Billy's resignation letter

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Ryan » Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:09 am

Words can't describe how much you've done for me personally (And the staff team) in the last few years, but i'll try my best.

I started as a piece of crap mod, constantly making bad/wreckless decisions that turned the entire community against me now. Fast forward nearly 4 years and here I am taking over responsibility of the staff team. I guarantee no one would have expected that 4 years ago. I owe all of that to you. If it weren't for your incredible man management skills and the ability to teach me how, not only to be a better staff member, but a better person.. I most definitely would have left the team and probably the server 3 and a half years ago (Much to the excitement of some of the community).

You had your troubles and the community had their doubts, but I can say for certain that you have had such a positive impact on the staff team and you did this by being a role model of what staff members should strive to become.

Some people would disagree with me, but having experienced the the old staff team and your staff team, the differences are astronomical. Back when I started as a trial mod, no one had to answer for their actions, no one made us. So we didn't care what we did or who we did it to, you brought in the mentality that made us aware of this and pushed us to change our ways. Those not willing to change, fell away as time went on.

No one can convince me that you were anything but an exceptional staff manager but most importantly an exceptional person. You've been so much more than a 'boss' to me, you've been an excellent friend.

Thank you for everything you've done, You better not disappear.

(Sent from my phone, excuse the errors)

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Mike » Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:14 am

We are very glad to have had you at the head of our staff team for these past three years. In that time, you have managed to exceed our expectations and created one of the best staff teams an RSPS could have dreamed of. You will forever remain welcome on our server and we hope you'll decide to visit us from time to time :) I'm glad to call you a friend and I hope our friendship will continue to last!

Ryan is a great choice for your successor and we have high hopes for him. Our staff team will be in good hands ;)

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Respire1337 » Sat Mar 17, 2018 10:38 am

Thank you for all of your hard work Billy! You've always been a really nice guy to talk to, always looking forwards to help anyone was in need of assistance. Always humble and dedicated towards the server. I hope you will come back and visit us from time to time. I wish you only the best!

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Billyx » Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:33 pm

This does make me a little sad but I'm glad that you are going to be doing something that will benefit you in the future. Good luck man ad try to stay in touch:).

Ps. I am the last standing Billy ;). x

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Jonas » Sat Mar 17, 2018 2:39 pm

Thank you for everything. For being an amazing friend and for giving your best to manage Pkhonor's staff team. You've certainly made a huge impact on the server, and you'll go down in history for it. (Wiki: 2015: Billy joins the staff team as a manager? :P)

We didn't talk for a while now, but I hope you still think of me as a good friend. Great work by graduating and getting a new job! Best of luck with it, and may you achieve what you truly desire.

Ryan, I'm certain you'll do a great job managing the staff team just as good as Billy did. Now you've inherited this responsibility, I wish you best of luck with it and looking forward to what the future brings us!

P.S: There are like quite a few people written more than twice in that list :D

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Ruler » Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:37 pm

Does this mean Ryan will become a super? I know in the past staff managers were just admins as well (Maurits, Stefan), just wondering.

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Fungamer » Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:45 pm

Ruler wrote:Does this mean Ryan will become a super? I know in the past staff managers were just admins as well (Maurits, Stefan), just wondering.
Maurits was a super user. Stefan was an admin with the ::give(rank) commands and more advanced logs.
I think Ryan will also remain an "admin", like Stefan.

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Not motti » Sat Mar 17, 2018 3:56 pm

When people are on the list 2-3 times, and you get left out, ouch </3.

It's been a long time Billy, since we worked together. I still want to thank you for the time back then.

The staffmanager colour is ugly lol

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Empty bag » Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:07 pm

Good luck in life billy.

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Re: Billy's resignation letter

Post by Jousi » Sat Mar 17, 2018 4:22 pm

We've had respect for one another for a very long time. I hope the feeling is mutual. But I could never deliver on the expectations you may have had for me and now that you're leaving, it strikes a sore note for me. However, you've always had faith in me and that's a gift you are leaving behind for me to cherish.

You're a terrific guy and an inspiration. Thank you for your services and for the time you put into this game. I cannot express my gratitude enough, but I hope you get the gist.

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