Comp cape bois!!

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Comp cape bois!!

Post by Retsnom » Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:26 am

I'll make more detailed objectives if I take this goal seriously after, RN my goal is just the obvious: 99 in all skills, followed by 2b xp in 8 skills.

More importantly, tips for achieving this goal??

Which are the easiest/cheapest skills to get 2b xp?

Wildy achievement tips? I feel like this is the hardest requirement.

If you have compcape, what was YOUR hardest barrier, and how did you overcome it?

P's and Q's in advance. ;)

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Re: Comp cape bois!!

Post by Skiller » Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:07 am

Fletch and Magic are fast with money, wc and fm, craft and mining are both quick as well, and generally you'll earn a couple from like str and attack and shit when doing slayer and just making money.

Just an fyi, you need 20 skills to 200m for comp, 23 for ench comp. This means all but 3 or all, so generally people will leave prayer, constr, and hunter for those last 3 cuz they're slow/require money.

Gl sellout! ;)

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Re: Comp cape bois!!

Post by Kenneth » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:17 am

Double combat exp is coming up, USE THIS OPPORTUNITY.

Go to the endless zombie mini-game (Get the Skull scepter from the general in the fight area) and afk train mage, range and strength. These are the slowest combat skills and doing them will cut out other 2b skills that would otherwise be tedious and annoying. Don't worry about attack or defense, those can be done passively with a custom whip during slayer or whatever bossing you might do.

Firemaking and Woodcutting are another easy 2b with Inferno Adze. Switch between brawlers to keep your exp even

Herblore is a cheep method only needing Range pots (Buy them in the general store noted 100 at a time) and Grenwall spikes to make extreme range pots. Spikes stack in your inv so its possible to make 27 pots per bank making it cheep and semi quick. Use brawlers ofc and 3rd age Druidic if you have the cash

Fletching is a very expensive but also the quickest 2b skill you can get you also gain Magic exp so don't train magic if you plan on doing this to 2b. Make Diamond bolts (e) You will need Adamant bolts, Diamond bolt tips, Law runes, Cosmic runes and an Earth Staff.

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Re: Comp cape bois!!

Post by Uim elon » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:01 pm

I love this! To begin, as Jermey already outlined, you will need 200m Experience in 20 skills (Your 8 skills with 2B count towards the 20). I would suggest these methods for every skill.


2B Range- Take a cannon and Black/Red Chinchompas down to ape atoll dungeon and you can afk monkey skeletons for boat loads of experience.

2B Magic- Do the same thing as 2B range, except using Blood barrage (Do not do this if you Decide to go for 2B fletching as you will get all of your magic experience from that)

2B Hitpoints- This will just come overtime. If you get 2B in all other Combat skills then you will have this one already

2B Woodcutting and Firemaking- As stated above, Adze at ::Skilling and alternate between brawlers.

2B herblore- Also stated above. Super prayer pots (Prayer pot+Bonemeal) or Extreme range lots (Range pot+ Grenwall spike)

Now that you got your 8 2B skills, here are a the fastest ways for the other skills. (All of these will require brawlers except for theiving)

Cooking- Cooking Rocktails or Rock crabs

Fletching- Diamond bolts

Fishing- Either fishing Rocktails to cook, or using a bar tailed harpoon and catching sharks and using the ::empty method.

Crafting and Mining- Use a sacred clay pick axe, hammer, and chisel to mine marble

Smithing- Rune bars into dart tips (can become fletching xp later)

Agility- Brawlers and Spottier cape, catch Warlocks at ::Skilling or Jungle Hunting area

Theiving- Gloves of silence at Rogues North of Yanille

Slayer- Elite Slayer tasks (extend task after task completion for double the bonus)

Farming- Magic scepts and Magic tree runs every 10 minutes (use super compost)

Rune crafting- Pure essence into souls tunes

Construction- Guilded benches in throne room

Hunter- Black Chinchompas in wilderness

Now you have all of the fastest experience rates ingame. I would suggest doing Prayer, Construction, and Hunter last. You can still obtain the Completionist cape without them. Good luck!

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Re: Comp cape bois!!

Post by Thearlygamer » Fri Jul 13, 2018 9:24 pm

just bot
Being the best player on PkHonor is hard, I just make it look easy

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