Past server updates [last: 30 August 2024]
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
1 March 2017
Important changes
> The initial unlock cost for Ancient Curses has been removed!
All players who had paid before to unlock it have received a refund equal to (3500 - 100 x amount of 99 skills) in PkHonor Points, except those who had also unlocked endless curses
> Each hour of Ancient Curses now costs 100 PkHonor Points to use (instead of 150). Keep in mind: this timer only goes down while in combat
> Unlocking Endless Ancient Curses now costs 5000 PkHonor Points + 3B coins (instead of 3000 PkHonor Points + 3B coins). However, you get 100 PkHonor Points discount for each 99 skill you have (so it only costs 2700 PkHonor Points if you have 99 in all skills)
> Alching an item worth more than 2B will now give you extra 100M tickets so you can receive the full value of the item
> Ironman Mode players now only need to deal 90% of the damage to an NPC to receive the drop (rather than 100% damage). Furthermore, other players are allowed to tank up to 20 damage from an NPC while still allowing drops for Ironman Mode players (rather than not others being allowed to tank any damage whatsoever)
> Fixed the bug that caused players to lose their skull when relogging
> You can now get rid of being skulled by drinking from the Fountain of Heroes. Keep in mind the one in Edgeville only works for Premium members, regular players can build one in their player-owned house. Everyone else can still use the Duel Arena or commit suicide by dropping explosive potions to get rid of the skull.
You can now also see the remaining skull timer in your 'Items kept on death' screen (equipment tab). You can also use ::skulltime (or ::skulltimer)
> Changed the prices text shown in the trade screen. Instead of showing the average prices, it will now show <low price> - <high price>
The coloring of the text (cyan - green - yellow - orange - red) is still based off the average prices
> New players now receive 50 free PkHonor Points when creating a new account
> New players now receive +10% PkHonor Points for the first 6 hours of time played. To summarize, this means new players now have triple combat XP for the first hour and 10% bonus XP, 10% bonus Slayer Points and 10% bonus PkHonor Points for the first 6 hours.
Furthermore, new players now receive 3 Combat XP lamps in their inventory which they can use to advance any combat skill to 99. This works the exact same way as ::pure, but this makes it more obvious to new players. The ::pure command still works for anyone who created an account before this update and didn't get these lamps
Changes regarding items lost on death
> Coins, 100M/500M/1B tickets and cannon parts will now drop for other players on death (rather than being sent to your own refund box for free)
> You now have 3 minutes to reobtain a lost fire cape, rather than 2 minutes
> Whenever you die in PvM, items that used to instantly go to your refund box (such as a custom whip or hybrid equipment) will now drop on the floor and you will have 3 minutes to reclaim them. If you cannot reclaim them in time, they will go to your refund box. This change does not apply to PvP. Items that are free to reclaim will still instantly go to your refund box.
> Whenever an Ironman Mode player dies in PvP and drops items worth 1M or more, they will now be converted into coins and/or 100M tickets for the killer. The price is the same as the high alch value of the item. All items worth less than 1M will vanish
> Whenever an Ironman Mode player dies in PvM, all items will now drop on the floor and they will have 3 minutes to reclaim them, after which they will vanish. They will not appear for other players, nor be sent to their refund box
Changes regarding semi-tradable items
> All items from the PkHonor Point shop and Pest Control shop can now be staked and traded through the normal trade screen (rather than just through the Grand Exchange), but only if both parties have unlocked the rights to do so. To trade these items, talk to the PkHonor Point shopkeeper
> Korasi's Sword, Hand Cannon, Dragon Defender, Donator & Premium Status (the items), as well as all Donator- and Premium-only items can now be freely traded and staked amongst all players and will drop like regular items on death. However, an item cannot be worn or used unless the requirements are met. Players will get appropriate warnings when buying or staking items they cannot use
> Hand Cannon and Dragon defender can now be alched
> Torva, Virtus, Pernix and the Zaryte bow can now also be freely traded & staked and will be dropped as an item on death. However, they are now also degradable. They last a total of 30 hours (from full to 0%) and will be unequipped when they reach 0%. They will also degrade by 10% when dropped on death, just like any other degradable item.
These items can only be repaired at an armour repair stand in a Player-Owned House, requiring 99 smithing and 99 crafting, as well as an Ancient Repair Kit (which is similar to the Chaotic Equipment Repair Kit). These repair kits can be traded and are obtainable through (see
- Mystery boxes (chance on 5 - 15 noted kits)
- Advanced mystery boxes (chance on 15 - 25 noted kits)
- Hard & Elite clue caskets
- Nomad, as well as Level 7 & 8 treasure chest in a player-owned house treasure room
- Burnt Chest (Termonuclear Smoke Devil)
- Nex and its 4 mages, as well as ancient mages, rangers and warriors
- All wilderness bosses (King Black Dragon, Glacor, Chaos Elemental, Venenatis and WildyWyrm)
Note that the Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix bow (bought in the Castle Wars store) do not degrade, so the change to the Zaryte bow now make them an even more worthwhile purchase
General bugfixes
> Fixed not being able to remove a blocked slayer task
> Fixed 'Tool Leprechaun' showing as blocked slayer task
> Fixed a bug where autocasting a spell while having a weapon equipped (other than a staff) would change your attack style once your stop autocasting
> Fixed two noclipping bugs at the Zamorak small door and double doors in Castle Wars, where you were able to walk through a solid wall
> Fixed the placement of the Zamorak double doors in Castle Wars (they were placed one square too far outside and faced the wrong direction)
> You can now no longer set up barricades in the spots right next to the small doors at Castle Wars, to prevent the doors from becoming nearly unusable
> You can now use the right-click option 'Take 5' at the tables in Castle Wars (for bandages, explosive pots, barricades, etc.)
