Titan Feedback

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Titan Feedback

Post by Matthew » Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:53 pm

As I said in-game today, many of you have had a lot of feedback relating to titan events, some positive and some negative, I would like to start this constructive discussion to ensure we can attempt to get things right in the future. Here is some key points that I think should be discussed, but please feel free to contribute;

- Rewards ? Since ironman players can get rewards, what items do you think have no place in future reward lists?
- Pking? How should pking work in singles?
- Length of the Titan
- Titans should only be in multi combat/ Only in singles / Mix of both (current strategy)

Overall I think the events are well received, and provide some pking activity, as well as providing an event ironman players can compete in.

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Re: Titan Feedback

Post by Nazuths » Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:04 pm

I think everything about the Titan event is fine, but there's literally no chance of actually killing someone if the Titan is in singles, the only message you'll be seeing is "This player is already in combat". I'd suggest being able to target 1 player in singles (while the player is also being attacked by the titan). So if I am trying to PK someone at the Titan, I can only damage 1 person and no other player can damage this person, only the Titan can. If it is made this way, singles or multi doesn't really matter, just switch it every now and then as you did these events.

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Re: Titan Feedback

Post by Empty » Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:49 pm

Ely wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:53 pm As I said in-game today, many of you have had a lot of feedback relating to titan events, some positive and some negative, I would like to start this constructive discussion to ensure we can attempt to get things right in the future. Here is some key points that I think should be discussed, but please feel free to contribute;

- Rewards ? Since ironman players can get rewards, what items do you think have no place in future reward lists?
- Pking? How should pking work in singles?
- Length of the Titan
- Titans should only be in multi combat/ Only in singles / Mix of both (current strategy)

Overall I think the events are well received, and provide some pking activity, as well as providing an event ironman players can compete in.
I must say overall the event was hella fun and enjoyable, but nothing is perfect. For example the titan had so many visual bugs every 3 days we killed it
when you moved to certain spot nobody could see anyones prayer, chat, skulls etc. And then sometimes titan's health went temporarily to full and then instantly back to low. (THESE BUGS ARE NOT THAT GAMECHANGING, but would be nice if they were fixed til the next event)

Also reward-wise i think there should be different list of rewards one for normal players and other for ironmen
Let's take next titan event for example. If normal player places #1 they get something like cosmetics or something what ever you choose to give.
And for ironman to place #1 we'd love to see lots of skilling supplies instead of cosmetics, because cosmetics for ironmen are after all just a waste of bankspace. This project would be pretty time consuming but i think worth it for the community.
Thank you for reading :) Take care <3

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Re: Titan Feedback

Post by Joepie » Sat Nov 02, 2019 8:44 pm

Note: only participated in the last titan event after a few minutes.

As for the killing of the Titan, a few thoughts:
  • Apart from the visual glitches Empty Pot noted, the biggest issue I encountered was being unable to see the damage that I personally dealt. During the event only 0's were displayed with an occasional 20 cannon hit. Of course the hitsplat of every player was shown you'd still be unable to note any of your own damage. Maybe show it as a counter in the textbox that updates once per 30 seconds? Or give players an item that when activated tells them their current damage dealt?
  • PKers should be able to attack players around the Titan in both multi and singles, simple. But I feel like there should be rewards for those killing players that are attacking the spider. For example whenever someone PKs someone else they get a portion of that player's damage done to the Titan. Or keep track of how many players someone has killed and have a seperate reward list for that. To assist in this and help with my first point, maybe have players automatically shout their current damage dealt every x seconds.
  • As for the rewards, I can speak from an Ironman perspective. From the event I obtained a blue H'ween mask and bunny ears, which are going to chill in my bank forever (or until a costume room update :P). However they are quite rare to obtain and feel therefor as an adequate reward for a rare event. For those capable of dealing enough damage to obtain a reward points are pretty much useless. The spider eggs were a fun thing to add.
    So IMO: Keep the rewards the same (don't separate the scores for ironmen and normals), but change pk/slayer points to vote points for normals and ironmen hard/elite/master caskets in an equivalent amount. Maybe add in some brews/restores.
  • In it's current state the duration was a bit too long. For the few attacks the Titan had, it felt like killing a glacor with the shout of a Callisto in the skin of Venenatis and infinite hp. However with PKing being more viable it could become way more interesting as positioning and cheap gear would become necessary. As well as running back to the Titan since you would die more often.
Thanks again for the event, it is nice to see some things that are different from OSRS and have that genuine RSPS feeling.

That concludes my TEDtalk

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Re: Titan Feedback

Post by Raj » Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:24 pm

Ely wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:53 pm - Rewards ? Since ironman players can get rewards, what items do you think have no place in future reward lists?
- Pking? How should pking work in singles?
- Length of the Titan
- Titans should only be in multi combat/ Only in singles / Mix of both (current strategy)
I don't have any useful input for #1.

I think titans should be like WWs where even if they're in singles they create a multi zone nearby. If that's not possible then maybe whoever is running the titan should just have a map of multi zones and stay in them as much as possible. It should be mostly in multi though for sure.

Thought an hour was pretty good for the time.

Same as my thoughts on #2 for the last one.

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