First, open a free graphic sho.... Kidding! I have been around for a few days now and I have decided that on top of offering a free graphic service I would start revamping some guides and converting some old video guides that are still relevant (*cough* relevant *cough*) to text form for a bit of an easier and prettier read. I WILL make mistakes, so please point them out and they will be fixed. I will probably release these weekly or biweekly depending on my schedule, so keep an eye out for them. This is more for new players, so don't call me an idiot if these guides come out as obvious to you. Without further ado, let's get into the guide! (Enjoy the pretty art too.)
This week I have decided to post a guide for beginners that may help end some of the aimless begging in-game. Now, of course, not all of these methods may be 0-loss XP and GP farming, but this guide will definitely give you some tips that I have picked up as a new user as well to hopefully make your stay more enjoyable.
Ah, starting a new character. How exasperating it is to finally decide on a character name and secure password. But you've done it, yes you, you've finally created the character you will spend the next thousand hours guiding around the wonderful server given to us by our friends at PKHonor. Now, assuming you aren't some tyrant and have selected the normal play-style (I'll make another guide for you America-hating Ironman players), you'll end up in a situation like this one:
Of course, you'll want to speak with the guide to get that stupid notific-- I mean, you'll want to speak with the guide to hear about the wonderful world of PKHonor.
Once you've read through his dialogue, you'll notice your spawn. You've spawned in Varrock, home of the hundreds of thousands of accounts that have passed through on their journey. Here you'll be able to trade with others, access the Grand Exchange, trade in your vote points (daily!), and participate in the god-forsaken lottery.
Stroll around, look through the numerous dialogues and interfaces, and get to know this place. You'll be here often.
Now that you have your bearings, let's check out your inventory. You should spawn with this:
Here you'll see you have some basic training supplies, a bit of starter cash, and three experience lamps that grant you 14 million experience in three combat stats alongside some extra experience that is given to you in hitpoints.
You have a couple of options with your experience lamps. Although ultimately up to you, I chose to put my lamps into magic, range, and strength. I only use melee attacks, so training in anything but melee is never enjoyable to me. If you enjoy range, put your lamps into melee, strength, and mage. Ultimately, you'll want to leave a skill or two that you enjoy training as 1, as this'll be the most fun and the easiest to level up.
Now that you have your stats chosen, you'll want to vote. Voting every day can yield anywhere from 60 - 500+ vote points with a boatload of luck. Most days, you'll probably receive around 70 as a normal user. Each point is worth 1 million GP, so this is a HUGE boost and can get the ball rolling with extra supplies and weaponry. To vote, type ::vote and follow the on-screen steps. Type in your in-game username, and start voting on the toplists. You will automatically receive your vote points in-game, so don't worry about claiming them. After you finish voting, head to the North East corner of the Varrock fountain and trade the Voting Shop Salesman. In his shop, you'll be able to exchange your points for coins :
Now you'll have around 80-100m to get going.
Hey! You're still in-game, you must really be keen on getting started!
You're not quite making billions yet, but you'll get there. Now that you have a bit of cash, you'll want to run over and get some gear. To get to the shops, type ::shops in chat. This will teleport you to Edgeville where you'll find all of the gear and most of the skilling shops. When you're ready and have explored, talk to the Armor salesman and buy some basic rune. Here's a pretty decent setup for your time at crabs and dragons :
As you can see, I purchased a Ring of Wealth from the Grand Exchange. This will increase NPC droprates by 12% for regular drops and by 2.5% for rare drops, so it's worth the 5.6m investment. Definitely not necessary.
Now that you're all geared up, you're going to want to bank your inventory, take out a few shark for food, and teleport to Rock Crabs. You do this by clicking on your "Combat Training" teleports in your magic book, and then clicking on Rellekka.
Here, you'll train until you're either 80 in your two level one skills, or you're sick of training and feel you're ready to take on some blue dragons.
When you're ready, go home, fill up an inventory with some sharks, and teleport to dragons.