> Fixed the bug that caused a Castle Wars catapult to shoot one square too much North (only on the right-most rows of squares)
> If you have recovered your own flag in CW and go up the ladder from the underground pass into your own base, you now instantly return your flag (instead of having to walk another step before returning it after you climb up the ladder)
> Fixed the broken bank booth at Port Phasmatys
> You can now repair any Chaotic or Nex equipment to 'full' (rather than just to 90%)
> Fixed the bug that made you transform into a rat (rather than a headless zombie) when you click on the Zombie Head in your inventory (reward from the last Halloween event)
> Fixed a bug that allowed players to use the Grand Exchange from anywhere
> The initial unlock cost for Ancient Curses has been removed!
All players who had paid before to unlock it have received a refund equal to (3500 - 100 x amount of 99 skills) in PkHonor Points, except those who had also unlocked endless curses
> Each hour of Ancient Curses now costs 100 PkHonor Points to use (instead of 150). Keep in mind: this timer only goes down while in combat
> Unlocking Endless Ancient Curses now costs 5000 PkHonor Points + 3B coins (instead of 3000 PkHonor Points + 3B coins). However, you get 100 PkHonor Points discount for each 99 skill you have (so it only costs 2700 PkHonor Points if you have 99 in all skills)
> Alching an item worth more than 2B will now give you extra 100M tickets so you can receive the full value of the item
> Ironman Mode players now only need to deal 90% of the damage to an NPC to receive the drop (rather than 100% damage). Furthermore, other players are allowed to tank up to 20 damage from an NPC while still allowing drops for Ironman Mode players (rather than not others being allowed to tank any damage whatsoever)
> Fixed the bug that caused players to lose their skull when relogging
> You can now get rid of being skulled by drinking from the Fountain of Heroes. Keep in mind the one in Edgeville only works for Premium members, regular players can build one in their player-owned house. Everyone else can still use the Duel Arena or commit suicide by dropping explosive potions to get rid of the skull.
You can now also see the remaining skull timer in your 'Items kept on death' screen (equipment tab). You can also use ::skulltime (or ::skulltimer)
> Changed the prices text shown in the trade screen. Instead of showing the average prices, it will now show <low price> - <high price>
The coloring of the text (cyan - green - yellow - orange - red) is still based off the average prices
> New players now receive 50 free PkHonor Points when creating a new account
> New players now receive +10% PkHonor Points for the first 6 hours of time played. To summarize, this means new players now have triple combat XP for the first hour and 10% bonus XP, 10% bonus Slayer Points and 10% bonus PkHonor Points for the first 6 hours.
Furthermore, new players now receive 3 Combat XP lamps in their inventory which they can use to advance any combat skill to 99. This works the exact same way as ::pure, but this makes it more obvious to new players. The ::pure command still works for anyone who created an account before this update and didn't get these lamps
Changes regarding items lost on death
> Coins, 100M/500M/1B tickets and cannon parts will now drop for other players on death (rather than being sent to your own refund box for free)
> You now have 3 minutes to reobtain a lost fire cape, rather than 2 minutes
> Whenever you die in PvM, items that used to instantly go to your refund box (such as a custom whip or hybrid equipment) will now drop on the floor and you will have 3 minutes to reclaim them. If you cannot reclaim them in time, they will go to your refund box. This change does not apply to PvP. Items that are free to reclaim will still instantly go to your refund box.
> Whenever an Ironman Mode player dies in PvP and drops items worth 1M or more, they will now be converted into coins and/or 100M tickets for the killer. The price is the same as the high alch value of the item. All items worth less than 1M will vanish
> Whenever an Ironman Mode player dies in PvM, all items will now drop on the floor and they will have 3 minutes to reclaim them, after which they will vanish. They will not appear for other players, nor be sent to their refund box
Changes regarding semi-tradable items
> All items from the PkHonor Point shop and Pest Control shop can now be staked and traded through the normal trade screen (rather than just through the Grand Exchange), but only if both parties have unlocked the rights to do so. To trade these items, talk to the PkHonor Point shopkeeper
> Korasi's Sword, Hand Cannon, Dragon Defender, Donator & Premium Status (the items), as well as all Donator- and Premium-only items can now be freely traded and staked amongst all players and will drop like regular items on death. However, an item cannot be worn or used unless the requirements are met. Players will get appropriate warnings when buying or staking items they cannot use
> Hand Cannon and Dragon defender can now be alched
> Torva, Virtus, Pernix and the Zaryte bow can now also be freely traded & staked and will be dropped as an item on death. However, they are now also degradable. They last a total of 30 hours (from full to 0%) and will be unequipped when they reach 0%. They will also degrade by 10% when dropped on death, just like any other degradable item.
