27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more QoL

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Skiller » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:48 pm

Mike wrote: Fixed not being able to build or remove a rug (or trap disguised by a rug) in your throne room
Just tried the 'Build floor space' option without any result. No feedback from clicking it at all.
Mike wrote:Fixed a bug where combat rings, formal garden walls and the oubliette prisons were not built correctly (as of 30 December 2016). In order to fix yours, please remove and rebuild them
Additionally, If you build an oubliette prison wall, then go upstairs and back down, it replaces the correctly built cell with one that is bugged and broken. Below is the result after building a spiked-steel cage. Breaks for steel/oak, steel, and spiked-steel. Originally built an oak one. Haven't tried bones cage.
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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Mike » Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:11 pm

The builder wrote:Just tried the 'Build floor space' option without any result. No feedback from clicking it at all.

Additionally, If you build an oubliette prison wall, then go upstairs and back down, it replaces the correctly built cell with one that is bugged and broken. Below is the result after building a spiked-steel cage. Breaks for steel/oak, steel, and spiked-steel. Originally built an oak one. Haven't tried bones cage.
Thanks for letting us know, I'll look into it :)

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by The underdog » Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:37 pm

Mike wrote: [*] All dragons now have a weakness to magic attacks and a partial weakness to ranged attacks
But I learned on Runescape that dragons resist magic because they are mythical creatures? :wat:
Am I mixing up things or you.

Metal dragons are weak to fire related spells yes, but that's about it as far I'm aware.

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Azu rite » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:19 am

The underdog wrote:
Mike wrote: [*] All dragons now have a weakness to magic attacks and a partial weakness to ranged attacks
But I learned on Runescape that dragons resist magic because they are mythical creatures? :wat:
Am I mixing up things or you.

Metal dragons are weak to fire related spells yes, but that's about it as far I'm aware.
http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wik ... ic_dragons


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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Mike » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:36 am

Azu rite wrote:
The underdog wrote:
Mike wrote: [*] All dragons now have a weakness to magic attacks and a partial weakness to ranged attacks
But I learned on Runescape that dragons resist magic because they are mythical creatures? :wat:
Am I mixing up things or you.

Metal dragons are weak to fire related spells yes, but that's about it as far I'm aware.
http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wik ... ic_dragons

Quite interesting. The OSRS wiki for Lava Dragons said that they are weak to Magic, Stab & Ranged (http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/wiki/Lava_dragon) and I assumed those weaknesses applied to all dragons. I hadn't managed to code in a weakness to stab attacks yet, but I had planned that for a (the?) next update.
It appears lava dragons do not fall under the category of either metallic or chromatic dragons. I'll be sure to adjust the weaknesses of those 2 types of dragons in the next update.

Thanks for the input!

[Edit] Just released a new client, due to a bug reported by players using Java 9, where there was no right-click menu. This was caused by an incompatibility in how mouse clicking was handled by the client, but I have applied a fix for this in client version 143.

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Patel » Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:02 am

Is it possible to use different textures for skins?

Because I'm thinking water dragons with water textures would be pretty sweet.

And let's just say a new update allows players to wear water shoes, where they can walk on predefined regions of water to fight magical water dragons! What an experience that would be.

..back to studying.. someone buy me coffee pls...

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Smallest mc » Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:36 am

love the update mike keep up the good work even tho imma get pked here alot :P always like new drags to kill can you get them as a task?

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Ping iron » Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:13 pm

Lava dragons will be need buffed to make then decent

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Skiller » Thu Sep 28, 2017 3:26 pm

Patel wrote:Is it possible to use different textures for skins?

Because I'm thinking water dragons with water textures would be pretty sweet.

And let's just say a new update allows players to wear water shoes, where they can walk on predefined regions of water to fight magical water dragons! What an experience that would be.

..back to studying.. someone buy me coffee pls...
Loooove. Quest to get them tho pls.

As for the coffee, where would you like the order placed?

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Re: 27 September Updates - Lava Dragons, bugfixes and more Q

Post by Mike » Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:55 pm

Smallest mc wrote:love the update mike keep up the good work even tho imma get pked here alot :P always like new drags to kill can you get them as a task?
Yes, as stated in the news post, they are assigned as Elite Wilderness Slayer tasks (can be blocked just like all slayer tasks)

Ping iron wrote:Lava dragons will be need buffed to make then decent
Maybe, but we usually opt to not make them *too* strong at first. If an NPC (especially in the wilderness) is not very popular or interesting for our players, we will certainly buff their rewards. But first we want to see how it goes and what the opinions of the community members are before making any further decisions on it.
