Let's talk about PKP

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Iron adam » Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:37 pm

Agree with @Thoby and @Isaac. Also some great ideas from @Googlestar .

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Thierryu1 » Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:39 pm

Pvm porn wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:27 pm Say we added some items, like degrading ornament kits, (very) highly priced untradeable cosmetics, like the gnome scarf, the
Stay away from event items.

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Its flat » Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:22 am

A lot of good things have been said already that I agree with.

I remember when I first started playing I always had the impression that PKP was useless but it has always been fun to collect regardless. It's an iconic part of PkHonor for me and I'd like it to stay. I understand the previous intentions, but I think now that a slow transition to making it more of a currency for cosmetic items is a good idea. I'm quite happy just collecting the points and not ever spending them too - as something that reflects the total effort I have put into the game.

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Azu rite » Mon Jun 22, 2020 11:18 am

Spoiler: show
Azu rite wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2017 9:33 pm I can't for the life of me find it in the post I made in the gqc.

Bounty hunter shop:

Everything that is currently in it, plus everything in the pkp shop. Add Dragon defenders, super combat potions, rune pouch (like on osrs, runes held should be increased to 160k), looting bag, saradomin's tear (used with Sara sword to make blessed ss), Crystal seed, granite clamp, magic short bow scroll, hunters honour, rouges revenge, clue box.
Http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Ma ... bow_scroll


http://2007.runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Sa ... ssed_sword








Pkp shop:

This should be the skilling shop

Magic notebook paper, sacred clay hammer, chisel, butterfly net, harpoon, axe, pickaxe, knife, magic sectures, infernal adze, xp tome, skilling outfits from osrs, chaotic repair kits, supply gamble (random crate full of skilling supplies 1-10k of any skilling item)

Edit: You shouldn't get pkp (pkhonor points) from pking, instead you should get bounty hunter points. You could also make it so there's two different type of bounty points, rouge, and normal (split shops).
I had another thread in the gqc, but the above quote came from the pvp committee. I'm pretty sure I either made a post in suggestions or commented on a post there with something similar. Having pkp come from everything is part of pkhonor at this point, and it was confusing at first having it come from skilling after playing other servers, but it was great whenever I started...
Wildywyrm is heavily abused for pkp, or it was last time I played.

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Cancerstick » Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:06 am

As others have said before.... completely remove all chaotics and pvp armors from the game. Pull the trigger already and just remove them. Got a stack in the bank? whoops, sorry.

Slightly lower the rates at which you gain pkp from skilling, buff the amount you would get from pking, and cut WW in half.

Throw some basic items in the pkp shop, armor sets, pot sets. Create a 'expensive tab' on the shop, having high priced items that are mainly cosmetic. Even make these untradeable. Cooler to wear something shiny that you had to get yourself....25k pkp for.... than something you just pay a few bill for in GE.

My 2 cents.

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Diskid » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:13 am

i'm more than likely the minority, but keep chaotics and other pre-eoc related content that's in the pkp store. but maybe add pk related gear like a pouch that contains casts for tb, entangle, and barrage. as you can't use more than one rune pouch, and these pouches that would be added would be used on casting of the spell.
or a new spell that allows you to tele to revs directly without a rev teleport tab, of course at a high price. or being able to tele to chaos ele as a new spell.

i do have to say, chaotics should cost more, then what they currently are. normally, in reg rs you would grind a skill for a chaotic where here, you can simply wc for a while and get one. its not overpowered rather, its overpowered given the cost of one. if it cost more to use, i doubt people would complain very much.

or as a side note, if you remove chaotics from the pkp store. add it to a boss like nex, then actually rework the boss to be correct and not stupidly easy.

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Donut man1 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:24 am

add mystery boxs to the pkp shop

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by E l y » Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:28 pm

Allow us to buy bank spaces with pkps for say; 100, 250, 500, or 1,000 pkps:)

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Thierryu1 » Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:37 pm

E l y wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:28 pm Allow us to buy bank spaces with pkps for say; 100, 250, 500, or 1,000 pkps:)
1000, 2500, 5000, 10.000 then pls

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Re: Let's talk about PKP

Post by Brant » Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:53 am

E l y wrote: Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:28 pm Allow us to buy bank spaces with pkps for say; 100, 250, 500, or 1,000 pkps:)
That will more than likely not happen. We already had multiple discussions about how the bank space takes a toll on the game's memory, and how every time we load the bank the player's entire bank has to be loaded. Sure, maybe 5-10 more bank spaces wouldn't hurt that much, but the general census is people wanting 50, 100+ bank spaces.

To quote @Thoby
Thoby wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 1:01 pm Funnily enough, data storage, memory usage and performance are hot topics within the Developer team atm.
For instance, Rapsey included a very impactful change within the last bugfix, which makes it so the server performance improved drastically.

Asides from that, we are actively discussing best practices on how to keep server performance top-notch, sparked by the upcoming addition of the Collection log. Bank size is also an interesting one, seeing as it requires server-sided changes and client-sided changes to support showing more than 800 different items (which the client is not really build for). Keep in mind that OSRS also doesn't have more than 816 bank slots for a similar reason.

If we'd go ahead and add more bank spaces, we'll have to add some more advanced mechanics to maintain performance. Not only is it a bitch to update a bank with over 800 items each time an item is deposited / withdrawn, it also decreases client performance. And I don't think anyone would enjoy a bank which causes tremendous lag. A lot more work than just saying 'lets increase that number over there, and see what will happen'.

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