These items can only be repaired at an armour repair stand in a Player-Owned House, requiring 99 smithing and 99 crafting, as well as an Ancient Repair Kit (which is similar to the Chaotic Equipment Repair Kit). These repair kits can be traded and are obtainable through (see
- Mystery boxes (chance on 5 - 15 noted kits)
- Advanced mystery boxes (chance on 15 - 25 noted kits)
- Hard & Elite clue caskets
- Nomad, as well as Level 7 & 8 treasure chest in a player-owned house treasure room
- Burnt Chest (Termonuclear Smoke Devil)
- Nex and its 4 mages, as well as ancient mages, rangers and warriors
- All wilderness bosses (King Black Dragon, Glacor, Chaos Elemental, Venenatis and WildyWyrm)
Note that the Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix bow (bought in the Castle Wars store) do not degrade, so the change to the Zaryte bow now make them an even more worthwhile purchase
General bugfixes
> Fixed not being able to remove a blocked slayer task
> Fixed 'Tool Leprechaun' showing as blocked slayer task
> Fixed a bug where autocasting a spell while having a weapon equipped (other than a staff) would change your attack style once your stop autocasting
> Fixed two noclipping bugs at the Zamorak small door and double doors in Castle Wars, where you were able to walk through a solid wall
> Fixed the placement of the Zamorak double doors in Castle Wars (they were placed one square too far outside and faced the wrong direction)
> You can now no longer set up barricades in the spots right next to the small doors at Castle Wars, to prevent the doors from becoming nearly unusable
> You can now use the right-click option 'Take 5' at the tables in Castle Wars (for bandages, explosive pots, barricades, etc.)
> Fixed the bug that caused a Castle Wars catapult to shoot one square too much North (only on the right-most rows of squares)
> If you have recovered your own flag in CW and go up the ladder from the underground pass into your own base, you now instantly return your flag (instead of having to walk another step before returning it after you climb up the ladder)
> Fixed the broken bank booth at Port Phasmatys
> You can now repair any Chaotic or Nex equipment to 'full' (rather than just to 90%)
> Fixed the bug that made you transform into a rat (rather than a headless zombie) when you click on the Zombie Head in your inventory (reward from the last Halloween event)
> Fixed a bug that allowed players to use the Grand Exchange from anywhere
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
10 March 2017
> Instanced wilderness bosses for Ironman Mode players! Find one of 4 summoners across the wilderness (in levels 22, 28 and 37) and ask them to spawn you a boss nearby, free of charge (but only usable by Ironman Mode players)! Only you will be able to attack it, ensuring all loot is yours. A much overdue update for Ironman Mode players, delivered to you by our newest trial developer Vcom 
This also means the personal (and safe) instanced King Black Dragon from before is now gone. Ironman Mode players who go down the KBD ladder now will end up in the regular KBD room just like everyone else.
> The junk store has been slightly reworked - players can still sell items to the junk store (which are bought for 50% of the low ::prices value - compared to 60% with high alch), but other players can now also buy those items from the store (for 120% of the high ::prices price). Items will not disappear over time, but when the junk store is full, the oldest item will get removed. The content of the junk store does get reset at server updates.
Also keep in mind, just like low and high alch, when selling items to the junk store, you'll be given an appropriate amount of 100M tickets if the value exceeds 2B.
> Fixed the bug that didn't allow you to wield the Korasi's sword near the end of the Pest Invasion quest
> Fixed the bug that sometimes caused you to end up in someone else's zombie minigame if you relog while playing your own. As of now, you should always be able to properly resume a zombie minigame after disconnecting
> Fixed the bug that randomly made the first-click option disappear on certain NPC's
> Fixed the bug that teleported you to Varrock when trying to open the coffin in the wilderness for the Correcting History quest

This also means the personal (and safe) instanced King Black Dragon from before is now gone. Ironman Mode players who go down the KBD ladder now will end up in the regular KBD room just like everyone else.
> The junk store has been slightly reworked - players can still sell items to the junk store (which are bought for 50% of the low ::prices value - compared to 60% with high alch), but other players can now also buy those items from the store (for 120% of the high ::prices price). Items will not disappear over time, but when the junk store is full, the oldest item will get removed. The content of the junk store does get reset at server updates.
Also keep in mind, just like low and high alch, when selling items to the junk store, you'll be given an appropriate amount of 100M tickets if the value exceeds 2B.
> Fixed the bug that didn't allow you to wield the Korasi's sword near the end of the Pest Invasion quest
> Fixed the bug that sometimes caused you to end up in someone else's zombie minigame if you relog while playing your own. As of now, you should always be able to properly resume a zombie minigame after disconnecting
> Fixed the bug that randomly made the first-click option disappear on certain NPC's
> Fixed the bug that teleported you to Varrock when trying to open the coffin in the wilderness for the Correcting History quest
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
12 March 2017
> Fixed NPC's not walking randomly around
> You can now use the trapdoor at the ruins just South of Edgeville to enter the Varrock sewers
> Revenants will no longer spawn in the wilderness section of the Varrock sewers
> Removed 2 bugged Revenant spawn points inside trees at the deep wilderness resource area
> You can now use defensive autocast with the Trident of the Seas
> Fixed the skull icon not being removed when drinking from the Fountain of Heroes (visual bug)
> Removed the wrongly spawned Gnomes just north of Falador
> You can now cut trees with the inferno adze while having a full inventory
> Fixed a bug where teleporting to a player-owned house would not stop your current action (if you were fishing, mining, woodcutting, ...)
