Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

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Should the maximum range for ranged & magic attacks be like OSRS?

Yes, use the maximum range of OSRS for both ranged and magic
Yes, but only for magic - keep ranged capped at 8 for most weapons
Yes, but only for ranged - keep magic at 8 squares
No, keep it the way it currently is
No, keep it the way it is, but do a few modifications to some ranged weapons (suggested below)
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Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Mike » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:25 pm

A long time ago, we had settled on a max range of 8 squares for magic attacks, because people were getting just *so* fed up with all the frigging farcasters that you couldn't hit on with a lot of the available ranged weapons. In OSRS, magic attacks have a max range of 10 squares, as do several ranged weapons, but only on the 'longrange' setting (throwing weapons have a far lower range and shortbows have a max range of 9 in longrange, as do crossbows - except Armadyl's).

At the same time, we also capped the range for all our ranged weapons to 8 (or 7 in a few cases) - except for the zaryte and god bows which have a range of 10.

Since we keep adding new updates that make our combat mechanics a lot closer to OSRS, while adjusting the accuracy to counteract the fact that a lot of people simply have max gear, we'd like to re-evaluate this maximum range. Would you rather have all our max ranges like OSRS and allow for farcasting, or keep it the way it currently is?

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Iron adam » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:30 pm

So would that first option make everything exactly like OSRS? Or would it give both ranged and magic a range of 10?

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Mike » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:07 am

Adamthalion wrote:So would that first option make everything exactly like OSRS? Or would it give both ranged and magic a range of 10?
First one, as in make everything like OSRS. Except for hand cannon, chaotic crossbow and zaryte bow as they dont have those. We'd need to come up with our own max ranges for those weapons, but I think 8 for reg attacks and 10 for longrange sounds about right for all of them (and we can have zaryte bow always have max range of 10 even with accurate attacks, as it is right now). If people decide to go for all the OSRS max ranges anyway.

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Pim » Wed Sep 06, 2017 1:59 am

make ccbow just as regular crossbows i guess, zaryte as longbows and handcannon idk just throw 20 range or something that weapon is kinda troll anyways! Will make us unique

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Grizzly mint
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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Grizzly mint » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:05 am

Counterret wrote:make ccbow just as regular crossbows i guess, zaryte as longbows and handcannon idk just throw 20 range or something that weapon is kinda troll anyways! Will make us unique
20 squares? You been smoking to much snapdragon mate.

Those 3 should just have the range of a normal crossbow.

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Slap a ho » Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:47 am

Definitely for the OSRS system.

Farcasting isn't really an "issue". You either have range/mage gear to fight back with or you have melee gear and you can get farcasted from 1 square away (or 2 if you're a cheeseball with d'hally). So whether it's 8 or 10 squares, who cares. Not to mention the fact it'll help pkers secure kills when they get cucked by moonwalking & they stop following after casting a barrage.

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by Skiller » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:16 am

Go as close to OS as possible. I'd say match HC with short bows, ccb with ACB, and Zbow/Gods be 10 on all settings.

If you do this, make sure to adjust accordingly with any safe spotting things with bosses or whatever that may become an issue following this.

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Re: Max range for ranged and magic attacks?

Post by The underdog » Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:22 pm

Safespot certain bosses with any range or mage weapon, hype!

Zaryte bow was too slow for that anyway, but it'll lose its only use: trolling the fuck outa people with the long range, make it even more now ^^

Osrs style is fine with me, just a bit more annoying that I'd have to use the resizable client if ppl hug the long range but that's how it is.
