Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Iron adam » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:21 pm

Monsters should not be able to attack you with any style when you are on one of the tiles that they are on. They should attempt to move to a new tile or set of tiles from which they can attack you.

Thelategamer wrote:For risky barrows, ahrims and karils seem to have an attack range of 7 tiles so neither will walk right up to you so you can barrage the brothers in a pile like before. Not sure if this is how we want the new minigame to be played, just looking for clarification.
Technically that is how they should have been from the beginning. Considering most players like to barrage there, I think it would be reasonable to apply the same exception to Ahrim and Karil that is applied to GWD bosses.
Thelategamer wrote:seems like DKs have a range of 10 tiles, would be nice to see their range lowered a bit to make it more like OSRS so you can tribrid or target a single DK on your trip (more for newer players who might not be able to tank all 3 DK's at once). Also, if someone can verify, I think Supreme should be spawning more south-west than where it current point is now.
This sounds like more of an issue with their aggressive range. Support for reducing the aggresive range to a point where you can stay on the perimeter of the lair without getting aggroed by all three. I think an aggressive range of 8-10 tiles should work.
Thelategamer wrote:seems like we won't need to safespot Barrelchests anymore, since they stay in their place just ranging (unless you go up to them, then they'll melee)
As it should be ;)

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Thearlygamer » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:26 pm

Thelategamer wrote:For risky barrows, ahrims and karils seem to have an attack range of 7 tiles so neither will walk right up to you so you can barrage the brothers in a pile like before. Not sure if this is how we want the new minigame to be played, just looking for clarification.

EDIT : seems like DKs have a range of 10 tiles, would be nice to see their range lowered a bit to make it more like OSRS so you can tribrid or target a single DK on your trip (more for newer players who might not be able to tank all 3 DK's at once). Also, if someone can verify, I think Supreme should be spawning more south-west than where it current point is now.

EDIT 2 : seems like we won't need to safespot Barrelchests anymore, since they stay in their place just ranging (unless you go up to them, then they'll melee)
List of NPCS that seem to work fine (I tested, but can be looked at for verification)
•Bandos lair (including minions)
•Zamorak lair (including minions)
•Saradomin lair (except for growler acting like a melee npc -look at respires post above-)
•Demonic Gorillas
•All metal dragons
•DKS (besides what I mentioned earlier, supreme and prime do stay in place when attacking)
•ice strykwyrm
•fight cave npcs
•frost dragons
•Nex (still need to be able to enter with royal seed pod)
•Corporeal Beast

I'll keep editing NPCs I test as I go (at work right now)
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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Iron adam » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:29 pm

The range of all NPC's should be double checked. I was walking past Venenatis and got slapped hard without her ever coming onto my screen. I think a maximum range of 10 squares for any NPC is reasonable considering that our maximum range with any weapon is also 10 squares. I know that the fight caves on OSRS is an exception to this. The NPCs in there have massive range.

All revenants will move into melee range despite having mage and range attacks.

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Respire1337 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:32 pm

Admin adam wrote:The range of all NPC's should be double checked. I was walking past Venenatis and got slapped hard without her ever coming onto my screen. I think a maximum range of 10 squares for any NPC is reasonable considering that our maximum range with any weapon is also 10 squares. I know that the fight caves on OSRS is an exception to this. The NPCs in there have massive range.

All revenants will move into melee range despite having mage and range attacks.
Seems to be like that for npcs that use mage? Didn't tested to a larger scale yet. Also support to flinching npcs ( your post with the vid references).

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Thearlygamer » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:35 pm

Admin adam wrote:
Thelategamer wrote:seems like DKs have a range of 10 tiles, would be nice to see their range lowered a bit to make it more like OSRS so you can tribrid or target a single DK on your trip (more for newer players who might not be able to tank all 3 DK's at once). Also, if someone can verify, I think Supreme should be spawning more south-west than where it current point is now.
This sounds like more of an issue with their aggressive range. Support for reducing the aggresive range to a point where you can stay on the perimeter of the lair without getting aggroed by all three. I think an aggressive range of 8-10 tiles should work.
I personally would consider them having a larger agro range than RS more of a glitch rather than an update. Could you confirm if Supreme is in the right spawn spot?
Admin adam wrote:
Thelategamer wrote:seems like we won't need to safespot Barrelchests anymore, since they stay in their place just ranging (unless you go up to them, then they'll melee)
As it should be ;)
Completely agree
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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Fungamer » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:30 pm

While we're on it could DKS and the little shits around it please have a delay on their aggro? It's kinda annoying that even when spamclicking morph world teleport you dont have the chance to even go there. Ruins death smh

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Respire1337 » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:34 pm

Fungamer wrote:While we're on it could DKS and the little shits around it please have a delay on their aggro? It's kinda annoying that even when spamclicking morph world teleport you dont have the chance to even go there. Ruins death smh
Their aggro is so....wrong. You kill one and then all of the sudden all of them aggro you! (while you're standing still, moved 0 squares). It's so annoying at times when you want to kill only 1 DK, but all 3 aggro without you even moving...

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Thearlygamer » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:42 pm

Respire1337 wrote: Their aggro is so....wrong. You kill one and then all of the sudden all of them aggro you! (while you're standing still, moved 0 squares). It's so annoying at times when you want to kill only 1 DK, but all 3 aggro without you even moving...
they're defending their fallen brother
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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Iron adam » Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:19 pm

Mike wrote:If our dear players are willing to give the test server another go, I might be able to release all these changes tomorrow :) but only if I feel like there's been adequate testing - these are changes that have a huge impact on gameplay (and a possibility of severe bugs, as the testing so far has shown), so I don't want to take any chances.
Definitely take your time on this one. We want to get this as close to perfect before changing anything on the production server.

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Re: Major upcoming NPC pathfinding update

Post by Troll n roll » Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:59 pm

Admin adam wrote:Definitely take your time on this one. We want to get this as close to perfect before changing anything on the production server.
Minimize the bugs I can abuse, good call!

But yeah, I'd rather see this update takes its time with bug testing, rather than being pushed out quickly.
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