Fair or Unfair

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Fair or Unfair

Post by Ensignor » Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:30 pm

So yesterday I encountered an experience which I'd like to share with you and you guys can put your thoughts into it and discuss...

It basically started off with me teleporting to the agility course in Pk gear where I saw numero fouro and being a pvper asked him to fight to which he responded no because he and his cc were waiting for someone to log back on in the agility course...

Ofcourse my curious self went in the course to see that Pot master and Will be ok were already on the last log before the final scale up the course and will be ok had a a redskull on him. As to how they got there, I have no idea. But seeing a red skull on a log where I knew he couldn't escape without ::home or logging out l, I just had to go for the attack.

But before that I Pmed the only pvper I knew on my friends list Fkpjers to back me up if something went sideways and while he was on his was I started to attack will be ok while he attacked me back.. it went on for a good 30 seconds until Numero fouro made his way into the agility course to attack me off will be ok (pot master just sat there at the log). While I was fighting numero fouro, Fkpjers made his way in the course and Will be ok logged out on the log. During this time many of their cc members were coming in 1 items or tbs such as ironxmen, attack like, coree etc.

Realising that numero fouro wouldn't make it out he made a run for it which attracted me and Fkpjers at which point I logged onto my tber Suxal and stood at mage bank.. we made our way near the iron spawner and a bit past it I managed to teleblock numero while Fkpjers was with me. So at this point for a solid 2-3 minutes will be ok and pot master were alone at the log. I managed to kill numero and I proceeded to bank and check back at the agility course to see if they were still there. When I got there they were there but pot master being the smart one teleported out right when i got there and will be ok logged again and I started camping the spot waiting for him to log back in. This is where the raggers started coming and attacking me but since they had no armour they were easy kills and died but kept teleing back.

Then Patel showed up and will be ok logged back in to which I attacked him... Remember at this point there's atleast 4 raggers around me if not more, my alt was sitting in mage bank and Fkpjers was also fighting off raggers so I could attack will be ok.. he started crying to Patel how he couldn't attack back (which he easily could) and tell me to stop because he was helpless on a log and Patel decided to jail me (instead of teleing me home) for it because I think you can't teleport someone out while they're in combat. He got will be ok out too and I was just shocked. I had just gotten jailed for attacking someone in the wild while they had no teles... Obviously infuriated I started complaining on yell and even talked to Patel for about half an hour to which he just blamed the log and that because it wasn't fixed it was none of our faults.

What I don't get is in this situation will be ok had multiple opportunities to log out and wait me out and play on a different account.. if he wanted to play right away he had his whole cc on to which they could've endlessly pjed me to successfully complete ::home or just fought me till he died, like I mean whats 10B to a guy who claims he has a 5T bank right? You might call it an unfair fight because he couldn't teleport out but isn't deep wild usually always unfair?

I was obviously mad because losing a 10B kill on a server where people barely risk 1B all the time is big thing you know? Anyways just wanted to share my story of what happened since will be ok made that reply claiming I was abusing a bug..

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Nazuths » Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:47 pm


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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Jousi » Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:50 pm

Will Be Ok was in Wilderness. He risked dying there. Fights shouldn't be interrupted. If Patel jailed you mid-fight, then that is absolutely unacceptable.

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Ensignor » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:05 pm

Jousi wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:50 pm Will Be Ok was in Wilderness. He risked dying there. Fights shouldn't be interrupted. If Patel jailed you mid-fight, then that is absolutely unacceptable.
He jailed me to stop me from attacking so he could teleport will be ok out but he took me out of jail right after but he could've teled me home, would've been same thing.

Also he claimed it was unfair because will be ok was stuck on a log and couldn't move more than 4 spaces (even though he could attack back) and that because unfair fights shouldn't happen in deep wilderness.

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by James » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:08 pm

is it fair for you? no

was he right to save will be ok? yes

you're not at fault, patels not at fault

the bug is at least 6 years old, i reckon the fault lies with mike for overlooking it for this long

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Nazuths » Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:38 pm

I'm with Jousi on this one, I'd like to add onto this that the Wilderness is known to be buggy, especially the Wilderness Agility Course, before entering, you know what you might get yourself into, this bug is not a new bug, Will Be Ok decided to apparently chase someone and accidentally try to attack him while on the log, which causes you to be stuck on the log. Unlucky. It happens. You win some you lose some, the one time you escape because of a bug, the other time you get killed because of a bug, I hate to bring it to you, but that's PkHonor.

Personally I don't think intervention by Staff was necessary, I am pretty sure there were at least 10 different ways of escaping the situation aside from asking Staff to solve it for you. Either be creative and find your way out of there, or take the L and get dropped.

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Patel » Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:43 pm

We teleport people out of glitches in the wilderness all of the time - if it's not a glitch I'll admit fault. Otherwise it's the games fault. Will could not move off of the log, and we already proved that ::home could not be used in the presence of an aggressor.
Treehugger wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:08 pm the bug is at least 6 years old, i reckon the fault lies with mike for overlooking it for this long

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Jousi » Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:49 pm

How often do you actually teleport players out of Wilderness due to a glitch? I know the aforementioned bug has been around for years now, but is being glitched in Wilderness something commonplace?

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Patel » Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:52 pm

Jousi wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:49 pm How often do you actually teleport players out of Wilderness due to a glitch? I know the aforementioned bug has been around for years now, but is being glitched in Wilderness something commonplace?
Couldn't give you a number but I've done it/seen it done several times over the years. At some point ::home became a thing so staff wouldn't be required (or if you were just too lazy to walk), but if someone's taking advantage of a glitch then...

I'm very curious if ensignor would make an impassioned and principled argument if it were just some noob on that log.

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Re: Fair or Unfair

Post by Will be ok2 » Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:07 pm

There are some flaws in this story you had written,

1 - about 30 seconds into me being stuck on the log you became my BH target and ran into agility course which you stood there for maybe 30 seconds prior to attacking me when I had already made you aware I was stuck in a bugged state that I COULD NOT move. Only after this is when you attacked me.

2 - I had pot master with me we were both fully geared and u wouldn’t have attacked me and put yourself into a 2v1 situation if it was a “fair fight”.

3 - I had gotten the log out and would have easily waited until the day after (today) to log back on to get the ::home teleport but Patel inquired over yell what was happening when you continually baited me and my CC over yell.

4 - you took advantage of a situation and killed numero fouro when the CC’s 2 best NHER’s were stuck in a bug and being ragged.

5 - you were in agility course with your alt suxal within 20 seconds of attacking me the original time before your friend came.

6 - I came on my alt to PJ your alt off my CC so you couldn’t get the TB.

7 - it is completely unfair to try and take advantage of a situation when someone is near helpless and had absolutely no way of escaping as ::home doesn’t work when you’re being attacked.

You speak on this bug and claim that you’re somehow the victim but I recall several threads of you trying to get @Thacommunity aka E V 0 V banned for using the agility shortcut in wild when he was TB’d. You absolutely raged then for him taking advantage of a known bug but when you take advantage of a known bug somehow you become the victim?

Hopefully @Thoby can implement a bug fix for this in the next update & it’ll never be an issue again.

@Patel i don’t think he would make an argument if it was just a random, he has hurt feelings because I planked him deep wild last week when he was TRYING to pk a member of my CC.
Last edited by Will be ok2 on Thu Jan 16, 2020 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

