An Iron Noob wrote:This server would be way more successful, have greater player retention, and better, more positive vibes if it weren't for Nazuths and roddycc.
Time Played: 390 hours (this is not the only account i played on been playing since 2011)
Do you have any experience pking?: Well though i played this game shit ton of time never really got into pking but i started it like 1 week ago and i kinda get the hang of it right now (hybrid)
Do you have any experience bridding/warring/...: Yeah I can Hybrid switch between combat styles pretty easily switching between prayers too
Did anyone recommend you to join this clan(If so his or her name): Yup Kishan
Why do you want to join: Well in my journey to get 3k pkp to get max I had alot of time killing revs and damn I was sick from getting killed over and over by pkers. So i decided to start pking myself and its really fun I actually liked pking now had some fun time in deep wildy against others. I also practiced alot in duel arena before going right into edgeville wild (got alot of pk gear from revs)
Age: 17
Timezone or country: Egypt/Time zone
Eastern European Time Zone
Previous clan: Ascendency
I don't need a buzzer to tell me when to start dominating.