11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

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11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Mike » Sun Aug 11, 2019 6:59 pm

While we keep working on adding a perfect Theatre of Blood experience to PkHonor, I am glad to announce the release of Vorkath!


As you may have guessed, it works pretty much the same as in OSRS. Vorkath is an undead creature susceptible to the salve amulet and crumble undead, while also being considered a blue dragon for the purpose of a slayer task.
In terms of dying, it is very similar to Zulrah, as in you don't lose any items when you die but hardcore Ironman players will still lose their hardcore status if they die at Vorkath! We've added an appropriate message upon entering to warn the Hardcore players.
As you cannot lose your items, there is also no cost to reclaim them. However, there is a fee of 100,000 coins each time you enter. Donators can enter for free.

Its attacks are very similar to OSRS as well:
First it uses 6 standard attacks, which can be any of the following:
  • Melee if you're in melee range
  • Magic
  • Ranged
  • Dragonfire (regular, one that can envenom you and one that disables your prayers). This dragonfire hits harder than regular dragonfire and requires more tiers of protection, such as a super antifire potion combined with an anti-dragon shield.
  • A slow moving fire bomb that can instakill you if you don't move out of the way. Moving just one square away only halves the damage, so you need to move at least 2 squares to be safe.
Then it uses one of two special attacks, randomly chosen:
  • You are frozen and a Zombified Spawn is summoned, which can deal up to 60 damage if not killed in time. Crumble Undead will always instakill the spawn as long a you don't splash. Vorkath is immune to damage as long as the spawn is alive.
  • Several acid pools are spawned, which can hit up to 10 damage each game tick you stand on one of them. Vorkath is healed for any poison damage you take. Additionally, it will hurl 25 fireballs at you in very quick succession, which can only be dodged by walking away from where you're standing. During this time, Vorkath takes 50% reduced damage.
After that, it uses another 6 standard attacks. Lastly, it uses the special attack that it didn't use before, then the cycle repeats until Vorkath is killed.

The only real difference with OSRS is that the max hit of the fire bomb, rapid fireballs and the Zombified spawn are slightly lower than on OSRS. There is also no guarantee of receiving a Vorkath's head on the 50th kill - the drop rate is simply 2% (1/50).

Its most notable drops are as follows:
  • Superior dragon bones, which can be buried or offered at an altar, granting the same amount of prayer XP as frost dragon bones. They can also be ground up with a pestle and mortar to create crushed superior dragon bones. These crushed bones can be combined with an antifire potion to create a super antifire potion. You can further enhance this super antifire potion into an extended super antifire potion by adding lava scale shards.
  • Skeletal visage, which can be mounted on an anti-dragon shield (requiring 90 smithing) to create the Dragonfire ward. The Dragonfire ward is very similar to the Dragonfire shield, it can be charged with dragon breath - which increases its melee and ranged defence - and be operated to deal dragonfire damage to your opponent. The cooldown is shared with the DFS. The main difference with the DFS is that it has higher ranged stats and is therefore better suited for rangers than a DFS.
  • Vorkath's head, which has three uses:
    - Can be mounted in a Player-owned House after being stuffed, the mounted head can be used to fully charge a DFS or DFW in one go, just like mounted KBD heads
    - Can be used to purchase a turquoise slayer helmet at the slayer store, a purely cosmetic upgrade
    - Last but not least, can be combined with an Ava's accumulator to create Ava's assembler. This assembler grants better ranged bonuses along with +2 ranged strength. Ava's assembler can in turn be combined with a Max cape to create an Assembler max cape, a purely cosmetic upgrade of the Max cape with no extra stats
  • Dragonbone necklace, which restores 1 - 5 prayer points when burying bones (also applies to the bonecrusher). 1 prayer point for regular bones, 2 for big bones, 3 for babydragon bones, 4 for dragon bones and Dagannoth bones and 5 for superior dragon bones and frost dragon bones. Note that just like in OSRS, the effect only activates 9 seconds after you equip the necklace.
  • And of course, the Vorki pet, which can be upgraded to a Lucky Vorki by feeding it an Ex-Ex-Parrot.
When killed, two rolls are made on its drop table, so keep this in mind when checking out Vorkath's drop table as you need to double all of its drop rates, except for Vorki and the Skeletal visage.

But that's not all! This update also brings a much asked for Quality of Life improvement: game timers!

That's right, there is now a visual overlay in the top left corner of your screen that displays when the following will expire:
  • Antipoison potions and its variants
  • Anti-venom+ potions
  • Antifire potions and its variants
  • Overload potions
  • Entangle and freeze
  • Vengeance
  • Teleblock
  • Skull and red skull
These timers can be toggled on or off in your settings tab.
Feel free to request additional timers to be added to this list. If they are deemed useful and it's not too hard to add them, I'll be sure to do so. On that note, please check out this thread to let me know what kind of RuneLite features you guys would like to see in the game. Adding the actual RuneLite client doesn't seem feasible to me at this time, but adding some of its most important features shouldn't be too hard, at least.

A few other updates:
  • Long overdue, but better late than never: our drop tables now show the exact drop rates for each item, rather than a rough estimate
  • You no longer require a slayer staff to cast Crumble undead, but you still need one if you wish to autocast the spell.
  • Players can no longer purchase donator credits in the vote store.
  • Monsters with 255 hitpoints or more now have a much longer health bar.

Last of all, next weekend you'll receive double woodcutting and firemaking XP, starting in:

Ending in:


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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Monys » Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:11 pm

Great update! Good luck to everyone out there hunting today!!

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Matthew » Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:14 pm


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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Raj » Sun Aug 11, 2019 7:15 pm

Been wishing for timers since I was a noob doing mith dragons wondering when my antifire would run out. Huge update, thanks guys

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Unhipskills » Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:02 pm

Pumped for all of it

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Lykos » Sun Aug 11, 2019 8:51 pm


Rest In Peace Lieven

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Isaac » Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:54 pm

Oh dayummm Mike and the devs at it again with the fresh updates! Good work.

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Explozionz » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:11 pm

The excitement is real, Can't wait for the bigger updates! This will really bring a lively hood to the game again!

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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Thoby » Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:58 pm

Once again some amazing work Mike. You certainly do wonders.
Isaac wrote:Oh dayummm Mike and the devs at it again with the fresh updates! Good work.
This time arounds its 200% Mike. Most of the devs haven't been at work in the past week(s), and Mike just dropped this one like it was nothing. Showing everyone what an effort he makes regardless ;)
Feel free to send me a message, I'd gladly have a chat!
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Re: 11 August Updates - Vorkath, Game Timers, Drop Table

Post by Kenneth » Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:03 pm

Huge props to the devs, take as much time as you need and keep making pkhonor great again. <3

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