22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Iron adam » Thu May 24, 2018 7:11 pm

Nike007 wrote:We generally have 200+ online, there aren't 20 people actively pking. If you think there are, maybe you need to visit the wild sometime.
I spend the majority of my ingame time in or around the wilderness. I am well aware of what the activity is like based on the time of day and day of the week. Sometimes there are zero players in the wilderness. That doesn't mean that 100% of our playerbase consists of PvMers. People can be pkers and not be in the wilderness every time that they are on. This goes back to what I have said repeatedly about pking content being locked behind pvming and skilling. Pkers are forced out of the wild on a regular basis to obtain the items that they need to go pking. If you aren't premium, you don't even have access to the potions you need. You have to make them. Want the Best in slot pking cape? Sorry, you have to go get 20b skilling experience and do a ton of pvming. That is just the nature of the game. Pkers are forced to do things that aren't pking if they want a sustainable account. That is why the wilderness is "dead" all the time.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Thu May 24, 2018 7:34 pm

Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:We generally have 200+ online, there aren't 20 people actively pking. If you think there are, maybe you need to visit the wild sometime.
I spend the majority of my ingame time in or around the wilderness. I am well aware of what the activity is like based on the time of day and day of the week. Sometimes there are zero players in the wilderness. That doesn't mean that 100% of our playerbase consists of PvMers. People can be pkers and not be in the wilderness every time that they are on. This goes back to what I have said repeatedly about pking content being locked behind pvming and skilling. Pkers are forced out of the wild on a regular basis to obtain the items that they need to go pking. If you aren't premium, you don't even have access to the potions you need. You have to make them. Want the Best in slot pking cape? Sorry, you have to go get 20b skilling experience and do a ton of pvming. That is just the nature of the game. Pkers are forced to do things that aren't pking if they want a sustainable account. That is why the wilderness is "dead" all the time.
That's exactly my point... less than 10% of the server actively pks. You can go in the wild and find less than 10% of the current server there. It's probably more like 2.5%, I'm being generous. I'm just saying changing potion mechanics isn't going to fix that issue in any way. It just makes the whole PvM aspect to get to pking even more tedious. If anything it hurts the new pkers.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Thu May 24, 2018 7:45 pm

Whether it offers any merit or not, I do pk, but the majority of my time online is spent pvming or staking. Feel like I’ve been pegged as strictly a pker, which isn’t the case at all.

Out of the CC’s I’m aware of there is a decent amount of activity in the wilderness:

Underdogs - at least 30 pkers
Ape Gang - 15-20? Maybe more?
Killbot - 15?
Plus all the solo pkers - 40-50? (Edge included)

The issue is not everyone is online at the same time. From US to Europe to Netherlands, all different time zones. Saying < 10% pk is very untrue.

Anyways, the change is done. It’s pointless to keep defending the reason the change was done. If you want to change it back, then go to the in-game suggestions, create a thread, & poll it there. You 2 bitching on this isn’t giving you any results other than the continued argument you’re seeking like children on a playground.

Create your own poll - it doesn’t need to come from Mike. You 2, as well as everyone else, have the ability to create polls on threads. Bitching after the fact does nothing. You did not voice your thoughts or opinions on why or why not a change should occur. If you’re that unhappy with the change, then suggest to change it back.

Lock this & discontinue this nonsense, please.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Thu May 24, 2018 7:50 pm

Slap a ho wrote:Whether it offers any merit or not, I do pk, but the majority of my time online is spent pvming or staking. Feel like I’ve been pegged as strictly a pker, which isn’t the case at all.

Out of the CC’s I’m aware of there is a decent amount of activity in the wilderness:

Underdogs - at least 30 pkers
Ape Gang - 15-20? Maybe more?
Killbot - 15?
Plus all the solo pkers - 40-50? (Edge included)

The issue is not everyone is online at the same time. From US to Europe to Netherlands, all different time zones. Saying < 10% pk is very untrue.

Anyways, the change is done. It’s pointless to keep defending the reason the change was done. If you want to change it back, then go to the in-game suggestions, create a thread, & poll it there. You 2 bitching on this isn’t giving you any results other than the continued argument you’re seeking like children on a playground.

