Guides by Tyler: English!

I2aw origins
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Guides by Tyler: English!

Post by I2aw origins » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:41 pm


I've recently noticed quite a few staff members using incredulously horrid grammar and spelling some words wrong, so I've decided to make a thread that you may consult to improve your knowledge of the English language (I do understand we have people with English as a second language on the staff team and all that I ask is that you do your best). I am growing weary of seeing these grammar errors in-game, but even more so on the forums. I've spent a long time writing this and used no online references as to how to explain it, so please be gracious.

Section I - Homophones


Basically (As you probably learned in 3rd Grade English class) two words that are phonetically (pronounced) the same, but have meanings that are not the same can be classified as homophones.

Some extremely common examples of these include, but are by no means limited to:

to, too, and two;
your and you're;
there, their, and they're.

I'll break each of those three sets down, seeing as those seem to be our biggest grammatical problems:

I won't get too far into depth with actual definitions, as you're all smart enough to know them.


TO- should be used primarily as a preposition or when using infinitives (to go, to see, to hear, etc.); this means that it should always be followed by an adjective or article, then a noun.

Examples of this word:

As a preposition:

I am going TO the store.

As a verb:

You need TO give me all the items you duped.
You are not qualified TO be a staff member.

TOO- this word is most often used in place of the word "also" or used to denote an excess or lack of something (in which case it's almost always proceeded by much or few and their synonyms.

Examples of this word:

In place of also (an adverb):

I need some sharks TOO.
I want that new spell TOO.

Denoting quantity:

I have TOO much money.
I have TOO few sharks, so I cannot give you any.

TWO - represents the number, 2.

Examples of this word:

As an adjective:

I have TWO prayer potions remaining.
Give me TWO reasons not to ban you.
I want TWO items from the shop.


THERE - almost always used as an adverb

Examples of this word:

I need to go THERE.
Place the plastic cup over THERE.

THEIR - used as a possessive pronoun

Examples of this word:

I need THEIR stuff.
THEIR gear is so overpowered.

THEY'RE - contraction for the words "they" and "are"

Examples of this word:

THEY'RE going to the store, would you like to come too?
THEY'RE PKing without me, no fair!
THEY'RE doing it, why can't I?


Your - usually used as an adjective to describe a noun (that's what adjectives do)

Examples of this word:

YOUR gear is unfair.
I want to have stats like YOURS.
I had a car, but then YOUR Dad stole it.

You're - contraction for the words "you" and "are."

Examples of this word:

YOU'RE gonna go far, kid.
YOU'RE PKing without me, asshole?
YOU'RE the greatest advisor / adviser PkHonor has ever seen.

Now, let's use some sentences that utilize all of the words...

I'm going to the store to buy two cats too.

I hope their insurance will cover that accident over there, or they're in for some serious financial problems.

You're my best friend; your attitude makes me want to be around you all the time.

Now, time for a mini quiz; just see how you do. This should give you a good idea on what you must work on.


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate homophone.


I have ____ much work ____ be bothered with these ____ idiots.


Look! over _____, it looks like _____ taking _____ stuff.


Look at how much of _____ water _____ spilling.



I have too much work to be bothered with these two idiots.

Look! over there, it looks like they're taking their stuff.

Look at how much of your water you're spilling.


IT'S - contraction for the words "it" and "is"/"it" and "has".

Examples of this word:

IT'S been a rough week.
IT'S freezing in Canada.
IT'S almost Summer.

ITS - Used as a possessive pronoun.

Examples of this word:

General Graardor dropped ITS Bandos Chestplate.
That dog over there, is scratching ITS scrotum.
Occasionally, my Kangaroo forgets ITS boxing gloves.

It's not your fault the Bird died, Brandon stole its food.

I feel as if many, many players and staff members of PkHonor need to read this. It looks incredibly unprofessional when you talk like an imbecile while trying to help someone. It's also extremely annoying trying to talk to someone who talks like that, it actually takes time to recognize what their saying. Understandably not everybody is good at English because it is not their native language, however this lesson should help with a few major problems that occur in the English Language.

*Credits to Tyler (Nitrate, Ex-Advisor and Webmaster) and Justin (Ex-Moderator) for the creation of this English Lesson.
Last edited by I2aw origins on Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Gods music » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:51 pm

:( Always wondered if you would ever get mod tbh... I still hate you though.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by 4gottengodz » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:52 pm

Gods music wrote::( Always wondered if you would ever get mod tbh... I still hate you though.
You know Branden has been mod right?
Karl25 pk wrote:Shes bouncing on someones cock atm

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by I2aw origins » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:10 am

4gottengodz wrote:
Gods music wrote::( Always wondered if you would ever get mod tbh... I still hate you though.
You know Branden has been mod right?
Twice, actually. But yeah, I have no intentions to even attempt to get in-game moderator. I might go for Forums Moderator though.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Pls senpai » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:15 am

I2aw origins wrote:
4gottengodz wrote:
Gods music wrote::( Always wondered if you would ever get mod tbh... I still hate you though.
You know Branden has been mod right?
Twice, actually. But yeah, I have no intentions to even attempt to get in-game moderator. I might go for Forums Moderator though.

Forum Moderator is far better than any ingame rank. .-.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Justin » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:38 am

I2aw origins wrote:I feel as if many, many players and staff members of PkHonor need to read this. It looks incredibly unprofessional when you talk like an imbecile while trying to help someone. It's also extremely annoying trying to talk to someone who talks like that, it actually takes time to recognize what their saying. Understandably not everybody is good at English because it is not their native language, however this lesson should help with a few major problems that occur in the English Language.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Pls senpai » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:40 am

Obsidia wrote:
I2aw origins wrote:I feel as if many, many players and staff members of PkHonor need to read this. It looks incredibly unprofessional when you talk like an imbecile while trying to help someone. It's also extremely annoying trying to talk to someone who talks like that, it actually takes time to recognize what their saying. Understandably not everybody is good at English because it is not their native language, however this lesson should help with a few major problems that occur in the English Language.
I didn't notice that. xD

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by I2aw origins » Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:54 am

Obsidia wrote:
I2aw origins wrote:I feel as if many, many players and staff members of PkHonor need to read this. It looks incredibly unprofessional when you talk like an imbecile while trying to help someone. It's also extremely annoying trying to talk to someone who talks like that, it actually takes time to recognize what their saying. Understandably not everybody is good at English because it is not their native language, however this lesson should help with a few major problems that occur in the English Language.
I never claimed to have perfect grammar, and never will. However this is geared towards people who know fuck all about English grammar and assume "there" and "they're" and "their" are all the same, or your and you're.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Justin » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:32 am


IT'S - contraction for the words "it" and "is"/"it" and "has".

Examples of this word:

IT'S been a rough week.
IT'S freezing in Canada.
IT'S almost Summer.

ITS - Used as a possessive pronoun.

Examples of this word:

General Graardor dropped ITS Bandos Chestplate.
That dog over there, is scratching ITS scrotum.
Occasionally, my Kangaroo forgets ITS boxing gloves.

It's not your fault the Bird died, Brandon stole its food.

Feel free to add it if you'd like to do so.

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Re: An English Lesson...

Post by Pls senpai » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:36 am


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