> The delay between the animation and the hitsplat for the TzTok-Jad melee attack has been increased by 1 tick (so you have a little more time to switch protection prayers)
> Fixed a bug with superheat item that made it impossible to superheat anything after you get an error message (if you didn't have enough runes, cast the spell on a wrong item etc.)
> Brawling gloves (runecrafting) no longer give bonus magic XP when crafting teletabs
> You can now use the trapdoor at the ruins just South of Edgeville to enter the Varrock sewers
> Revenants will no longer spawn in the wilderness section of the Varrock sewers
> Removed 2 bugged Revenant spawn points inside trees at the deep wilderness resource area
> You can now use defensive autocast with the Trident of the Seas
> Fixed the skull icon not being removed when drinking from the Fountain of Heroes (visual bug)
> Removed the wrongly spawned Gnomes just north of Falador
> You can now cut trees with the inferno adze while having a full inventory
> Fixed a bug where teleporting to a player-owned house would not stop your current action (if you were fishing, mining, woodcutting, ...)
> The delay between the animation and the hitsplat for the TzTok-Jad melee attack has been increased by 1 tick (so you have a little more time to switch protection prayers)
> Fixed a bug with superheat item that made it impossible to superheat anything after you get an error message (if you didn't have enough runes, cast the spell on a wrong item etc.)
> Brawling gloves (runecrafting) no longer give bonus magic XP when crafting teletabs
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
5 May 2017
> Whenever you follow another player, that player will now always appear on top of all others until you start following someone else. This means other players will no longer interrupt 1v1 fights by standing on top of them.
> All players can now use the option 'left-click to attack players of a higher combat level' (rather than just donators)
> The ::event teleport coordinates for the Corporeal Beast have been moved to the correct new place (oops)
> The instanced bosses for Ironman Mode players have been moved further North (see map for their new locations), making them a more dangerous activity. The three summoners located South of the deep wilderness fence each have 4 spawn slots and are all in multi-combat (so other players can always attack them). The summoner North of the fence is in single combat (therefore relatively safer) but only has 2 spawn slots.
> There is now a cooldown timer of 12 seconds on the spawning of a new instanced boss after you've just killed one (to mimic respawn timers). The WildyWyrm has a cooldown timer of 4 minutes after being killed. However, these timers are summoner-specific, so you can avoid them by going to another summoner and spawning a new WW there.
> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
> You can now use the Stepping stone agility shortcut at the South end of the Lava Dragon maze, requiring 74 agility (to get to the Southern most summoner)
> Donators and premium members now have a 20% discount on temporary curses (meaning they only need to pay 80 PkHonor Points per hour of in-combat use of ancient curses). Furthermore, donators & premium members now also get a bigger discount to unlock endless curses for each level 99 they have. The PKP cost for them is 5000 minus (120 * the amount of 99's) versus 5000 minus (100 * the amount of 99's) for regular players). For example, a donator with 23 skills of level 99 would now have to pay 2240 PkHonor Points to unlock endless curses, rather than 2700.
> Premium members can now restore all their combat stats at the Fountain of Heroes (either in Edgeville or the highest level one in a Player-Owned House garden). They can now also use it to recharge an Amulet of Glory.
> Fixed the XP gained from cutting gems into bolttips - you now get fletching XP rather than crafting XP and the level requirement has been changed to require a minimum level in fletching, rather than crafting (so now it's like OSRS - as it should've always been). A bug that had gone by unnoticed all these years :/
> Chickens now drop 50 - 100 feathers (instead of 20 - 40), making them quite profitable to kill for low level players
> Feathers now refill faster in the shops
> The current version of your client will now be displayed at the bottom right corner of the login screen
> Something I apparently forgot to mention in a previous March update: you can combine Torstol with a Super Attack/Defence/Strength potion to create Super Combat Potions (work the same as in OSRS, combines the effects of a Super Attack, Defence and Strength potion). However, as of today, the decanter at Varrock can now also decant these super combat potions.
> Castle Wars wins & losses, glacor & frost dragon kills, as well as any clue casket you open are now recorded in your PoH bookcase
> All players can now use the option 'left-click to attack players of a higher combat level' (rather than just donators)
> The ::event teleport coordinates for the Corporeal Beast have been moved to the correct new place (oops)
> The instanced bosses for Ironman Mode players have been moved further North (see map for their new locations), making them a more dangerous activity. The three summoners located South of the deep wilderness fence each have 4 spawn slots and are all in multi-combat (so other players can always attack them). The summoner North of the fence is in single combat (therefore relatively safer) but only has 2 spawn slots.
Spoiler: show
> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
> You can now use the Stepping stone agility shortcut at the South end of the Lava Dragon maze, requiring 74 agility (to get to the Southern most summoner)
> Donators and premium members now have a 20% discount on temporary curses (meaning they only need to pay 80 PkHonor Points per hour of in-combat use of ancient curses). Furthermore, donators & premium members now also get a bigger discount to unlock endless curses for each level 99 they have. The PKP cost for them is 5000 minus (120 * the amount of 99's) versus 5000 minus (100 * the amount of 99's) for regular players). For example, a donator with 23 skills of level 99 would now have to pay 2240 PkHonor Points to unlock endless curses, rather than 2700.
> Premium members can now restore all their combat stats at the Fountain of Heroes (either in Edgeville or the highest level one in a Player-Owned House garden). They can now also use it to recharge an Amulet of Glory.
> Fixed the XP gained from cutting gems into bolttips - you now get fletching XP rather than crafting XP and the level requirement has been changed to require a minimum level in fletching, rather than crafting (so now it's like OSRS - as it should've always been). A bug that had gone by unnoticed all these years :/
> Chickens now drop 50 - 100 feathers (instead of 20 - 40), making them quite profitable to kill for low level players
> Feathers now refill faster in the shops
> The current version of your client will now be displayed at the bottom right corner of the login screen
> Something I apparently forgot to mention in a previous March update: you can combine Torstol with a Super Attack/Defence/Strength potion to create Super Combat Potions (work the same as in OSRS, combines the effects of a Super Attack, Defence and Strength potion). However, as of today, the decanter at Varrock can now also decant these super combat potions.
> Castle Wars wins & losses, glacor & frost dragon kills, as well as any clue casket you open are now recorded in your PoH bookcase
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
19 May 2017
First and foremost, some important changes to combat mechanics: as of now, whenever you eat food, drink a potion or (try to) wear any piece of equipment, you will stop attacking your enemy and have to re-click to attack again (unless you get hit while auto-retaliate is on)
I know that many players in PkHonor are used to always keeping attacking no matter what and I know they're not a fan of this change (especially since it means more clicking). The main reason we chose to make this change - despite the negative outcome of community polls - is because it creates certain advantages and major changes in combat dynamics (mostly in PvP), which are simply not there in OSRS.
The choice is always a difficult one - do we try to be as much like OSRS as possible, or do we go our own way? The solution is often found in between, but where certain core combat mechanics are concerned, the OSRS approach is simply the only acceptable one. We like to have lots of small conveniences in our game that OSRS doesn't have (such as free teleports everywhere, ease of access, higher XP rates etc.), but unlike keeping on attacking when equipping items, none of our 'conveniences' are supposed to have a direct (negative) impact on our combat dynamics.
We did consider leaving in the option to always keep attacking in PvM, but this would only lead to confusion amongst most players, so I chose not to. This means PvM scenario's have become a tiny bit more difficult than before, which can - from a certain point of view - be considered an improvement.
Secondly, the damage roll of a magic spell or ranged projectile is now calculated during cast (rather than on hit). Spell & special attack effects (such as freeze, teleblock, weaken, poison, ...) as well as the combat XP drop now also apply during cast. This change applies to both PvM and PvP.
This is something that had remained largely unchanged for the past several years, simply because we had made wrong assumptions (or were wrongly informed) about how this particular mechanic worked in OSRS. Our combat mechanics now mimic theirs much more accurately, meaning once you see a spell or projectile incoming, switching gear or prayer will not protect you from it. Also, when attacking a player or NPC, you can now predict how much damage will be dealt based on the XP drop.
We do hope to achieve the same combat mechanics and principles as they have (with some minor exceptions). But this may not always be the case. If you are familiar with precise timings, specific combat mechanics in OSRS, strengths and weaknesses of weapons and equipment and notice any of these being different here on PkHonor (at least, in a bad way), please do tell us in the appropriate in-game suggestion or bug report forums, so that we may continue to improve on them.
Now, what you've all been waiting for - brought to you by Andres, under Dylan's supervision, with my finishing touches, as well as input, testing and feedback from our community (special thanks to Adamthalion for all his efforts): ZULRAH!
The TL;DR version: the boss works almost exactly the same way it does in OSRS. If you are familiar with its rotations, attacks, strengths and weaknesses on OSRS, you'll know how to fight it on PkHonor.
This is a safe solo boss, meaning you don't lose any items on death when fighting it. You'll respawn in Edgeville with all items kept.
There are 3 different ways to get there:
The spoils: (all tradeable)
In further news:
I know that many players in PkHonor are used to always keeping attacking no matter what and I know they're not a fan of this change (especially since it means more clicking). The main reason we chose to make this change - despite the negative outcome of community polls - is because it creates certain advantages and major changes in combat dynamics (mostly in PvP), which are simply not there in OSRS.
The choice is always a difficult one - do we try to be as much like OSRS as possible, or do we go our own way? The solution is often found in between, but where certain core combat mechanics are concerned, the OSRS approach is simply the only acceptable one. We like to have lots of small conveniences in our game that OSRS doesn't have (such as free teleports everywhere, ease of access, higher XP rates etc.), but unlike keeping on attacking when equipping items, none of our 'conveniences' are supposed to have a direct (negative) impact on our combat dynamics.
We did consider leaving in the option to always keep attacking in PvM, but this would only lead to confusion amongst most players, so I chose not to. This means PvM scenario's have become a tiny bit more difficult than before, which can - from a certain point of view - be considered an improvement.
Secondly, the damage roll of a magic spell or ranged projectile is now calculated during cast (rather than on hit). Spell & special attack effects (such as freeze, teleblock, weaken, poison, ...) as well as the combat XP drop now also apply during cast. This change applies to both PvM and PvP.
This is something that had remained largely unchanged for the past several years, simply because we had made wrong assumptions (or were wrongly informed) about how this particular mechanic worked in OSRS. Our combat mechanics now mimic theirs much more accurately, meaning once you see a spell or projectile incoming, switching gear or prayer will not protect you from it. Also, when attacking a player or NPC, you can now predict how much damage will be dealt based on the XP drop.
We do hope to achieve the same combat mechanics and principles as they have (with some minor exceptions). But this may not always be the case. If you are familiar with precise timings, specific combat mechanics in OSRS, strengths and weaknesses of weapons and equipment and notice any of these being different here on PkHonor (at least, in a bad way), please do tell us in the appropriate in-game suggestion or bug report forums, so that we may continue to improve on them.
Now, what you've all been waiting for - brought to you by Andres, under Dylan's supervision, with my finishing touches, as well as input, testing and feedback from our community (special thanks to Adamthalion for all his efforts): ZULRAH!

This is a safe solo boss, meaning you don't lose any items on death when fighting it. You'll respawn in Edgeville with all items kept.
There are 3 different ways to get there:
- Become a premium member and use the Zulrah portal at Premium island
- Make some progress in the Correcting History quest - the sailor at port Phasmatys can sail you to Tyras camp, from where it's only a short walk South along the coast to Zulrah
- Purchase a Zulrah teleport scroll for 2M coins in a general supplies store or any slayer store
- Non-premium members will be charged a fee of 15 PkHonor Points every time they wish to row to the island
- Unlike OSRS, once Zulrah is killed, it will respawn (so non-premium members can get more out of their fee)
- Zulrah and its snakelings can apply venom, a stronger version of poison! It starts at 6 damage, hits once every 18 seconds and increases its damage by 2 every time it hits, up to 20
- Given as an elite slayer task (requires combat level 110 or higher)
The spoils: (all tradeable)
- Zulrah's scales - used on an antidote++ potion to create anti-venom potions (5 scales per dose), which in turn can be made into anti-venom+ potions with torstol
The scales are also used to charge the toxic blowpipe, trident of the swamp (aka toxic trident) and the serpentine helm (as well as the magma helm and tanzanite helm). Premium members receive 50 - 200 scales every kill, non-premiums receive 25 - 100 scales every kill (droprates for all other items are the same for prems and non-prems) - Tanzanite fang - use a chisel on it to make the Toxic blowpipe. The Toxic blowpipe has a chance to apply venom to your enemy. It works with any darts, including poisoned darts, but no poison effect will ever be applied - only venom. Just like OSRS, the blowpipe has increased attack speed while used in PvM (however, you cannot use the Rapid stance while wearing a Completionist Cape (Chaos))
- Magic fang - use on a trident of the seas to create a trident of the swamp (aka toxic trident), which can venom your enemies. Just like the trident of the seas, it has a built-in spell, but cannot be used against players in the wilderness.
- Serpentine visage - use a chisel on it to make a Serpentine Helm. It provides complete immunity from poison and venom and has a chance to envenom your enemy when you take damage
Note: dismantling a tanzanite fang, magic fang or serpentine visage will give you 20,000 Zulrah's scales - Tanzanite & Magma mutagen - recolor your serpentine helm. (the helm remains tradeable)
- And of course, your very own pet snek, which you can freely morph into any 3 colours! (don't forget to feed it an ex-ex-parrot for better luck)

In further news:
- The accuracy of ranged attacks in PvP has been slightly increased
- The Staff of Light now has a 1/8 chance to not use up any runes while casting a spell (does not apply to teleporting, Charge, Telegrab, Superheat, Low Alch, High Alch or Lunar spells)
- Poison now applies every 18 seconds (instead of a random amount between 10 and 20 seconds), but will now wear off more slowly. This way, our poison now works exactly the same way it does in OSRS
- Super energy potions now work propely (you could always make them but never drink them - we've fixed that now). Each dose restores 20% run energy
- You can now create Antidote+ potions (toadflax + coconut milk + yew root), which have the same effect as Superantipoison potions, but they last longer (little over 8 minutes instead of 5 minutes)
- You can now create Antidote++ potions (irit leaf+ coconut milk + magic root), which have the same effect as Antidote+, but provide the longest poison immunity (12 minutes)
- Venenatis, Krakens, the Giant Mole and Nex now drop noted yew and magic roots and to provide ingredients for Antidote+ and Antidote++ (the only alternative is through the farming skill by planting yew and magic trees)
- TzTok-Jad's attack timings have been changed to accurately mimic its working in OSRS (especially where the timing of protection prayers is concerned). The melee attack now also hits much faster
- Several monsters and bosses are now immune to either poison or venom (or both), in accordance with the OSRS wiki. Most monsters on the list were already immune to poison in PkHonor before
- The ring of recoil now works against all NPC's and will return 10% of all damage taken (rounded up), up to 40 damage total. Once 40 damage is recoiled, the ring will break
- The Giant Mole now burrows less often
- Emerald bolts (e) will now apply poison far more often than before (more like it does in OSRS)
- Fixed a bug where smoke spells would heal you (like blood spells) when used against players
- Blood spells in PvP now always heal you for exactly 25% of damage dealt. In PvM, you still heal a random amount between 0 and 25%
- Smoke burst & rush now apply 2 poison damage, smoke blitz & barrage now apply 4 poison damage (instead of a random amount between 3 and 5 for all smoke spells)
- You will now receive chatbox warnings when you have 50, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 charges left on the following items: Toxic Blowpipe, Abyssal Tentacle, Trident of The Seas and Trident of The Swamp
- Fully charging a Trident of The Seas will no longer result in a Trident of the Seas (full) (but will simply be a Trident of The Seas with 2500 charges). Adding the (full) item was a mistake, as it resulted in a bug that causes players to lose charges on other tridents when used. You can still normally use remaining (full) tridents, but you cannot trade or stake this version (as they are now a discontinued item). At some point in the future, we may choose to turn all remaining Trident of the Seas (full) and into regular tridents to completely remove them (and the bug)
