Todays updates - 1 March 2017

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Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Post by Mike » Sat Mar 04, 2017 1:47 am

Adamthalion wrote:
Mike wrote:As for the comp cape, it's an improvement for PvM'ers. This update means that rather than having your comp cape directly sent to your refund box (and costing you $$$ to reclaim), you now have 3 minutes to go back to where you died to reobtain it for free. Only if you can't reach it in time, it'll go to your refund box and cost $$$ to reclaim. I think everyone very much prefers it this way.
This is not an improvement. Before, comp cape would go straight to refund for free. I would not prefer to have 3 mins to run all the way back to wherever I was, and then pay $$$ if I dont make it.
I think everyone with a max/comp cape was very happy with how it was.
It appears I've made a mistake regarding completionist capes - thank you for pointing that out. Completionist cape had always cost - and still costs - 0 coins to refund (I actually thought they cost $$ to refund when I made this thread).
Every item that costs 0 coins to refund will still immediately go to your refund box on death (both in PvP and PvM), because as you stated, it's easier to get them from your refund box immediately than having to wait 3 minutes. So I had left that the same.

The change in this update only applied to items that are not free to get refunded, such as a custom whip, zaros godsword or hybrid equipment. Since comp cape is still free to get refunded, that didn't get changed vs before. I've edited this in my original post :P
That being said, I remain by my statement that the update is an improvement for PvM'ers ^^

Jonas wrote:I think if you die with Torva unprotected in PvM it should disappear and give a good amount of PKP and if killed in PVP it should be dropped degraded to 0 (it will cost like 5b to recharge it to full, cause you need 30 kits which are 150m-250m)

It is indeed something to be considered, but my experience proves this is not an actual issue. Almost all items stay in the eco (Nex items where one of the only items that actually did leave the game) and yet most item prices have been pretty stable over the past few years.

From what we can tell, the biggest "removal" of items (or cash) from the eco is simply people who stop playing. As soon as someone stops playing, their bank is no longer a part of the active economy - it's a huge item and money sink. It happens all the time and I'm convinced it's one of the the main reasons why the economy is stable and in relatively good shape. In fact, this has a far bigger influence on our economy than any other item or money sinks.

I don't think any further changes are required to how Nex items work. The only thing we will re-evaluate in the near future is whether we want to add the repair kits to one or more shops or not.

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Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Post by Iron adam » Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:24 pm

Thank you for the clarification Mike. Thought we were going to have to riot :)

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Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Post by Nolan » Sat Mar 04, 2017 11:57 pm

Haven't been around much lately but it's nice to see some good updates. :)

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Re: Todays updates - 1 March 2017

Post by Unkn0wn » Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:48 pm

oo guys im dont know enything what my name :grumpycat:
