22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Wed May 23, 2018 5:08 pm

Slap a ho wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:You lot say all the time how this isn't osrs and mechanics do not have to work exactly the same when it's in favor of your argument. Seems fitting you twist it the other way when it suits you.
I almost never say that. I am constantly pushing for OSRS mechanics on most things because that is what the majority of players are used to. Keeping things consistent with Runescape will increase player retention.
Nike007 wrote:You have to pay more attention while bossing now, so yes, that is more tedious.
I don't understand this at all. Are you playing the game or not? Shouldn't you want to pay attention. I mean, if you aren't enjoying something enough to focus on it, then why would you even bother playing?
The biggest thing we say doesn’t need to work like osrs is how & where a drop is received. Example is the demonic gorillas vs. tormented demons dropping zenyte jewelry. Pking and pvming should work almost exactly like osrs. We’ve been pushing to have most things work more like osrs because their mechanics make sense. Just like with glacors - weak to fire spells on rs, weak to stab attacks on here. Glacors are made of ice & fire melts ice. That makes sense & ours should be weak to fire spells as well. We also shouldn’t be able to keep glacytes agro while the glacor loses agro - makes no sense.

You & Keiler05 are both upset because pvming isn’t as easy now & you have to pay more attention? Its silly that you want pvming to be afkable. Where’s the challenge that makes the fight exciting? All you do is spam click brews when you’re low and continue attacking while drinking (which is a feature btw; one that isn’t in osrs mechanics).

These changes are to help improve the game. We expect to lose a few players & we expect to piss off a few players when changes are made to something that’s been functioning the same way for 6 years. It’s gonna happen. But in the end, it’s a benefit for the server because it functions how it’s actually supposed to.

We also have gear that osrs doesn’t have - nex gear, custom whips, custom comp capes, pvp gear. All stuff that helps your pvm experience.

How about we remove customs & leave 2-tick brews?
Well I mainly play on an iron man that's 50 elites dry, so I'm okay with that lol xD

But I mean, removing 2 tick brews doesn't make the fight more "exciting." You just have to eat more and pay attention more. The main bosses I'd say would be like GWD/Nex/Corp that are affected. There is northing "exciting" about these fights other than the drops. You just pray, click, and eat as needed. It won't really affect bosses like Zulrah that actually have a some what engaging fight.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Wed May 23, 2018 5:56 pm

Gwd, nex, Corp, etc., may not be exciting for you, but it is for me & I’m sure it is for others.

As Adam has said before, it’s a matter of perspective. Apply it to an irl situation. You might like watching football every Sunday, I do not. Football might be fun and exciting for you, but it’s not for me.

Going to car events is fun and exciting for me, it might not be for you.

Think outside your box - everyone has a different opinion on what’s fun & exciting. This is one game & we’re trying to please 300+ players. It’s difficult to please 300+ different opinions/views. The majority wanted the change, so the change was implemented.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Wed May 23, 2018 8:44 pm

Slap a ho wrote:Gwd, nex, Corp, etc., may not be exciting for you, but it is for me & I’m sure it is for others.

As Adam has said before, it’s a matter of perspective. Apply it to an irl situation. You might like watching football every Sunday, I do not. Football might be fun and exciting for you, but it’s not for me.

Going to car events is fun and exciting for me, it might not be for you.

Think outside your box - everyone has a different opinion on what’s fun & exciting. This is one game & we’re trying to please 300+ players. It’s difficult to please 300+ different opinions/views. The majority wanted the change, so the change was implemented.

How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority...

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Slap a ho » Wed May 23, 2018 9:04 pm

Nike007 wrote:How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority...
Wrong - we do have a polling system. I speak for the majority based on the results provided in the thread below. The thread below is located under the “Polls” section on the forums.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by The underdog » Thu May 24, 2018 12:59 am

This making things like osrs aka making them harder and more annoying actually disgusts me.

It's a rsps for christ's sake, what maniac enjoys the fucking endless grinds and annoying mechanics. The only reason I would even touch skilling or pvming on this game is because I like the low effort mechanics on here, otherwise I would just play osrs because it takes the same amount of work there, but your stats and ingame wealth actually are worth something because it's the original game.

We should just have the nice things of osrs and fuck every annoying bullshit things, let us have op shit. Those brew ticks matter in pvm, for the lazy aspect. We can easily turn the tables around here: if you don't like the lazy aspect of this game, why bother playing?

If everything becomes annoying as fuck and the entire lazy aspect is gone, I won't bother anymore. These little things matter, to me and to a lot of regular players. Poll it ingame or it's just this osrs hugging forum community speaking. Stop making things harder, nobody with a life enjoys spending unnecessary much time and focus on reaching exactly the same thing.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Grizzly mint » Thu May 24, 2018 1:17 am

The underdog wrote:This making things like osrs aka making them harder and more annoying actually disgusts me.