- You can now disable login/logout messages of your friends (in ::settings)
- Fixed a bug that caused the message "X has logged out" to appear when a friend logs in while their private is off
- The bankers at Edgeville have finally overcome their fear of ghosts and allowed the refund store keeper to take up residence inside the building. With access to a proper counter, he has been able to do his job more efficiently. The other bankers have even nominated him for "undead employee of the year" (a contest brought to you by the Game Organization and Assistance Team™ at Camelot)
- The Chaotic Staff, Arcane Pulse Necklace and Occult Necklace now give +15% bonus magic damage (instead of +20%)
- The Third-Age Druidic Staff (when used outside the full set) and the Staff of Light now give +12% bonus magic damage (instead of +15%)
- The Arcane Stream Necklace now gives +10% bonus magic damage (instead of +15%)
- The Arcane Blast Necklace and the Completionist Cape now give +6% bonus magic damage (instead of +10%)
- The Max Cape now gives +3% bonus magic damage (instead of +5%)
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
20 May 2017
A few bugfixes related to the 19 May update:
- Fixed a bug that caused Zulrah to randomly despawn when you kill it while dying yourself (or while logging out)
- Zulrah's droptable has been slightly buffed
- Zulrah's different forms now have more specific weaknesses versus ranged and magic attacks
- Fixed the special attack of the Completionist Cape (Chaos)
- Fixed the granite maul special attack against NPC's
- Fixed the maximum hit of regular spells while wearing a Trident of The Seas (or Trident of The Swamp)
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
22 May 2017
- At last managed to fix the the accidental despawning of Zulrah. I've managed to reproduce the issue, though it has a very complex cause - which is not entirely unexpected since Zulrah is by far our most complex boss. Hopefully this will prove to be a permanent fix, but please let us know if there are any more bugs related to Zulrah
- The toxic blowpipe now has increased attack speed in PvM, so now it works exactly like OSRS. However, you cannot use the rapid stance while wearing a Completionist Cape (Chaos)
- Fixed the whip of souls applying soul split twice
- Fixed the Zaryte bow acting as a melee weapon
- Fixed the shadow warriors (spawned through the whip of shadows special) not doing any damage to other NPC's. Also, the duration of the shadow warrior spawn has been increased to 18 seconds (from 10 seconds)
- You can no longer spawn shadow warriors on max hit dummies (since it uses no special amount, players could spawn hundreds of them if they so wished - interestingly enough, nobody appears to have abused this bug before)
- Fixed the dragon claws special attack not hitting in the correct order
- Fixed the toxic blowpipe using up arrows or bolts in your arrow slot. Anyone who has lost expensive arrows, please create a refund thread to receive them back
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
23 May 2017
- The option to keep attacking while eating, potting or equipping gear has been re-added, but only for PvM. The setting is disabled on default in order to avoid confusion among new players. You can toggle this in ::settings (or the 'Graphics option' button in your wrench tab)
- Made another improvement to Zulrah to prevent double spawning
- Fixed the bug that allowed players to use melee weapons (other than a halberd) against Zulrah in the middle (North side) of the island
- Fixed some glitchy pathfinding toward Zulrah
- You now receive a warning whenever you are about to dismantle any of Zulrah's items into 20,000 Zulrah's scales (applies to Uncharged Toxic Blowpipe, Uncharged Toxic Trident, Magic Fang, Tanzanite Fang, Uncharged Serpentine Helm and Serpentine Visage)
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from using regular spells against other players in the wilderness while having a Trident of The Seas (or Swamp) equipped
- Uncharging a Trident of The Seas (or a Trident of The Seas (full)) will now give you an Uncharged Trident of The Seas, so you can trade it
- You can now properly trade the Uncharged Toxic Trident through the Grand Exchange
- You can now 'Check' an Uncharged Trident of The Seas to add charges
- The ammunition used in a bow, crossbow or toxic blowpipe is now always properly dropped on the floor again (except when wearing an ava's accumulator, max cape or completionist cape)
- When cutting gems into bolt tips, you will now receive the "Cut this gem into bolt tips?" warning only once
- If you ever get stuck at the walkway towards the deep wilderness agility course, you can now use the Southern gate to get out (though this shouldn't happen unless you log out while on the walkway)
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
14 June 2017
- Castle Wars updates & bugfixes
- The amount of tickets you get after a Castle Wars game (win or lose) has been increased
- The amount of tickets & charges you receive for contributing to a CW game has been significantly increased (especially for capturing a flag)
- Your hybrid armour now also charges at the end of each game, depending on how many tickets you received (therefore, winning a game means more charges)
- Wearing a Perfect Ring now gives 10% extra Castle Wars tickets during a game (so not just bonus 10% to the ones you get afterwards). Note that a perfect ring does not influence hybrid armour charging
- You no longer receive CW tickets or Hybrid Armour charges just for being in combat in Castle Wars, nor for destroying the big doors (mostly to prevent players from boosting by splashing or having a friend on the enemy team repair doors while you damage them). You now only get tickets or hybrid armour charges after the game or through dealing damage to enemies (by normal combat or the Catapult), unlocking the side door with thieving or scoring a point by capturing the flag
