Extreme Negativity

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Monys » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:32 am

Iron adam wrote:
Natte droom wrote:
Iron adam wrote:I love you. Mods are the best.
The ironman community is on your side! Lets yell things like "Dont forget to ::vote for #pkhonor!".
These childish "look at me im ironic and perky" (spam) comments are fucking annoying too. Can't have a decent thread without one of these as a comment or a negative one. It's just posting so you can post something. New players reading those posts might not see the irony and think this type of spam is actually all there is to the forums. If ya want forums to not be a turnoff for players then the rules of spam should be enforced and made stricter so shitposting isn't going to take up the majority of the forums activity.
What are you on about? I was being completely serious. I think DJ church is a wonderful person and I agree with his post!
You can ask a staff how many times I have yelled a message with ::vote in it. I also see Nazuths do it sometimes he is also a good friend and person.
I do it as well, brother! It is important for all players to ::vote and ::donate if they are able to spare the extra money! Nothing but positivity from veteran players like Adam Corrupt, Shandy Cars, Nazooths, toehfive, and Monies!

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Kenneth » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:39 am

Ban people who talk negatively about the server, lets be authoritarian! :badjokeeel: :badjokeeel: :badjokeeel:

kys in yell is okay tho

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Lykos » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:39 am

Natte droom wrote:
Iron adam wrote:I love you. Mods are the best.
The ironman community is on your side! Lets yell things like "Dont forget to ::vote for #pkhonor!".
These childish "look at me im ironic and perky" (spam) comments are fucking annoying too. Can't have a decent thread without one of these as a comment or a negative one. It's just posting so you can post something. New players reading those posts might not see the irony and think this type of spam is actually all there is to the forums. If ya want forums to not be a turnoff for players then the rules of spam should be enforced and made stricter so shitposting isn't going to take up the majority of the forums activity.

Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by The underdog » Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:32 am

Natte droom wrote:
Iron adam wrote:I love you. Mods are the best.
The ironman community is on your side! Lets yell things like "Dont forget to ::vote for #pkhonor!".
These childish "look at me im ironic and perky" (spam) comments are fucking annoying too. Can't have a decent thread without one of these as a comment or a negative one. It's just posting so you can post something. New players reading those posts might not see the irony and think this type of spam is actually all there is to the forums. If ya want forums to not be a turnoff for players then the rules of spam should be enforced and made stricter so shitposting isn't going to take up the majority of the forums activity.

Wowowow big sticker.

Well at least look at the positive side bro, people are online while yelling negative stuff.

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Its flat » Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:56 am

Thanks for this post Church. The constant negative posts on the forums are draining to read. It is okay to admit that the server is not in the best spot at the moment, but it is in our power as a community to help change that. Spreading constant negativity only makes things worse. We should take initiative and help newcomers see what a great server this is, we can be part of the solution.

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Thierryu1 » Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:49 pm

I really do think this server is going splendidly. All I see in yell are helpful suggestions, answers to questions and tips like "Don't forget to ::Vote or ::donate to support the server".
This server has been doing exceptionally well, no poor management, slow updates or toxic/draining behavior whatsoever. Keep up the good work everyone! #PKHonor

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Patel » Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:33 pm

Sigh reminds me of this post I made when the forums came out. I guess I was 16.

Obviously hope it can still apply, but eh, what more can you say than "don't be a dick"? Treat the internet game like it's an internet game? Don't hate people like they have any actual bearing on your life?

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Egolith » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:16 pm

While I do agree that we are a portion of the issue and that saying that the game is dead over yell would decrease player count, I know that when I start any rsps and see barely anyone in my first few minutes, I'd leave.

If there was a way for us to increase playerbase that would stay for more than a day or two, then I think we should really look into this.

We need to market the fk out of PkHonor right now to be frank, cause this is one of the better servers but hasn't got the players to appreciate it.

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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Thearlygamer » Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:38 pm

To be fair, I don't think many new players see ANY negative behavior because, it's hard to believe we get ANY new players to begin with. I know I'm sounding negative now, but how often does someone go on Runelocus or any top site and not click through the top 5 servers and make a decision, let alone scroll to whatever rank PkH stands at rn. MAYBE if we had a youtuber with the views to show people PKH it'd be different, but the way people find RSPS has changed, and being low on the top lists is not going to bring us any new players.
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Re: Extreme Negativity

Post by Church » Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:35 pm

Thearlygamer wrote:To be fair, I don't think many new players see ANY negative behavior because, it's hard to believe we get ANY new players to begin with. I know I'm sounding negative now, but how often does someone go on Runelocus or any top site and not click through the top 5 servers and make a decision, let alone scroll to whatever rank PkH stands at rn. MAYBE if we had a youtuber with the views to show people PKH it'd be different, but the way people find RSPS has changed, and being low on the top lists is not going to bring us any new players.
If you google "rsps toplist" go to the first one and then scroll, we are #15 out of 2000 servers. We aren't low. (We're 19 on runelocus atm) and I can't even say I really trust those pages to be super accurate.
We get new players every day, it's rare we don't as far as I know.

I don't think youtubers advertising the server would do much to begin with, especially not as an added expense for the server owners.

This is exactly what I'm talking about: "The server isn't getting new players, and here's the solution that has been suggested a million times that has been regularly proven to be something that we can't do".

If you guys think a youtube channel is what we need, start a youtube channel. Be the positive change you want to see.

For what it's worth, I found PkHonor on a toplist when I started. I think it was Moparscape, and we're currently at #10 on there.

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