It's a rsps for christ's sake, what maniac enjoys the fucking endless grinds and annoying mechanics. The only reason I would even touch skilling or pvming on this game is because I like the low effort mechanics on here, otherwise I would just play osrs because it takes the same amount of work there, but your stats and ingame wealth actually are worth something because it's the original game.

We should just have the nice things of osrs and fuck every annoying bullshit things, let us have op shit. Those brew ticks matter in pvm, for the lazy aspect. We can easily turn the tables around here: if you don't like the lazy aspect of this game, why bother playing?

If everything becomes annoying as fuck and the entire lazy aspect is gone, I won't bother anymore. These little things matter, to me and to a lot of regular players. Poll it ingame or it's just this osrs hugging forum community speaking. Stop making things harder, nobody with a life enjoys spending unnecessary much time and focus on reaching exactly the same thing.
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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Keiler05 » Thu May 24, 2018 12:08 pm

Slap a ho wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:
Nike007 wrote:You lot say all the time how this isn't osrs and mechanics do not have to work exactly the same when it's in favor of your argument. Seems fitting you twist it the other way when it suits you.
I almost never say that. I am constantly pushing for OSRS mechanics on most things because that is what the majority of players are used to. Keeping things consistent with Runescape will increase player retention.
Nike007 wrote:You have to pay more attention while bossing now, so yes, that is more tedious.
I don't understand this at all. Are you playing the game or not? Shouldn't you want to pay attention. I mean, if you aren't enjoying something enough to focus on it, then why would you even bother playing?
The biggest thing we say doesn’t need to work like osrs is how & where a drop is received. Example is the demonic gorillas vs. tormented demons dropping zenyte jewelry. Pking and pvming should work almost exactly like osrs. We’ve been pushing to have most things work more like osrs because their mechanics make sense. Just like with glacors - weak to fire spells on rs, weak to stab attacks on here. Glacors are made of ice & fire melts ice. That makes sense & ours should be weak to fire spells as well. We also shouldn’t be able to keep glacytes agro while the glacor loses agro - makes no sense.

You & Keiler05 are both upset because pvming isn’t as easy now & you have to pay more attention? Its silly that you want pvming to be afkable. Where’s the challenge that makes the fight exciting? All you do is spam click brews when you’re low and continue attacking while drinking (which is a feature btw; one that isn’t in osrs mechanics).

These changes are to help improve the game. We expect to lose a few players & we expect to piss off a few players when changes are made to something that’s been functioning the same way for 6 years. It’s gonna happen. But in the end, it’s a benefit for the server because it functions how it’s actually supposed to.

We also have gear that osrs doesn’t have - nex gear, custom whips, custom comp capes, pvp gear. All stuff that helps your pvm experience.

How about we remove customs & leave 2-tick brews?
Buddy, I never wanted pvming to be more afkable.. I was simply saying that they ruined one of the things I loved the most about PK honor.. Was the Brew mechanic.. You guy ssaid I was being selfish and only thinking of myself.. Which I wasn't.. I was coming from the angle of letting pk honor be unique in it's way.. Why become like everyone else?

I also said I understood the benefit it could have to PVPing.. Which lets all be honest around here.. The majority of players are pvmers and irons.. who are mostly PK bait with all the PK bait content added. I see that most things implemented in this server is to appease to a Pking Minority.. When the heck did you guys increase the log out timer from combat to 15 seconds? Is it like this on OSRS too??

I know it probably won't be reverted and that's alright I guess it was just ONE of my favorite things about this server in particular that no other server had, which made pvming pretty cool.

Just sad to see it go. I love seeing the increase activity in the wilderness.. lmfao.. (sarcasm).
Nike007 wrote:
Slap a ho wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:While I can agree that's a "cool" mechanic for the pkers, it has ruined now one of my favorite and unique aspects about this server for me. Since I'm not a pker then it really doesn't benefit me.

#NerfHonor strikes again. Time for another break.
Once again, only concerned about how an update benefits you with no regard to how an update benefits everyone else.

If you’d like to participate in polls and voice your opinion, check the forums more often. We do have a mobile based browser available & I’m sure you’re more than capable of using a cell phone or tablet.

If you don’t like any of the updates that occur here, then simply find a different server to play. Everytime you post on the forums, it’s only about how shitty this server is. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. Adapt to the changes just like everyone else has to.
What benefit does nerfing pots have for everyone else? I agree with Keiler, pretty shitty update. Why make PvM tedious when it's been this way for 6 + years.
Thank you! I thought I was alone on this one. Just sad to see it go, it was nice and unique about this server. Luckily they've kept auto attack on pvming only at least.. They might nerf that too because you know.. It's not how it is on OSRS.. lol.
The underdog wrote:This making things like osrs aka making them harder and more annoying actually disgusts me.