Create your own poll - it doesn’t need to come from Mike. You 2, as well as everyone else, have the ability to create polls on threads. Bitching after the fact does nothing. You did not voice your thoughts or opinions on why or why not a change should occur. If you’re that unhappy with the change, then suggest to change it back.

Lock this & discontinue this nonsense, please.
Oh, so you argue and it's fine, we argue and we're children. That's some kiddie logic right there. There was never a place to voice our opinion on it, what part of that don't you understand? This was not polled, Mike said fuck you guys I'm doing this because I think it's good. Which obviously he has the right to do. I just don't see how you keep saying "this was polled, you had a chance to speak up reeeeeee". No, it wasn't.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Thu May 24, 2018 7:56 pm

You’re not arguing, you’re complaining.

Read the other posts on the thread I referenced. The change on potions was supported by many & disapproved by others.

Bugs don’t need to be polled. Bugs need to be fixed. 2 tick potions = incorrect code. 3 tick potions = correct code. Make sense?

2 tick potions was input into the code incorrectly. It was never meant to be 2 tick. Only recently did someone come forward with substantial evidence supporting that our potion were 2 tick & should be 3 tick. That is why it’s been 2 tick for years. Otherwise, it would’ve been 3 tick before you even started had it been caught in the beginning.

Some logic you have to continue letting the server code have bugs & completely disregarding the fact that a bugged server kills player activity & deters other players from joining.

Again, if you’re not happy with the change, create a thread and poll it. You’re not getting any results here, whatsoever. Become involved or continue being a bystander that bitches at every update. I really don’t care.
Last edited by Slap a ho on Thu May 24, 2018 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Iron adam » Thu May 24, 2018 7:58 pm

Nike007 wrote:I'm just saying changing potion mechanics isn't going to fix that issue in any way.
No one is claiming that fixing this one thing is going to completely revive the wilderness. It is a necessary step in the right direction though.
Nike007 wrote:That's exactly my point... less than 10% of the server actively pks.
That just isn't true at all. At any given time it may be true that less than 10% of the server is pking. However, that doesn't mean that less than 10% of the server consists of active pkers. There are entire clans dedicated for pking.
Therein lies the huge flaw in your argument. Just because at a given time the majority of players are not pking, does not mean that the majority of players don;t care about the mechanics of pking.

Also, when you reference those numbers of 200-300 players. You neglect to consider all of the players who are afk, standing at home, standing at edge, etc. Its not like there are 150-200 players who are pvming. Most of the time that I go to bosses they are empty. Lets not pretend that there is an enormous amount of pvmers compared to the amount of pkers.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Thu May 24, 2018 8:13 pm

Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:I'm just saying changing potion mechanics isn't going to fix that issue in any way.
No one is claiming that fixing this one thing is going to completely revive the wilderness. It is a necessary step in the right direction though.
Nike007 wrote:That's exactly my point... less than 10% of the server actively pks.
That just isn't true at all. At any given time it may be true that less than 10% of the server is pking. However, that doesn't mean that less than 10% of the server consists of active pkers. There are entire clans dedicated for pking.
Therein lies the huge flaw in your argument. Just because at a given time the majority of players are not pking, does not mean that the majority of players don;t care about the mechanics of pking.

Also, when you reference those numbers of 200-300 players. You neglect to consider all of the players who are afk, standing at home, standing at edge, etc. Its not like there are 150-200 players who are pvming. Most of the time that I go to bosses they are empty. Lets not pretend that there is an enormous amount of pvmers compared to the amount of pkers.
You didn't touch on my main point. You say PvP is locked behind PvM... how does making PvM more difficult in any way help PvP then?

You need PvM to PvP
Making PvM harder makes PvP harder to get to.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Thu May 24, 2018 8:14 pm

Making the game function as it’s supposed to is the main point. It doesn’t matter how difficult pking is or how difficult pvming is. What matters is that everything is working the way it was intended unless the community chooses otherwise.

Pvp is only locked behind pvm because of the gear needed. That’s it.

Idk why you think the change was strictly to help pvp. It wasn’t. Get that through your head.

Did you make a poll yet?

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Fungamer » Thu May 24, 2018 8:39 pm

Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:I'm just saying changing potion mechanics isn't going to fix that issue in any way.
No one is claiming that fixing this one thing is going to completely revive the wilderness. It is a necessary step in the right direction though.
Nike007 wrote:That's exactly my point... less than 10% of the server actively pks.
That just isn't true at all. At any given time it may be true that less than 10% of the server is pking. However, that doesn't mean that less than 10% of the server consists of active pkers. There are entire clans dedicated for pking.
Therein lies the huge flaw in your argument. Just because at a given time the majority of players are not pking, does not mean that the majority of players don;t care about the mechanics of pking.

Also, when you reference those numbers of 200-300 players. You neglect to consider all of the players who are afk, standing at home, standing at edge, etc. Its not like there are 150-200 players who are pvming. Most of the time that I go to bosses they are empty. Lets not pretend that there is an enormous amount of pvmers compared to the amount of pkers.
Even with all that I'm wondering where the claim of less than 10% is coming.

I mean no offense but Nike, nobody is going to take your argument seriously if it looks like you chose a random number below 20 as your percentage.

Where's your proof to back this up? How are you so sure it's <10%?
Even then, if it was just 5%, it's still a lot of active players and I think it's the safest bet to FIX something and make that 5% happy and maybe piss off 0.1% because they can't see past their own interest. Rather lose 0.1% of your revenue than 5% aye? ;)

Please, give arguments. Back it up. You're claiming it needs to be changed. Show WHY it needs to be changed rather than claiming things without truly knowing what it all means. The numbers, where do they come from? The claims, can you prove it? The person talking: Are you even an all-round player or just a PKer/PvMer/Skiller? I don't think a Skillers input would really be as helpful and accurate if it's about PKing, and vice versa.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Thu May 24, 2018 9:21 pm

Fungamer wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:I'm just saying changing potion mechanics isn't going to fix that issue in any way.
No one is claiming that fixing this one thing is going to completely revive the wilderness. It is a necessary step in the right direction though.
Nike007 wrote:That's exactly my point... less than 10% of the server actively pks.
That just isn't true at all. At any given time it may be true that less than 10% of the server is pking. However, that doesn't mean that less than 10% of the server consists of active pkers. There are entire clans dedicated for pking.
Therein lies the huge flaw in your argument. Just because at a given time the majority of players are not pking, does not mean that the majority of players don;t care about the mechanics of pking.

Also, when you reference those numbers of 200-300 players. You neglect to consider all of the players who are afk, standing at home, standing at edge, etc. Its not like there are 150-200 players who are pvming. Most of the time that I go to bosses they are empty. Lets not pretend that there is an enormous amount of pvmers compared to the amount of pkers.
Even with all that I'm wondering where the claim of less than 10% is coming.

I mean no offense but Nike, nobody is going to take your argument seriously if it looks like you chose a random number below 20 as your percentage.

Where's your proof to back this up? How are you so sure it's <10%?
Even then, if it was just 5%, it's still a lot of active players and I think it's the safest bet to FIX something and make that 5% happy and maybe piss off 0.1% because they can't see past their own interest. Rather lose 0.1% of your revenue than 5% aye? ;)

Please, give arguments. Back it up. You're claiming it needs to be changed. Show WHY it needs to be changed rather than claiming things without truly knowing what it all means. The numbers, where do they come from? The claims, can you prove it? The person talking: Are you even an all-round player or just a PKer/PvMer/Skiller? I don't think a Skillers input would really be as helpful and accurate if it's about PKing, and vice versa.
I should rephrase that. At any given time, less than 5% of the server is actively pking. As in, there are 200 people online, less than 10 people are generally in the wild at a given time. I obviously can't prove this as it's impossible. Just check out the wild a little bit and you'll see it rings true. Everyone keeps saying, this doesn't benefit only PvP, it benefits PvM as well. Please show me how healing/potting SLOWER makes PvMing BETTER. It just doesn't correlate that way.

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