15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

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15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Mike » Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:55 pm

Ultimate Ironman Mode has been released, along with the appropriate highscores!


In addition to Ironman Mode restrictions (no trading, staking or looting), Ultimate Ironman Mode also has the following restrictions:
  • You do not have access to a bank
  • On death (outside safe minigames), you will lose all items you have with you. The items will stay on the floor for 1 hour, after which they will vanish
  • You cannot create item sets
  • Items that would normally go to your refund box at a price on death, for example a fire cape or custom whip lost in the wilderness, will completely vanish instead of being added to the refund box
  • Ultimate Ironman Mode players cannot make use of bonus XP weekends. They can however participate in NPC-related bonus weekends

However, you can use the following features to save inventory space:
  • Use an item on a bank booth to note or unnote it
  • Use the refund box to store coins, 100M tickets and 1B tickets
  • A looting bag can be used to add items while inside the wilderness (obtainable by killing wilderness NPC's)
  • A rune pouch can hold up to 16,000 of up to 3 types of runes (sold in the slayer store for 1,250 slayer points)
  • A menagerie in your player-owned house can be used to store your pets - up to 20 for regular UIM players, 50 for donators and an unlimited amount for premium members

Today's update also comes with a change for other players: when losing items on death outside PvP, your items will now stay on the floor for one hour. They will only be visible to the player itself, but after the hour expires they will become visible to other players for a few minutes, after which they will vanish forever. This applies to both regular players and Ironman Mode players (including HCIM and UIM).
Considering that's the way it's been on OSRS for some time now, we decided it would be best to do this as well in order to avoid any confusion. However, unlike OSRS, other players will have a few minutes to pick up any lost items from other players after the one hour timer is over.

I'm also glad to announce that we are currently working on adding Cerberus, which will be released next week on 20 or 21 February!
Just like OSRS, you will only be able to kill it while on a hellhound or slayer task, but next weekend we will be holding a Cerberus event that will give free access to the Cerberus lair to all players, even if they do not have it assigned as a task!
Note that Cerberus will be an instanced (solo) boss for all players, similar to Zulrah (except it is not a safe boss and you will lose your items if you die). Its combat mechanics will also be very similar to those of OSRS.


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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Pls senpai » Fri Feb 15, 2019 9:59 pm

Quality meme releasing the update thread before the update

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Will be ok » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:03 pm

Goddamn! Awesome work the past few months, any insight to cerb rare drops???

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Iron sloth » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:10 pm

Good shit Mike and the rest of the staff/developing team! The recent updates have been incredible and I'm ready for the future updates!

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Revenantduff » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:35 pm

Mike wrote:I'm also glad to announce that we are currently working on adding Cerberus, which will be released next week on 20 or 21 February! Its combat mechanics will also be very similar to those of OSRS.
Any plans on adding Spectral spirit shield effect that OSRS has? Would be useful for Cerb.

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Iron adam » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:36 pm

Mike wrote:Today's update also comes with a change for other players: when losing items on death outside PvP, your items will now stay on the floor for one hour. They will only be visible to the player itself, but after the hour expires they will become visible to other players for a few minutes, after which they will vanish forever. This applies to both regular players and Ironman Mode players (including HCIM and UIM).
Considering that's the way it's been on OSRS for some time now, we decided it would be best to do this as well in order to avoid any confusion. However, unlike OSRS, other players will have a few minutes to pick up any lost items from other players after the one hour timer is over.
Just to clarify, when an Ironman dies with items in a non-PVP death, the items drop to the ground for 1hour. After the hour, can they also be seen by other players for a few minutes? That would be break the precedent of not being able to transfer items.

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Jonas » Fri Feb 15, 2019 10:40 pm

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Mike » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:12 am

Admin adam wrote:Just to clarify, when an Ironman dies with items in a non-PVP death, the items drop to the ground for 1hour. After the hour, can they also be seen by other players for a few minutes? That would be break the precedent of not being able to transfer items.
Items dropped by irons should not become visible to other players after the hour is over. I guess my sentence may have been rather confusing in that regard.

Basically, nothing has changed about the items lost on death mechanic, other than how long the items stay on the floor.

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Will be ok » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:17 am

Mike wrote:
Admin adam wrote:Just to clarify, when an Ironman dies with items in a non-PVP death, the items drop to the ground for 1hour. After the hour, can they also be seen by other players for a few minutes? That would be break the precedent of not being able to transfer items.
Items dropped by irons should not become visible to other players after the hour is over. I guess my sentence may have been rather confusing in that regard.

Basically, nothing has changed about the items lost on death mechanic, other than how long the items stay on the floor.
The real question is what will cerb drop though?

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Re: 15 February Updates - Ultimate Ironman Mode

Post by Iron adam » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:17 am

Mike wrote:
Admin adam wrote:Just to clarify, when an Ironman dies with items in a non-PVP death, the items drop to the ground for 1hour. After the hour, can they also be seen by other players for a few minutes? That would be break the precedent of not being able to transfer items.
Items dropped by irons should not become visible to other players after the hour is over. I guess my sentence may have been rather confusing in that regard.

Basically, nothing has changed about the items lost on death mechanic, other than how long the items stay on the floor.
Very good, thank you

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