Now that you're geared up and have some basic combat knowledge/skills, you're ready to start killing. You'll want to kill the blue dragons at the entrance of the dungeon. Kill these, collect the bones and dragonhide, teleport home, bank them, teleport back, and kill some more. You can either do this until you have 170 bones as this'll get you to 70 unlocking Piety and making Revenants (our next area) much easier or you can do this for just an inventory or two to unlock protection prayers. I chose to spend the extra ten minutes or so getting 200 bones.
Only bury your bones at an altar as you get 4x experience. I chose the one outside of Edgeville bank.
Now that you're a bit more equipped, you're probably ready to get the hell away from dragons for a little while.
I decided that I needed some upgrades and some PKP. I chose to sell all of the dragonhide I previously collected and buy a whip. This gave me a boost of stats and allowed me to make more trips to revenants, our next encounter, and allowed me to get more PKP and money/hr.
Revenants are the ghastly monsters that appear all over the wilderness. You'll mostly be staying between levels 19-40, so you shouldn't have to worry about the Edgeville PK'ers coming to mess with you, but be VERY cautious not to bring anything you'll lose that is of value to you. I was at revenants for probably 5 hours and died twice to PK'ers.
To start fighting revenants, you'll want to head to edgeville in between the house that spawns men and the shops. You'll see an NPC named "Death". Talk to him with two inventory spaces free and you'll receive a WildyWyrm scroll, which we'll be dropping, and a revenant scroll. This scroll, when clicked on, will give you a compass with an arrow that leads you to the closest revenant to you.
Next, you'll need to get geared up. Here's an inventory I use that seems mostly efficient, although it's completely what you're comfortable with. It's possible to make trips with only sharks and prayer potions. I recommend ALWAYS bringing a special attack weapon as it'll speed up your kills exponentially.
Lastly, before you head out, don't forget to turn off Bounty Hunter. With it on, players can teleport to you and kill you while you're in the wilderness. Do this by speaking with Nastroth in front of the leaderboard in Edgeville.
Once you're ready, click on PvP teleports in your mage book and click Green Dragons. You'll be teleported to level 20 wilderness. Click on your revenant scroll, and head to where the arrow points. This will lead you straight to the closest revenant.
When fighting these revenants, you should be protecting from melee and using turmoil if you stayed at dragons for those 200 bones. They hit all three attack types, but they will hit melee most often and the hardest. Don't be afraid to leave with only a few kills for a few runs, as you'll be trying to get your inventory down to a method that works for you and your attack styles will be different. Revenants are difficult, but all revenants give ROUGHLY the same amount of PKP per kill. You can get close to 1500 PKP an hour if you're diligent, and that will carry you to a chaotic weapon with some repair kits.
Chaotic weapons hit hard and quickly; I recommend the rapier. For a degradable weapon, they last ages. For every hour of combat, your Chaotic weapon will degrade by 10. Your Chaotic weapon will also degrade by 10 EVERY time you die with it on your person. Be cautious!
Chaotics cost from 800 to 1,300 points for the weapon itself, and 150 points for a 10 durability increase on your weapon. Although that seems expensive, that can be obtained in 10 minutes at most from killing revenants.
Here's a list of the drops from Revenants :
After you're satisfied with revenants, you should probably move on to Mithril Dragons. Mithril Dragons are a great way for beginners to make some quick cash. Their drop table includes a rare drop of 100m cash, elite clue scrolls, dragon bones x50, draconic visage, and many more drops that'll fill your bank up.
For gear, I recommend using roughly the same setup with more prayer potions and perhaps your new Chaotic weapon for more dps. You are encouraged to mix and mingle to find out what works best for you.
Don't get too caught up in the daily grind to forget to have fun. This is a video game, and purely entertainment. If you find yourself aimlessly trying to earn money or skilling, take a step back and find something else to do. I can't stress enough that this game shouldn't be something that causes you constant stress.
If you ever have any questions or have information to update this thread, feel free to message me in-game or on the forums. The PKHonor clan and staff will ALWAYS be willing to assist you in all of your endeavors, alongside the wonderful playerbase we have here at PKHonor. I hope this guide helped you!