26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvements

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26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvements

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:29 pm

All instanced boss rooms now remain active for 5 minutes after a player has left the room or logged out. This means you can now leave a room to resupply and you'll have 5 minutes to return to the room before it resets. This change was also necessary to stop Ironman Mode players from instantly resetting GWD boss rooms during a PVM event by leaving through the altar after killing the main boss.

Please keep in mind that this change required a serious overhaul of our NPC management code, so there's a good chance there are still bugs with them. Please do report them to us if and when they occur.

This change also allows us to start adding paid instances that last for X minutes before despawning. We just have to figure out the prices and whether others are allowed to join or not. Perhaps we can give players the following choices when joining any boss room: "enter normal room", "pay X coins for instance" and then an overview of all current instances of others that they can join.
When choosing to create a new instance, we could give them the options "open for all", "open for friends", "open for clan" or "private". Any feedback or references to current discussion threads on paid instances are more than welcome.

Other bugfixes
  • Fixed the bug that caused General Graardor to stop respawning during the Bandos event (same for other GWD bosses)
  • Fixed the one Black Warlock at ::skilling sometimes flying over the fence
  • The 'Summoning' teleport in the Skilling teleports (in your spellbook) has been replaced with a Werewolf Agility Course teleport, since we'll probably never add summoning anyway
  • Improved the teleport to the Kalphite Queen and Dagannoth Kings for Ironman Mode players, they now have the proper teleport animation and delay, so it no longer instantly teleports
  • Fixed the bug that would make players end up in the Saradomin room when logging out while in the Armadyl, Bandos or Zamorak room in GWD
  • Fixed two bugs with the 'Monsters' teleport interface in your spellbook. It now properly resets your spellbook when you walk around. Opening another interface will also no longer stop the buttons from working
  • Fixed the ::youtube and ::facebook commands to point to our new official Facebook and YouTube pages
  • Added the ::discord command which takes you to our Discord page
  • You now get a confirmation screen when transferring an Honor status, so you can double-check the name you entered
  • Staff only: updated the commands page on the wiki regarding temporary punishment commands
  • Fixed a few more minor behind the scenes bugs
Next up you can expect several quality of life improvements (made mostly by Andres), along with some further pathing improvements! Then we're getting started on customizable F keys, extra wilderness additions & the achievement diary.


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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Babe » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:30 pm

Rip ironman fun.

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Mike » Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:38 pm

Babe wrote:Rip ironman fun.
Rip ironman abuse*

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by The underdog » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:00 pm

Mike wrote:
Babe wrote:Rip ironman fun.
Rip ironman abuse*
Ban Vcom for months of aboose then turn it in to kill the ironman competition :notsureif: :troll:

Only thing that matters:

"Fixed two bugs with the 'Monsters' teleport interface in your spellbook. It now properly resets your spellbook when you walk around. Opening another interface will also no longer stop the buttons from working"

Presets 2k17

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Wet wizard » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:11 pm

Since you're adding a lot from OSRS, are we going to be seeing things such as Demonic gorillas, raids items, etc?

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Grizzly mint » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:33 pm

Wet wizard wrote:Since you're adding a lot from OSRS, are we going to be seeing things such as Demonic gorillas, raids items, etc?
raids items? We have augury, rigour, c maul, d claws, chaotic staff, zuriels/virtus. What raid item would we add?

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Wet wizard » Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:50 pm

Grizzly mint wrote:
Wet wizard wrote:Since you're adding a lot from OSRS, are we going to be seeing things such as Demonic gorillas, raids items, etc?
raids items? We have augury, rigour, c maul, d claws, chaotic staff, zuriels/virtus. What raid item would we add?
Ancest? Twisted Bow? Dhins? Buckler? All of the other items hello?

Also, why do we have Armadyl crossbow but not Staff of the dead?

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Grizzly mint » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:03 pm

Wet wizard wrote:
Grizzly mint wrote:
Wet wizard wrote:Since you're adding a lot from OSRS, are we going to be seeing things such as Demonic gorillas, raids items, etc?
raids items? We have augury, rigour, c maul, d claws, chaotic staff, zuriels/virtus. What raid item would we add?
Ancest? Twisted Bow? Dhins? Buckler? All of the other items hello?

Also, why do we have Armadyl crossbow but not Staff of the dead?
zuriels/virtus? PvM is already easy enough without trusted bow.

Dhins, aka divine. Buckler aka eagle eye kite. We have all these items but in their RS2 version. Hello?

And sotd is supposed to be an avatar drop from what I've heard.

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by D 4 u 4 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:19 pm

Presets 2k17

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Re: 26 August updates - bugfixes & instanced boss improvemen

Post by Wet wizard » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:39 pm

Grizzly mint wrote:
zuriels/virtus? PvM is already easy enough without trusted bow.

Dhins, aka divine. Buckler aka eagle eye kite. We have all these items but in their RS2 version. Hello?

And sotd is supposed to be an avatar drop from what I've heard.
Dhins is completely different than divine lmfao. There's no options for Pvm other than custom whips (for the most part), no 2h range weapons are viable, hand cannon is dog shit, doesnt work properly, dark bow doesnt have correct max hit, Ancest isn't degradable, Kodai wand can become best in-slot (basically a non-degradable chaotic staff with tiny accuracy buff), dragon harpoon can give an exp % boost while fishing, or have a chance to note fish, it's about variety. Pkhonor has none. You can't mage anything aside from Kraken. Range is dog shit. Custom whips are the only thing people aim for. With your logic, why are we adding staff of the dead then? If we have SOL/staff? Oh right. Variety. People want OSRS items. Even if staff of the dead and staff of light were EXACTLY the same, people would still use their preference. Giving people the option is what they want.

EDIT: When i say pkhonor has no variety, I made in terms of weapons/gear, not overall.
