Function of the Staff Team

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Fungamer » Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:26 am

Iron adam wrote:yes you are right. lets stick to one community pvm event every month, no titans, and no tournaments. mods should be spending most of their time watching yell to make sure none of the 40 players are saying bad words.
Brainlets will be brainlets i guess.

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Raj » Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:06 am

Natte droom wrote:Brainlets will be brainlets i guess.
Damn because you called adam a brainlet it looks like I have no other choice but to agree with everything you said

I don't know why mods can't host events and monitor the yell at the same time. It's not like we have people constantly breaking rules. Even if they have to take a 5 minute break from the event to go talk to someone because they're the only mod on that isn't exactly worse than not having an event

I don't even know why this thread is a thing like if our staff team made it a thing that there always had to be a mod on or some policy like that then I would get the reasoning but I haven't seen any evidence suggesting it's a priority to maximize the time mods are watching the yell. Personally I think it comes down to the fact that no one wants to host events or no one can agree on what they want for events so it discourages people from hosting them idk

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Dr phyll » Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:18 pm

Natte droom wrote:
5 iron wrote:
Natte droom wrote:Or find a balance instead of a turnaround because such a turnaround would likely cause people to shift the blame from "no events, boring server. This is why pkh is ded" to "yell being toxic and fellow players being assholes with little consequences is unappealing to newer players. This is why pkh is ded"
Getting a point across loc?

OT: I agree with there needing to be more staff held events.
What's so unclear? I'm saying a radical change like saying the staff team is there to host events first and then moderate is excessive and will result in people just shifting the "this is wrong with pkh" to somewhere else. That doesn't mean the staff team shouldn't host more events, in fact, they could and should IMO. To say it's their #1 function though... nah.
I agree, good balance is key, and as staff on a server with 40 people then it should be ez to do both

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Thearlygamer » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:20 pm

Didn't ask.
Being the best player on PkHonor is hard, I just make it look easy

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Iron adam » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:34 pm

Pvm porn wrote:I don't know why mods can't host events and monitor the yell at the same time. It's not like we have people constantly breaking rules. Even if they have to take a 5 minute break from the event to go talk to someone because they're the only mod on that isn't exactly worse than not having an event.
Haha don't try to use logic here brother.
Pvm porn wrote:Personally I think it comes down to the fact that no one wants to host events or no one can agree on what they want for events so it discourages people from hosting them idk
Yep, current mods need to step it up with events. Or recruit players who are on every day and would host events, like maybe Nazuths.

We are approaching the 1 year anniversary of the last titan event... viewtopic.php?f=81&t=74931
A ton of effort was put into developing this system and these events are a community favorite. These events should be every other month at a bare minimum.

On most of the current top servers, staff members prioritize helping, events, and then moderation. Not sure how this is even a discussion. Players have always complained that moderation is too strict and staff members dont get involved in the community enough. Nothing is going to change unless there is a fundamental shift in the staff team's goals.

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Church » Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:43 pm

Iron adam wrote:
Pvm porn wrote:I don't know why mods can't host events and monitor the yell at the same time. It's not like we have people constantly breaking rules. Even if they have to take a 5 minute break from the event to go talk to someone because they're the only mod on that isn't exactly worse than not having an event.
Haha don't try to use logic here brother.
Pvm porn wrote:Personally I think it comes down to the fact that no one wants to host events or no one can agree on what they want for events so it discourages people from hosting them idk
Yep, current mods need to step it up with events. Or recruit players who are on every day and would host events, like maybe Nazuths.

We are approaching the 1 year anniversary of the last titan event... viewtopic.php?f=81&t=74931
A ton of effort was put into developing this system and these events are a community favorite. These events should be every other month at a bare minimum.

On most of the current top servers, staff members prioritize helping, events, and then moderation. Not sure how this is even a discussion. Players have always complained that moderation is too strict and staff members dont get involved in the community enough. Nothing is going to change unless there is a fundamental shift in the staff team's goals.
Ely wrote:I’ve already been working on a series of Titan events which will be active over the Halloween period. Some events will have multiple titans, and they won’t just appear once. This is key to ensure all players can attend the event best suited for them, or all if they’re keen.

Many of you have said you’ve really missed Titan events, which is all very important feedback. Going forward from here, we’re aiming to give any staff member the opportunity to learn and host titan events more easily so hopefully they don’t become this rare again.

It's not due to lack of desire or effort. Trust me guys, we're doing our best to make things better in this regard.

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Re: Function of the Staff Team

Post by Thierryu1 » Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:42 am

Iron adam wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2019 4:50 am yes you are right. lets stick to one community pvm event every month, no titans, and no tournaments. mods should be spending most of their time watching yell to make sure none of the 40 players are saying bad words.
Lmao this

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