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Xanax 2mg
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Post by Xanax 2mg » Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:24 pm

its not wrong to say cw is dead content, plus its rewards have literally the best pking armour in game. its dumb its "boosting" for running flags and paying people to come play castle wars and its literally dead content. can you either change it back to 2 players to start the game and throw that boosting shite out the window or please give us a alternative way to get the battle mage, vangaurd and trickster armour sets. more people pk than play castle wars. both are dead anyway. would be super awesome to get battle mage without being banned or taking 2 years because no one plays castle wars.

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Iron adam
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Post by Iron adam » Thu Jan 09, 2020 7:37 pm

i hate pkers we need to ban them all
sad magers keep freezing me at cw its not fun cw should only be for pvmers...

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Post by Troll n roll » Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:21 pm

Pretty sure this has been said before, but they need to move the 2x ticket events. Having them at only three set times limits the accessibility for some people. For me it's something like Fri 11pm-1am, Sat 5am-8am, Fri 11am-2pm, two of which I'm either busy or sleeping.
Adam the lion wrote:If you are making super pots for profit on an rsps, you really need to re-evaluate your life.

Will be ok2
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Post by Will be ok2 » Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:16 pm

Support. I think those Armour sets should be added to the PKP shop for an absurd amount of points.


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Post by Fungamer » Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:50 pm

Will be ok2 wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:16 pm Support. I think those Armour sets should be added to the PKP shop for an absurd amount of points.
Issue is that it's easy to get an absurd amount of PKP. Do we really want to give people the ability to spam a spec & ammy switch after grinding revs in a pretty much safe wildy?

IMO I think it'd indeed be good for it to revert back to the 2 player system. If people boost it, so be it. We have the nature of the minigame to blame for it.

An alternative route could be doing what RS3 does; Acknowledge barely anyone plays minigames and make the points or currencies earned through them a new one. RS3 uses Thaler, which is earned if you play the spotlighted minigame. I say add a store with all minigame rewards that can be bought for Thaler and let every minigame we have reward players with both the respective points along with a few Thalers. Make the items in the minigame shop expensive, so it'd be faster to gain the items by playing the correct minigame, obviously. But at least now items from dead minigames wont be locked behind what the community is feeling like at the time.

Tay roc
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Post by Tay roc » Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:12 am

It's not the best pking armour, you can tribrid the fuck out of it. Each set has a MASSIVE weakness making it pretty shit.

Every single person who has a full set flag ran with me and many others back in the day I can't really remember anyone who did this legit. (This wasn't classed as boosting back then)

Castle wars has been dead content for years, we used to get each other to multi log an alt and play therefor I agree they should either allow you to flag run it or allow you to access the armour a different way.

It doesn't seem fair that the average player is disadvantaged but please don't be deterred from the fact that you can clap the fuck out of every underdog that whacks on a full set :D :lol:

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Post by The underdog » Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:30 am

Tay roc wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:12 am It's not the best pking armour, you can tribrid the fuck out of it. Each set has a MASSIVE weakness making it pretty shit.

Every single person who has a full set flag ran with me and many others back in the day I can't really remember anyone who did this legit. (This wasn't classed as boosting back then)

Castle wars has been dead content for years, we used to get each other to multi log an alt and play therefor I agree they should either allow you to flag run it or allow you to access the armour a different way.

It doesn't seem fair that the average player is disadvantaged but please don't be deterred from the fact that you can clap the fuck out of every underdog that whacks on a full set :D :lol:
I only gotten it coz ya'll had it and I wanted to show how stupid it was. I forgot ur ign, the "imagine" guy, but now I remember it u.

Tradable tickets /thread

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Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:48 pm

Lieven wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:50 pm
Will be ok2 wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:16 pm Support. I think those Armour sets should be added to the PKP shop for an absurd amount of points.
Issue is that it's easy to get an absurd amount of PKP. Do we really want to give people the ability to spam a spec & ammy switch after grinding revs in a pretty much safe wildy?

IMO I think it'd indeed be good for it to revert back to the 2 player system. If people boost it, so be it. We have the nature of the minigame to blame for it.

An alternative route could be doing what RS3 does; Acknowledge barely anyone plays minigames and make the points or currencies earned through them a new one. RS3 uses Thaler, which is earned if you play the spotlighted minigame. I say add a store with all minigame rewards that can be bought for Thaler and let every minigame we have reward players with both the respective points along with a few Thalers. Make the items in the minigame shop expensive, so it'd be faster to gain the items by playing the correct minigame, obviously. But at least now items from dead minigames wont be locked behind what the community is feeling like at the time.
If you make the pieces 50K points a piece it would then become the most expensive amour you could buy? Would actually give purpose to PKP tbh. And the only people with massive PKP already are vets so who cares? Give them a sink for their points and give people a reason to grind PkP.


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Post by Fungamer » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:01 pm

Will be ok2 wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2020 4:48 pm
Lieven wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:50 pm
Will be ok2 wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:16 pm Support. I think those Armour sets should be added to the PKP shop for an absurd amount of points.
Issue is that it's easy to get an absurd amount of PKP. Do we really want to give people the ability to spam a spec & ammy switch after grinding revs in a pretty much safe wildy?

IMO I think it'd indeed be good for it to revert back to the 2 player system. If people boost it, so be it. We have the nature of the minigame to blame for it.

An alternative route could be doing what RS3 does; Acknowledge barely anyone plays minigames and make the points or currencies earned through them a new one. RS3 uses Thaler, which is earned if you play the spotlighted minigame. I say add a store with all minigame rewards that can be bought for Thaler and let every minigame we have reward players with both the respective points along with a few Thalers. Make the items in the minigame shop expensive, so it'd be faster to gain the items by playing the correct minigame, obviously. But at least now items from dead minigames wont be locked behind what the community is feeling like at the time.
If you make the pieces 50K points a piece it would then become the most expensive amour you could buy? Would actually give purpose to PKP tbh. And the only people with massive PKP already are vets so who cares? Give them a sink for their points and give people a reason to grind PkP.
Throw any vet pretty much BiS gear alongside the ability to pretty much keep replenishing it? Nah. They should at least still work for it.

Just add a minigame point system. Ez.

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Post by Will be ok2 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 5:06 pm

@Lieven I am in support to allow vets who have racked up hundreds of thousand of PkP from their time on pkh to buy the current castle wars armour. Not to mention the majority of vets who would actually want this or benefit from it already has the armour??


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