- Catapult damage is now random rather than a fixed amount, but the damage remains the same on average (and will still deal more damage closer to the centre of the hit)
- You can no longer use explosive potions on barricades that are on fire (that way it's just like OSRS)
- Buckets of water are now spawned at the ground floor of both castles, which can be used to extinguish burning barricades or catapults. They can be refilled at the water taps
- Dropping a flag on top of a barricade will no longer bug out the amount of barricades each team can set up (but the barricade will still disappear)
General updates & bugfixes
- The setting to keep attacking when eating/switching in PvM now gets properly loaded on client start
- Fixed not being able to trade from more than 1 square away
- Fixed not being able to split a Completionist Cape at a Magical Cape Rack
- Fixed not being able to charge an Uncharged Trident of The Seas
- Fixed not being able to hide any clan chat messages
- Fixed an error players get when running the client for the very first time (so new players no longer have to restart their client after the initial cache download before being able to play)
- Fixed the bug that allowed players to 'lure' monsters outside a room in a Player-Owned House dungeon (and kill them from a safespot)
- Completed clue scrolls are now recorded in your Player-Owned House bookcase
- Fixed the Completionist Cape (Chaos) special not working on NPC's after being in combat with a player just once
- You now properly look toward your enemy when using the special attack from the Granite Maul, Whip of Chaos or Completionist Cape (Chaos)
- Fixed the bug where you might lose your Trident of The Swamp when using a Magic Fang on a Trident of The Seas (Full) with a full inventory
- Fixed the bug that prevented you from receiving any clue scroll from a Player-Owned House (or skilling center) treasure chest if you already have a clue scroll of any level on your account
- Fixed being able to equip a Spottier Cape as a non-donator
- Fixed the Ring of Recoil not properly discharging in PvP (the charges were taken from the wrong player)
- You can now Operate the Amulet of Glory while having it equipped
- Added a warning message when using 'Restore' on a Magma or Tanzanite helm. Anyone who accidentally restored such helm to a regular Serp helm, please post a refund on the forums
- Dying at Zul-Andra (or near the Priestess) no longer causes players to lose items
- Made yet another small change to Zulrah to prevent it from spawning clouds or snakelings even after it dies (though I must admit I do not know if the fix actually works as I am unable to reproduce the bug). Most importantly, I'm hoping there will be no averse side effects
- Zulrah's Green & Red forms have become slightly more resilient towards Ranged attacks, making a hybrid Ranged/Mage approach more interesting than just using Ranged
- Fixed the animation while fishing with a rod
- The right gem type is now shown when cutting gems
- Improved the animation loop when smelting bars
- Fixed the death animation of the Brutal Green Dragon (from the Correcting History quest)
- Mike
- Programmer
- Posts: 6348
- Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:00 pm
- Location: PkHonor HQ
6 July 2017
- Whenever you drop a Trident of The Seas, Trident of The Swamp, Toxic Blowpipe, Serpentine Helm, Tanzanite Helm or Magma Helm on death, the item will be converted to the uncharged version and drop for the killer, along with any Zulrah's scales it was charged with (as well as any runes in a Trident and Darts in a Blowpipe)
- The Saradomin & Zamorak portals have been removed from Castle Wars, so now you can only join through the Guthix portal, meaning everyone will randomly get a team assigned. Once your account (or your IP address or other computer identifier) has been assigned to a team, you can not swap to the other team until the start of the next game
- Getting hit by an NPC while wearing a Serpentine/Magma/Tanzanite helm now has a chance to envenom the NPC (unless, of course, they are immune to venom)
- Implings at Puro-Puro will no longer fly over the wheat, making them much easier to catch
- Bind, Snare & Entangle spells now work properly against NPC's. Keep in mind that any Bind, Snare, Entangle or Freeze spells do not work on larger NPC's in PkHonor
- You can now cast Bind, Snare & Entangle on Implings & Butterflies to hold them in place. Normally, Snare can deal up to 2 damage and Entangle up to 5 damage, but when used against implings or butterflies, they will always deal 0 damage. The NPC's will not turn aggressive when bound, meaning this is a safe mechanic for skillers
- Honor players can now transfer their status to another account themselves - all they need to do is talk to the Donator Shop Salesman in Varrock and enter the name of the player they want to give the status to. The honor will then be banned and the status (item) will be put in the other player's refund box, where it can be claimed for 5B
- Fixed Venenatis performing melee attacks from a distance
- The ancient altar at Nex has been slightly moved (and an extra obstacle placed) to fix a safespot bug and prevent players from being able to hide from the 4 mages
- Nex is now immune to venom
- Fixed the Bandos Kiteshield effect not always working against Nex - to clarify, as a part of the Correcting History quest, you are tasked to obtain a Bandos Kiteshield from Nex. This shield has a passive effect against Nex, reducing her damage to you by 20% as well as having a 1/4 chance to completely negate all damage and deflect 25% of the original damage back onto her. The bug was that the damage reduction would only work when she was not under a protective spell from any of her mages. This has now been fixed
- You are now protected from NPC attacks for 8 seconds after logging in (instead of 12 seconds)
- The Castle Wars doors are now immune to both poison & venom (oops)
- The flowers near the Black Warlocks in the skilling center have been removed so the butterflies are easier to catch
- Fixed the animation when cutting gems (now it really does show the correct animation)
- Fixed your character doing an infinite animation loop when cutting gems
- Fixed the bone dagger special attack not working against NPC's