Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Rgh » Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:12 am

Cancerstick wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:53 am
I also made sure that the generated layout is saved to the database, so you cannot simply get a new layout by relogging or leaving a raid. Once a layout is chosen, the only way to get a new layout is to pay up or complete the raid. That will be the downside of the pre-raid layout interface, although I may tweak this based on community feedback.
Will you be able to log out mid cox (say if you are doing a solo run and life aggro hits) and then log back in at the same spot then? Or how will it work if you are mid raid and you leave to join someone else's team? Will you have to pay to reset your layout to join theirs?

Apologize in advance if the answer is obvious, but ya did say the only way to get a new layout is to pay or complete... so just curious.
on 07 theres a tab for the raid party, you have the option to start the raid, then after its started you can select to end it by just "leave party"

If theres more than one person in your team, and they aren't ranked in your cc then you logout or leave the raid then it will end. If the person is ranked in your cc and you logout/leave, they will remain in the raid. (if you logged out and logged back in, you'd still be in the raid)

Pretty sure that it wont work like that here as idk if they'd implement a completely new tab for the raid party. Guess we'll just have to see.

On a side note @Mike with regards to "pay a number of x points or coins to generate a new raid" Will this be an option for inside the raid party to generate another raid to save time? Or can I still leave the raid, and just re-scout like any other person would do on 07 without having to pay any additional fees to rescout? ty

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Andres » Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:39 pm

Very nice!

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Iron punish » Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:17 pm

One thing to note, there is a mechanic for points. There are small little boulders to move, crystals to grab, potions to consume etc that give you points towards loot. Idk if that’s something to worry about adding but is worth mentioning if you’re trying to make the most OSRS accurate raid.

Also I don’t know if it’s worth considering on here as you have infinate run energy. But that is a key component about raids, conserving run energy. Especially for OLM, with infinite it will make it much easier. Perhaps removing infinite in raids and making a drop or an upgrade or maybe implementing stamina’s in loot table. Otherwise it’ll be EZscape

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Raj » Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:22 pm

Iron punish wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:17 pm Also I don’t know if it’s worth considering on here as you have infinate run energy. But that is a key component about raids, conserving run energy. Especially for OLM, with infinite it will make it much easier. Perhaps removing infinite in raids and making a drop or an upgrade or maybe implementing stamina’s in loot table. Otherwise it’ll be EZscape
I'd rather not see anything like this, probably the worst feature in OSRS is that you can run out of energy imo, and I don't think raids just go from hard to easy just because you have to sip a stamina pot every once in a while, it just brings more annoyances than is worth it

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Iron punish » Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:29 pm

Pvm porn wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:22 pm
Iron punish wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:17 pm Also I don’t know if it’s worth considering on here as you have infinate run energy. But that is a key component about raids, conserving run energy. Especially for OLM, with infinite it will make it much easier. Perhaps removing infinite in raids and making a drop or an upgrade or maybe implementing stamina’s in loot table. Otherwise it’ll be EZscape
I'd rather not see anything like this, probably the worst feature in OSRS is that you can run out of energy imo, and I don't think raids just go from hard to easy just because you have to sip a stamina pot every once in a while, it just brings more annoyances than is worth it
In OSRS it’s apart of the challenge, conserving your run energy and apart of initial gear you bring in is usually 1-2 stams, there are energy pools that refresh your energy because a large portion of the olm mechanics, especially solo. Is movement based. If you have unlimited run energy there is not much penalty for screwing up. Which is what sets it apart from end game content to mid game content. Yes it’s annoying, however it is a fundamental mechanic of the challenge. But again this isn’t OSRS so it doesn’t really matter I suppose. With chaos capes it’s gonna be EZ anyway.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Raj » Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:37 pm

Iron punish wrote: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:29 pmBut again this isn’t OSRS so it doesn’t really matter I suppose. With chaos capes it’s gonna be EZ anyway.
This is kind of what I was getting at, doing ToB in max gear you can go in with 1 brew and finish, a lot of the inventory balancing OS has just doesn't and won't apply to raids on here. If anything other things should be buffed to make up for the HP and damage boosts we have, but I don't think adding stamina pots will solve the problem to an extent that's worth frustrating the players who are used to nice QOL features like infinite run.

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Dummemig » Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:48 pm

This looks great so far!

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Re: Chambers of Xeric - basic framework is finished

Post by Mike » Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:21 am

I get that there are still some unanswered questions about raids mechanics (scouting, parties, relogging, leaving mid raid etc.), but several of these mechanics still need to be properly worked out. Truth be told, I'm not entirely certain how I'm going to implement them myself yet, but I'll figure it out along the way. I'll be sure to make them as user friendly as possible and no more annoying than they need to be. More details regarding scouting and raid parties will be revealed when I do (and we're always open to feedback of course).

As for infinite run energy: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=79402

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