TOB Items

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Zeke v2
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TOB Items

Post by Zeke v2 » Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:31 pm

Avernic Defender: The hilt should be tradeable and once you use the hilt on dragon defender it should become untradeable and in the "Avernic Defender" state it should always be kept on death. Players are not going to buy an offhand to risk it lol.

Ghrazi Rapier - Worse than Chaotic rapier and Tent whip by miles. (Blackbird says - Make Ghrazi just as good as Chaotic or a bit better) Chaotics = 1 hour of work, Ghrazi = hours upon hours of grinding to be worse then a common rapier.

Justiciar = Tank armor on OSRS but it's worse then all Pre eoc gear in every aspect possible.

Scythe of Vitur: Seem to be OP at a quick glance but in reality it blows. Most Pre eoc weapons are better then it in every way possible.

(Purex666) Was curious if you could add the ability to combine 2 PvP weapons for example (Vls 20 + Vls 20 -(Use on each other or something) to get Vls 40 and you can add more to keep buffing them to a higher percentage(obviously the limit would still be 100% so you CAN NOT use a 60 on a 50 or a 90 and a 20 together so forth, kind of like how you can use pots on pots to fill them up.

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Thearlygamer » Tue Nov 19, 2019 4:23 pm

Avernic Defender IMO should add a new max hit as well and the defender part become untradeable along with the Dragon Defender and introduce the dragon defender to cyclopse and have players grind for it, but that's my .02

Ghrazi Rapier can only exist with chaotics out of the game IMO, and custom whips still out weigh it by miles (along with the VLS which takes 20 minutes of rev hunting to get). Best way to fix it IMO is making the VLS much harder to get, remove chaotics, and it would stabilize at around 3-10b considering custom whips are 17b+.

Justiciar should be tank af

I was hyped to get Scythe just to find it sucks ass, definitely would not prefer to use it at any boss just for DPS alone is way off, definitely either needs a buff, or the current BIS items need to be reworked and brought down some. I would be completely fine if custom whips dropped 50% across the board, or if they were removed completely, but I feel that they're the reason most people play pkhonor and the reason for 90% of the donations.
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Re: TOB Items

Post by Dr phyll » Tue Nov 19, 2019 4:42 pm

I think defenders should be tradeable but on death it goes to refund if possible. Or make it where everyone who made their hilt into a defender is reversed and they only have the hilt so they have an option to sell it

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Slap a ho » Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:44 pm

Zeke V2 wrote:Avernic Defender: The hilt should be tradeable
Wait, it’s not tradeable? What lol.

What’s wrong with scythe? Are you guys charging it? Are you using it on 3x3 NPC’s?

Scythe should be BIS for melee on 3x3 NPC’s. Chaos has a chance to hit like 58(?) every 3 ticks and scythe can hit 70+ every 5 ticks (4 if using chaos comp). It should outclass customs by a significant amount.

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Respire1337 » Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:36 pm

Slap a ho wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:44 pm
Zeke V2 wrote:Avernic Defender: The hilt should be tradeable
Wait, it’s not tradeable? What lol.

What’s wrong with scythe? Are you guys charging it? Are you using it on 3x3 NPC’s?

Scythe should be BIS for melee on 3x3 NPC’s. Chaos has a chance to hit like 58(?) every 3 ticks and scythe can hit 70+ every 5 ticks (4 if using chaos comp). It should outclass customs by a significant amount.
The whole avernic defender is tradeable for some reason.
The scythe that I've tested on the test server was truly BEST IN SLOT. This one, it seems to have a decrease in accuracy, especially versus Verzik's first phase, where she is weak to SLASH. It could also have something to do with the attack styles of scythe? I am not too sure, but if it doesn't receives a boost in accuracy, this item will not hold it's value unfortunately.

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Slap a ho » Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:57 pm

Respire1337 wrote:The scythe that I've tested on the test server was truly BEST IN SLOT. This one, it seems to have a decrease in accuracy, especially versus Verzik's first phase, where she is weak to SLASH. It could also have something to do with the attack styles of scythe? I am not too sure, but if it doesn't receives a boost in accuracy, this item will not hold it's value unfortunately.
Are you guys charging it at the well with vials of blood? There’s 2 forms of the scythe. 1 charged and 1 uncharged. The uncharged version is vastly different stat wise vs. the charged version.

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Zeke v2 » Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:03 am

Avernic Defender: Make Hilt only thing thats tradeable not the put together version of the defender. Ngl but pay to get your items from the collection ghost is a pain, I would rather see untradeables just be kept on death and to remove hilt from the dragon defender make it cost 25 - 50m or something to do so? Resulting you in getting hilt back and destroying the Dragon defender in the process.

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Cancerstick » Wed Nov 20, 2019 3:24 am

Respire1337 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 11:36 pm
Slap a ho wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:44 pm
Zeke V2 wrote:Avernic Defender: The hilt should be tradeable
Wait, it’s not tradeable? What lol.

What’s wrong with scythe? Are you guys charging it? Are you using it on 3x3 NPC’s?

Scythe should be BIS for melee on 3x3 NPC’s. Chaos has a chance to hit like 58(?) every 3 ticks and scythe can hit 70+ every 5 ticks (4 if using chaos comp). It should outclass customs by a significant amount.
The whole avernic defender is tradeable for some reason.
The scythe that I've tested on the test server was truly BEST IN SLOT. This one, it seems to have a decrease in accuracy, especially versus Verzik's first phase, where she is weak to SLASH. It could also have something to do with the attack styles of scythe? I am not too sure, but if it doesn't receives a boost in accuracy, this item will not hold it's value unfortunately.
I would guess that the combat styles are not properly implemented if you say that there is THAT big of a difference between test server and live server. That, or like Slap A Ho said, is the scythe charged?

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Fungamer » Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:32 pm

Lololol this was coming for such a long time. Make players even more OP and turn the game into afkhonor or disappoint them with the realisation their items arent BiS or better while they had to complete the hardest pvm challenge multiple times

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Re: TOB Items

Post by Monys » Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:30 pm

I have really enjoyed ToB runs. They have been really fun and challenging. With that being said, the rewards have been lackluster so far. I understand that the biggest rewards are the unique but getting 100 rannars for 25-30 minutes of work is absolutely garbage. Playing mostly on iron man, I don't even break even with the supplies I've spent or time I've lost. I don't think the common rewards should be crazy good, but they do need improved.

Also 23 chests and no unique items so far, so that's trash. Fix my rng in the next update!!

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