Billy's resignation letter

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Kylo ren » Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:49 pm


You have been a great help to the Staff Team over the years, and I am glad to have played a pivotal role in helping you around within the first couple of months that you started with us. I know that the two of us have had a few differences in the past, but I'm glad to know that we were always able to work together and compromise on everything, and come to an agreement. You've been an amazing staff manager, and even more so, an amazing friend, to not only myself, but to Ryan, and everyone else on the Staff Team throughout the years.

I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. Good Luck with the remainder of your schooling, and congratulations on your new job!


It's been a long time in the making since you were "a piece of crap mod, constantly making bad/wreckless decisions that turned the entire community against me". For the record, you and I have always gotten along, seen eye-to-eye on almost everything, and I always had a good feeling about you. You've been destined for greatness since you became a member of the Staff Team, and I'm happy, and excited that you are now the Staff Team's Fearless Leader. You've done nothing but good while you've been on the Team, and they should be grateful to have you take on this responsibility, as well as lucky to have someone so professional in the role. I know that you will do an extraordinary job. Congratulations, and good luck with your new responsibilities!

Mike & Rapsey,

I love you both, and I understand why you guys decide to do or not do certain things, but for gods sakes, make that man a Super User. If you can entrust him with the extreme responsibility for Managing the Staff Team, then I believe it's safe to say that he can be trusted with the abilities of a Super User.

If the both of you still decide to not make him a Super User, then at least change that hideous color. The color reminds me of both boogers and vomit. He is the Highest-Ranking Staff Member, and the color of his rank should have a more Authoritative color to it. If it's not going to be as authoritative as Red, then make it at least a Dark Orange or something like this: Ryan - Staff Manager.

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Ruler » Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:53 pm

Fungamer wrote:
Ruler wrote:Does this mean Ryan will become a super? I know in the past staff managers were just admins as well (Maurits, Stefan), just wondering.
Maurits was a super user. Stefan was an admin with the ::give(rank) commands and more advanced logs.
I think Ryan will also remain an "admin", like Stefan.
Maurits became super user later on, at the start he was just still admin.
oh just noticed there is a seperate rank/colour for staff manager on the forums, also ingame?

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Iron adam » Sat Mar 17, 2018 8:01 pm

Ruler wrote:oh just noticed there is a seperate rank/colour for staff manager on the forums, also ingame?
This is Ryan's ingame crown Image

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Iron bubble » Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:45 pm

Adamthalion wrote:Thank you for everything you have done for PkHonor Billy. The consistency, accountability, and organization you brought to the staff team has been an impressive accomplishment. I am confident that the staff team will be successful in the future due to the framework that you have put in place. Good luck in life.

But yeah thank you for your service
Roasted by King Roald...

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Tezey » Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:45 pm

Thanks a bunch! Always had a good time talking to you! See you around and GL with life!!!

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by King four » Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:10 am

As someone who hasnt played for a while but watching you become staff leader and how you handled things was a peice of work, sad to see you go but however goodluck with your journeys in the real world

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Amount » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:29 am

Kylo ren wrote: change that hideous color. The color reminds me of both boogers and vomit. He is the Highest-Ranking Staff Member, and the color of his rank should have a more Authoritative color to it. If it's not going to be as authoritative as Red, then make it at least a Dark Orange or something like this: Ryan - Staff Manager.
Agree with this.

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Moleman » Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:47 am

Sad to see you go. :|

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Ryun » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:52 pm

why was I on here twice xD

back on topic, it was a pleasure to work with you billy <3

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Iron midas » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:01 pm

Decided to have a look to see what's new and did not expect to see this. You were an integral part of pkhonor's staff team and was a great influence to me before and after I became a staff member, Im glad I had the opportunity to work with you even though for just a small period.

Best of luck Billy - Jamie

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