It's a rsps for christ's sake, what maniac enjoys the fucking endless grinds and annoying mechanics. The only reason I would even touch skilling or pvming on this game is because I like the low effort mechanics on here, otherwise I would just play osrs because it takes the same amount of work there, but your stats and ingame wealth actually are worth something because it's the original game.

We should just have the nice things of osrs and fuck every annoying bullshit things, let us have op shit. Those brew ticks matter in pvm, for the lazy aspect. We can easily turn the tables around here: if you don't like the lazy aspect of this game, why bother playing?

If everything becomes annoying as fuck and the entire lazy aspect is gone, I won't bother anymore. These little things matter, to me and to a lot of regular players. Poll it ingame or it's just this osrs hugging forum community speaking. Stop making things harder, nobody with a life enjoys spending unnecessary much time and focus on reaching exactly the same thing.
Thank you for taking the time to write such an excellent piece. My thoughts exactly! The opinion the Devs see it's mostly the Original Circle Jerk.. Lots of players don't come on the website to view the updates.. Heck... the majority doesn't even type ::events in game to see what's going on!! lol. I agree with you. They should implement something that prompts you when you log in that there is a new IMPORTANT poll and that you should take part in it as a player..

Agree with you 100000T% on these people wanting things so much like OSRS! And calling things "OP" to me.. "OP" things are FUN.. The reason I haven't played Runescape in years is because I don't have the time to grind it out so much.. (before any of you come at me, not refering to the brews in this aspect).

I wish they would've valued their UNIQUENESS and stopped trying to "Be like This" or try to Compete with the other.. I like the simplistic aspect of this server.. I've been server shopping and they all have SOOO much new stuff that I don't know what's going on since I don't play OSRS.. So I stay on my good old PK honor AKA NerfHonor, Lets do everything for the the 5 in game pkers Honor (insert your true joke on here).

I've been managing with the change.. It's just sad to see it go. Wish Honor players could overload.. or at least use super potions.. Wondering what will it take for this to be BUFF Honor instead of NerfHonor..
Grizzly mint wrote:
The underdog wrote:This making things like osrs aka making them harder and more annoying actually disgusts me.

It's a rsps for christ's sake, what maniac enjoys the fucking endless grinds and annoying mechanics. The only reason I would even touch skilling or pvming on this game is because I like the low effort mechanics on here, otherwise I would just play osrs because it takes the same amount of work there, but your stats and ingame wealth actually are worth something because it's the original game.

We should just have the nice things of osrs and fuck every annoying bullshit things, let us have op shit. Those brew ticks matter in pvm, for the lazy aspect. We can easily turn the tables around here: if you don't like the lazy aspect of this game, why bother playing?

If everything becomes annoying as fuck and the entire lazy aspect is gone, I won't bother anymore. These little things matter, to me and to a lot of regular players. Poll it ingame or it's just this osrs hugging forum community speaking. Stop making things harder, nobody with a life enjoys spending unnecessary much time and focus on reaching exactly the same thing.
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It makes a difference though.. Easier to die to pkers now as well..
Last edited by Iron adam on Fri May 25, 2018 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Nike007 » Thu May 24, 2018 1:56 pm

Slap a ho wrote:
Nike007 wrote:How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority...
Wrong - we do have a polling system. I speak for the majority based on the results provided in the thread below. The thread below is located under the “Polls” section on the forums.
This poll was solely for Karambwans. If you actually read the post you will see that the potion change was coming regardless of what we wanted.

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Keiler05 » Thu May 24, 2018 2:02 pm

Nike007 wrote:
Slap a ho wrote:
Nike007 wrote:How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority...
Wrong - we do have a polling system. I speak for the majority based on the results provided in the thread below. The thread below is located under the “Polls” section on the forums.
This poll was solely for Karambwans. If you actually read the post you will see that the potion change was coming regardless of what we wanted.
Very well said! This will get interesting! haha

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Re: 22 May Updates - karambwans, potion delay & bugfixes

Post by Fungamer » Thu May 24, 2018 4:39 pm

Nike007 wrote:
Slap a ho wrote:
Nike007 wrote:How can you even say the majority wanted the change? We have no system to poll at all. I'm guessing the majority probably would prefer an easier, more laid back, PvM experience. I totally agree that people have differing opinions, but you don't speak for the majority...
Wrong - we do have a polling system. I speak for the majority based on the results provided in the thread below. The thread below is located under the “Polls” section on the forums.
This poll was solely for Karambwans. If you actually read the post you will see that the potion change was coming regardless of what we wanted.
Because that's a fix, not an addition or piece of new content. Nobody wants Mike to start polling bugfixes. Sure, some oppose the "fix", but that's because it benefits the majority rather than being a bad, gamebreaking bug. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed.

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