8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

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8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Mike » Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:53 am

The menagerie has been added!
Now that the last inventory enhancing feature on our to-do list has been released, we'll be working to get Ultimate Ironman Mode released (and Hardcore Ultimate Ironman Mode shortly after that). The exact release date is yet to be announced, but we're aiming for sometime around 20 - 25 February.


When adding rooms to your player-owned house, you now have the option to add indoor and outdoor menageries for 300M coins.
Unlike OSRS, you can have as many menageries as you want. The amount of pets you can hold in your player-owned house purely depends on your donator rank, rather than the kind of pet house you build inside a menagerie. I could have made the max amount of pets depend on the kind of pet house, but this would have taken me a lot of time to develop and didn't seem to be worth the effort.
Aside from the pet list, all objects in the menagerie are purely decorative and have no actual use (so you can't have pets battle in the arena - sorry).
Regular players can store up to 20 pets in their house, donators up to 50 and premium members can store an unlimited amount of pets (regardless of how many menageries you have).
Storing and withdrawing pets is done from the pet list interface, to bring it up all you have to do is click the 'pet list' object in your menagerie after which you can use the interface as if it were a bank.


In a future update, I would like to give players the ability to have their pets freely roam their house (limited to the first few that are shown in their pet list). However, I didn't want to postpone the menagerie update just to add this fancy feature.

We have also decided to add some new items to our donator store. Several weapons and pieces of equipment, including void sets, are now available for purchase. More items will be added later on. The donator store now has 3 tabs:

Spoiler: show
  • Mystery box (250)
  • Donator status (2,500)
  • Premium status (2,500)
  • Honor status (12,500)
  • 2M coins (1)
  • 100M ticket (50)
  • 1B ticket (500)
  • Imbue scroll (1,350)
  • Frozen whip mix (10,000)
  • Volcanic whip mix (10,000)
  • Rogue set (20,000)
  • Gilded armor set (25,000)
Spoiler: show
  • Whip of Chaos (7,500)
  • Whip of Magic (7,500)
  • Whip of Shadows (7,500)
  • Holy whip (7,500)
  • Unholy whip (7,500)
  • Whip of Balance (7,500)
  • Whip of Souls (7,500)
  • Whip of Fortune (7,500)
  • Light ballista (900)
  • Heavy ballista (1,800)
  • Staff of the Dead (700)
  • Toxic staff (3,000)
  • Toxic trident (2,000)
  • Toxic blowpipe (3,000)
  • Armadyl crossbow (2,250)
  • Dragon claws (450)
  • Zamorakian hasta (1,300)
  • Armadyl godsword (750)
  • Bandos godsword (150)
  • Saradomin godsword (150)
  • Zamorak godsword (150)
Spoiler: show
  • Fire cape (250)
  • Dragonfire shield (25)
  • Spirit shield (150)
  • Blessed spirit shield (350)
  • Arcane spirit shield (350)
  • Spectral spirit shield (350)
  • Elysian spirit shield (750)
  • Divine spirit shield (750)
  • Dragon defender (100)
  • Serpentine helm (1,600)
  • Tanzanite helm (6,750)
  • Magma helm (6,750)
  • Amulet of Torture (2,250)
  • Necklace of Anguish (2,250)
  • Tormented Bracelet (2,250)
  • Ring of Suffering (2,250)
  • 'Perfect ring' (17,500)
  • Salve Amulet (e) (1,100)
  • Armadyl helmet (700)
  • Armadyl chestplate (900)
  • Armadyl chainskirt (900)
  • Bandos chestplate (800)
  • Bandos tassets (1,000)
  • Bandos boots (100)
  • Void melee set (top, robe, gloves, melee helm) (100)
  • Void ranger set (top, robe, gloves, ranger helm) (100)
  • Void mage set (top, robe, gloves, mage helm) (100)

Other changes in today's update:
  • Fixed a bug where completing an easy, medium, hard, elite or master clue wouldn't be logged in your PoH bookcase
  • You can now use noted rings of recoil on the ring of suffering to quickly charge it
  • When using an unnoted ring of recoil on a ring of suffering, all rings of recoil in your inventory will be used instead of just one
  • You can now pack void melee, ranger and mage sets at the item set exchange clerk
  • Buckets of sand (for the desert habitat in a PoH menagerie) can be filled at the sandpit in Yanille
  • Papyrus (for the pet list) can be purchased at the estate agent

