Todays updates - 5 May 2017

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Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Mike » Fri May 05, 2017 9:47 pm

> Whenever you follow another player, that player will now always appear on top of all others until you start following someone else. This means other players will no longer interrupt 1v1 fights by standing on top of them.
> All players can now use the option 'left-click to attack players of a higher combat level' (rather than just donators)
> The ::event teleport coordinates for the Corporeal Beast have been moved to the correct new place (oops) and I've extended the event with a day to compensate for the bug
> About an hour ago, a bug caused the server to freeze up for a few minutes. It's the same bug that had caused the same sort of server freeze a couple of weeks ago. It appears to be something extremely rare (since we've only had it happen twice so far), but is probably unintentionally caused by a specific action of a player. If anyone has more information about what they were doing the exact second of the server freeze, please do let us know - we're handing out a nice reward for anyone who can provide us with the piece of information needed to patch the bug and ensure 100% uptime again.

> The instanced bosses for Ironman Mode players have been moved further North (see map for their new locations), making them a more dangerous activity. The three summoners located South of the deep wilderness fence each have 4 spawn slots and are all in multi-combat (so other players can always attack them). The summoner North of the fence is in single combat (therefore relatively safer) but only has 2 spawn slots.
Spoiler: show
> There is now a cooldown timer of 12 seconds on the spawning of a new instanced boss after you've just killed one (to mimic respawn timers). The WildyWyrm has a cooldown timer of 4 minutes after being killed. However, these timers are summoner-specific, so you can avoid them by going to another summoner and spawning a new WW there.
> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
> You can now use the Stepping stone agility shortcut at the South end of the Lava Dragon maze, requiring 74 agility (to get to the Southern most summoner)
> Tele block now wears off when you leave the wilderness by dying, teleporting out or jumping over the wilderness ditch

> Donators and premium members now have a 20% discount on temporary curses (meaning they only need to pay 80 PkHonor Points per hour of in-combat use of ancient curses). Furthermore, donators & premium members now also get a bigger discount to unlock endless curses for each level 99 they have. The PKP cost for them is 5000 minus (120 * the amount of 99's) versus 5000 minus (100 * the amount of 99's) for regular players). For example, a donator with 23 skills of level 99 would now have to pay 2240 PkHonor Points to unlock endless curses, rather than 2700.
> Premium members can now restore all their combat stats at the Fountain of Heroes (either in Edgeville or the highest level one in a Player-Owned House garden). They can now also use it to recharge an Amulet of Glory.
> Fixed the XP gained from cutting gems into bolttips - you now get fletching XP rather than crafting XP and the level requirement has been changed to require a minimum level in fletching, rather than crafting (so now it's like OSRS - as it should've always been). A bug that had gone by unnoticed all these years :/
> Chickens now drop 50 - 100 feathers (instead of 20 - 40), making them quite profitable to kill for low level players
> Feathers now refill faster in the shops
> The current version of your client will now be displayed at the bottom right corner of the login screen
> Something I apparently forgot to mention in a previous March update: you can combine Torstol with a Super Attack/Defence/Strength potion to create Super Combat Potions (work the same as in OSRS, combines the effects of a Super Attack, Defence and Strength potion). However, as of today, the decanter at Varrock can now also decant these super combat potions.
> Castle Wars wins & losses, glacor & frost dragon kills, as well as any clue casket you open are now recorded in your PoH bookcase
> Receiving a Magic stone from an elite clue casket now results in a server-wide message and a mention in your bookcase

Several of these were done by Andres, so credit to him for many of the smaller QoL updates.

Don't forget that everyone receives free access to the Corporeal Beast cave (including non-donators!), +20% droprates and double Corp pet droprates this weekend, along with Double Vote Points since we're the first week of the month.

Corporeal beast event ends in:

Double Vote Points ongoing for:

Many more updates - mostly PvP and wilderness-related - are in the making, while I'm trying to continue some work on the new bosses that we've been working on so far. It's been too long since our last update, but we're back at it. Let's see if we can keep up weekly updates again.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Prodornot » Fri May 05, 2017 10:37 pm

Great updates!!! :)

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 05, 2017 10:39 pm

I like the fountain and the chicken updates. Good Wilderness stuff too.
Mike wrote:> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level.
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
Just so you know this is not the case in OSRS. Monsters in wildy are aggro regardless of combat level. They will also stay aggro in multi areas.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Mike » Fri May 05, 2017 10:45 pm

Adamthalion wrote:I like the fountain and the chicken updates. Good Wilderness stuff too.
Mike wrote:> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level.
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
Just so you know this is not the case in OSRS. Monsters in wildy are aggro regardless of combat level. They will also stay aggro in multi areas.
I'm well aware of that. It was a very deliberate update to promote PvP activity in PvM situations, where the NPC's will leave players to fight between themselves and don't become an unnecessary nuisance (regarding low lvl NPC's). This will mostly prove useful for Ironman Mode players, since without this change, they would have to tank damage from both a player and boss at the same time in multi-combat areas.

We can always adjust this later based on feedback, but I'm quite certain players will experience these as positive changes.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 05, 2017 10:50 pm

Mike wrote:
Adamthalion wrote:I like the fountain and the chicken updates. Good Wilderness stuff too.
Mike wrote:> Wilderness NPC's will no longer be aggressive towards players who have more than twice their own combat level.
> Widerness NPC's will now become unaggressive when a player they're fighting engages in PvP combat with another player (only applies to multi-combat areas)
Just so you know this is not the case in OSRS. Monsters in wildy are aggro regardless of combat level. They will also stay aggro in multi areas.
I'm well aware of that. It was a very deliberate update to promote PvP activity in PvM situations, where the NPC's will leave players to fight between themselves and don't become an unnecessary nuisance (regarding low lvl NPC's). This will mostly prove useful for Ironman Mode players, since without this change, they would have to tank damage from both a player and boss at the same time in multi-combat areas.

We can always adjust this later based on feedback, but I'm quite certain players will experience these as positive changes.
Okay that makes sense. No more getting Koed by ww out of nowhere :p I still think that outside of pvp scenarios, monsters should keep their aggro regardless of combat level though.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Mattehh » Fri May 05, 2017 10:55 pm

Keiler05 wrote:You changed something I liked so i'm going to cry about it now
Nice to see updates coming in again Mike

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Keiler05 » Fri May 05, 2017 10:58 pm

Mattehh wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:You changed something I liked so i'm going to cry about it now
Nice to see updates coming in again Mike
Ha! nice one. What about the people that cried to get it changed? I'm not the asshole here. They screwed us over big time.. No one ones to pk.. They just make us into easy pray for the so called pkers.. wheres the fun in that?

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Bloodywolf » Fri May 05, 2017 11:01 pm

Keiler05 wrote:thanks for screwing us over mike (ironmen). And listening to the crybabies here on the forums... That their Prey were getting away too easy from them in the wildy....

Theres a silver lining. I can focus on bettering myself again IRL.. won't waste my time on server anymore. Thanks. The Whyners and the nolifers WIN one more time... FML.

Do you need some Sugar? Because I taste a lot of salt.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Mike » Fri May 05, 2017 11:02 pm

Keiler05 wrote:
Mattehh wrote:
Keiler05 wrote:You changed something I liked so i'm going to cry about it now
Nice to see updates coming in again Mike
Ha! nice one. What about the people that cried to get it changed? I'm not the asshole here. They screwed us over big time.. No one ones to pk.. They just make us into easy pray for the so called pkers.. wheres the fun in that?
Every boss is found in deep wild - whenever a regular player fights a boss, they have a chance of getting PK'ed. There is no reason this should be any different for Ironman Mode players. The only mistake we made was putting them so far South (in single combat zones, no less) in the first place.

Ironman Mode is not supposed to be easier than regular mode. If anything, it's supposed to be harder than regular mode. If that's not what you want, you may have chosen the wrong gamemode. The discussion on this has long been over and everyone had their chance of giving their say.
We can always review these updates and make some tweaks, but the overall ideas remain the same.

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Re: Todays updates - 5 May 2017

Post by Iron adam » Fri May 05, 2017 11:04 pm

Keiler05 wrote:Ha! nice one. What about the people that cried to get it changed? I'm not the asshole here. They screwed us over big time.. No one ones to pk.. They just make us into easy pray for the so called pkers.. wheres the fun in that?
The wilderness is supposed to be dangerous. Before this update it was not dangerous at all. If you are too scared or don't have fun pvming with the risk, then don't enter the wilderness. Mike did a good job listening to reason, so don't shit on him. You can offer your opinion on the matter without being a dick. (Even though your opinion is wrong) :itsatrap:
