no requirements)
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Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Rapsey » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:27 pm

We're thinking of reintroducing the Demon kiteshield. We would like to give it some stats so that it is usable, but of course we don't want it to be pay2win so it seems best to give it the same stats as a commonly available F2P shield. The question is: which one?

Do note that this would also mean the Demon kiteshield gets the same level requirements, so it doesn't offer any advantages.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Thierryu1 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:30 pm

DFS imo.
It needs buff stats imo to fit the looks, but I do think it shouldn't be too viable as a shield like the dfs is against dragons.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Thierryu1 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:32 pm

Rapsey wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:27 pm We're thinking of reintroducing the Demon kiteshield. We would like to give it some stats so that it is usable, but of course we don't want it to be pay2win so it seems best to give it the same stats as a commonly available F2P shield. The question is: which one?

Do note that this would also mean the Demon kiteshield gets the same level requirements, so it doesn't offer any advantages.
Is it going to be an ultra rare again or finally something everyone can buy without spending months on end merching or lucking out on staking? We are imo really due for some affordable cool cosmetics.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Poar » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:56 pm

Why can't we vote no?

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Nazuths » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:59 pm

I voted DFS but on second thought I would like no stats or requirements

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Rapsey » Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:09 pm

Thierryu1 wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:32 pm Is it going to be an ultra rare again or finally something everyone can buy without spending months on end merching or lucking out on staking? We are imo really due for some affordable cool cosmetics.
An ultra rare. There are tons of affordable cosmetics in the game which no one really cares about just because they are so commonplace. We can always add more but I doubt it would do much. It'd just be exciting for a week or two because they are brand new and then they'd just be seen as the same old boring stuff you get from mboxes or clues or whatever.

IMO enough common cosmetics are introduced just from the regular updates where we follow what OSRS does. There's no need for us to throw extra common cosmetics on top of that. I also think the cosmetics we have now are just too cheap. Most of them only cost millions which is cheap even for someone who just started playing a few days ago. I honestly don't see the point in adding more and more dirt cheap cosmetics.
Poar wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:56 pm Why can't we vote no?
Same reason your real life voting ballot doesn't include an option like "disband the government". That's just not what is being voted on, even if it is a valid opinion to have.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Monys » Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:17 pm

I agree that the government should be disbanded!

I vote no stat req/stats! I wouldn't be opposed to it having the same stats as a DFS but instead of fire protection then it has a bonus against demons!

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Thierryu1 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:24 pm

Rapsey wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:09 pm
Thierryu1 wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:32 pm Is it going to be an ultra rare again or finally something everyone can buy without spending months on end merching or lucking out on staking? We are imo really due for some affordable cool cosmetics.
An ultra rare. There are tons of affordable cosmetics in the game which no one really cares about just because they are so commonplace. We can always add more but I doubt it would do much. It'd just be exciting for a week or two because they are brand new and then they'd just be seen as the same old boring stuff you get from mboxes or clues or whatever.

IMO enough common cosmetics are introduced just from the regular updates where we follow what OSRS does. There's no need for us to throw extra common cosmetics on top of that. I also think the cosmetics we have now are just too cheap. Most of them only cost millions which is cheap even for someone who just started playing a few days ago. I honestly don't see the point in adding more and more dirt cheap cosmetics.

I hear enough people complain about the lack of new items to wear for cosmetic reasons? Especially gear that doesn't acquire stats *looking over to skillers*.
Seeing the same rune sets, off hand chicken, party hat colors and fancy boots is getting kinda boring to play with.
A lot of honors are created for the sole reason to play around with items we don't have but look cool.
Saying people wouldn't care for more affordable cosmetics is wrong. having the OPTION in loads of cool stuff that are not bank breaking is something nice. Just like people still like to use the obsidian gear, ghostly gear and ele sets that are not worth a lot.

Adding more affordable stuff in cosmetic shops does not mean I don't want any new expensive items. I just like to think that most people will never have 5t to spend on a shit ton of expensive 1 off items and a lot of people have 10b to spend on cool affordable items.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Rapsey » Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:35 pm

Monys wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:17 pm I vote no stat req/stats! I wouldn't be opposed to it having the same stats as a DFS but instead of fire protection then it has a bonus against demons!
We thought about that, but figured then it would be kinda pay2win. Then you get an advantage which cannot be gotten any other way which is what we were trying to avoid.
Thierryu1 wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:24 pm I hear enough people complain about the lack of new items to wear for cosmetic reasons? Especially gear that doesn't acquire stats *looking over to skillers*.
Seeing the same rune sets, off hand chicken, party hat colors and fancy boots is getting kinda boring to play with.
A lot of honors are created for the sole reason to play around with items we don't have that look cool.
Saying people wouldn't care for more affordable cosmetics is wrong. having the OPTION in loads of cool stuff that are not bank breaking is something nice. Just like people still like to use the obsidian gear, ghostly gear and ele sets that are not worth a lot.

Adding more affordable stuff in cosmetic shops does not mean I don't want any new expensive items. I just like to think that most people will never have 5t to spend on a shit ton of expensive 1 off items and a lot of people have 10b to spend on cool items.
Well there's definitely a bunch more cosmetic items that can and will be released as part of regular updates. We keep them as a stock of items to choose from when we need rewards or something like that. We don't really want to throw them all into the game and have nothing left, but yeah maybe it's time for a few more.

Anyway that's completely separate from this so I would prefer not to mix it into this discussion. Right now we're just looking at the next rare sale. Other cosmetic additions will keep coming but they are unrelated to this and I'd rather not keep getting sidetracked so we can actually get one thing done and move to the next.

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Re: Demon kiteshield stats

Post by Cancerstick » Thu Jul 02, 2020 5:39 pm

No stats or reqs.

This would keep it literally usable by anyone that can afford to buy it, to include skillers, but gives no actual benefit to use over top of anything else, other than look cool.