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Revenantduff » Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:54 pm

Mike wrote:In a future update, I would like to give players the ability to have their pets freely roam their house (limited to the first few that are shown in their pet list). However, I didn't want to postpone the menagerie update just to add this fancy feature.
Excited for this :D

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Ruler » Fri Feb 08, 2019 12:59 pm

Ehmmm, using the exchange rate of 500 donator credits for 1b tells me some prices are off, or is that just me? I mean, divine for 750 credits (1.5b?)

Awesome, menagerie! Thanks a lot.

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Rapsey » Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:13 pm

Ruler wrote:Ehmmm, using the exchange rate of 500 donator credits for 1b tells me some prices are off, or is that just me? I mean, divine for 750 credits (1.5b?)

Awesome, menagerie! Thanks a lot.
All the prices are based on the approximate Mbox credit ratio (250 credits for 550M) and the recent GE trading prices for these items. Divines are traded for approximately 1.4B - 2B. Divines were originally going to be 800 credits (= 1780M) but we lowered it to 750 because we didn't want to imply that Divine is better than Elysian purely from costing more.

Buying cash or tickets directly has always been a little less profitable than buying items which is why we don't use those ratios.

EDIT: We also rounded the prices to the nearest multiple of 50. Considering how broad the price ranges are for all these items it really doesn't matter that much.

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Ruler » Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:34 pm

Rapsey wrote:
Ruler wrote:Ehmmm, using the exchange rate of 500 donator credits for 1b tells me some prices are off, or is that just me? I mean, divine for 750 credits (1.5b?)

Awesome, menagerie! Thanks a lot.
All the prices are based on the approximate Mbox credit ratio (250 credits for 550M) and the recent GE trading prices for these items. Divines are traded for approximately 1.4B - 2B. Divines were originally going to be 800 credits (= 1780M) but we lowered it to 750 because we didn't want to imply that Divine is better than Elysian purely from costing more.

Buying cash or tickets directly has always been a little less profitable than buying items which is why we don't use those ratios.

EDIT: We also rounded the prices to the nearest multiple of 50. Considering how broad the price ranges are for all these items it really doesn't matter that much.
Ah okay, that's clear! To be honest I wasn't even aware divine was that low in price these days :D

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Ross » Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:58 pm

Another amazing update, truly a masterpiece of the modern age.

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Will be ok » Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:09 pm

So what your saying is that there was a thread made in regards to suggestions on what to add into the donor shop right? And 90% of the items were not brought up/suggested once although some of the main items sought after to be added such as eucmenical key is not added? *sigh*

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Ruler » Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:19 pm

Subject: Donator zone shop
Ruler wrote:Donator zone shop has become estate agent shop....

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Iron adam » Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:01 pm

Will be ok wrote:So what your saying is that there was a thread made in regards to suggestions on what to add into the donor shop right? And 90% of the items were not brought up/suggested once although some of the main items sought after to be added such as eucmenical key is not added? *sigh*
This was just a first round of items that we knew wouldn't be an issue. Things like ecumenical keys and the rest of the things you suggested are controversial and either wont happen or need more thought put into their potential effect. I think ecumenical keys would be really cool to put in. But effigies, big nono.

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Re: 8 February Updates - Menagerie, new donator items

Post by Rapsey » Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:06 pm

Admin adam wrote:
Will be ok wrote:So what your saying is that there was a thread made in regards to suggestions on what to add into the donor shop right? And 90% of the items were not brought up/suggested once although some of the main items sought after to be added such as eucmenical key is not added? *sigh*
This was just a first round of items that we knew wouldn't be an issue. Things like ecumenical keys and the rest of the things you suggested are controversial and either wont happen or need more thought put into their potential effect. I think ecumenical keys would be really cool to put in. But effigies, big nono.
This ^

Also we were already planning these additions before the community discussion thread went up. Just because we've made these additions doesn't mean we're done now and everything said in the community discussion will be ignored.

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