Latest developments

PkHonor's work in progress and future updates will be posted here.
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Re: Latest developments

Post by Donderstone2 » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:03 pm

Rick wrote:Looks very nice Dylan. However.. when would we actually see something of these smaller updates go live?
Well this can be anywhere from tomorrow to about the end of next week tbh.

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Rick » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:06 pm

Donderstone2 wrote:
Rick wrote:Looks very nice Dylan. However.. when would we actually see something of these smaller updates go live?
Well this can be anywhere from tomorrow to about the end of next week tbh.
But if it's ready... why wait?

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Connor » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:08 pm

Rick wrote:
Donderstone2 wrote:
Rick wrote:Looks very nice Dylan. However.. when would we actually see something of these smaller updates go live?
Well this can be anywhere from tomorrow to about the end of next week tbh.
But if it's ready... why wait?
Bug testing/Ensuring its finished

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Errobbie » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:09 pm

Donderstone2 wrote:
Rick wrote:Looks very nice Dylan. However.. when would we actually see something of these smaller updates go live?
Well this can be anywhere from tomorrow to about the end of next week tbh.
Errobbie AKA The Big Ballsy Bastard AKA Best Bandos Pker EU wrote:Can you work on Pk'ing...?
Or bringing more players to the server by joining more top lists?
There are so many threads about Pk'ing that it's almost unbelievable, yet nothing has been done?
The combat system was slightly reworked - not a big enough difference for most players to realise - but that's it.

I remember mike had a Q&A a while back, it was at Falador then everyone went into a clan chat (think it was named QNA or something) and we all asked questions etc. But a lot of people gave suggestions to improve the activity of the Wilderness, yet nothing has been done?

You & Mike might as well go balls deep with Pk'ing and the Wilderness as you honestly can not do anything to make it worse, that's how bad it is.
The only thing you could do to make the Wilderness worse is removing the Wildy Wyrm, sadly.
Do what the Oldschool RS team done, add Demi-bosses to the Wilderness with enticing drops.
You guys honestly have no idea how much potential the Wilderness has.
Answer pl0x
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Re: Latest developments

Post by Rawr » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:44 pm

The quest is really well coded; the number of bugs really did seem to be minimal because of all the restrictions you'd already put in place to prevent glitches. Just make sure you add a warning / reminder of how to progress at the part that I kept fucking up at again, and again, and again...

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Ruler » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:50 pm

Really good job Dylan. This is where everyone was waiting for. More updates :D

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Azu rite » Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:34 am

Can we get animations added to the rest of the emote enhancers too?
(Ex: Wig, Sleeping cap...etc)

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Vik » Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:18 am

I can't wait for the Halloween event

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Hayden » Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:49 am

Just remembered that I forgot to tell you this.

I have been having internet problems for about 3 weeks where I can't log in/stay connected for more than 5 minutes without DCing, so I gave up on testing the quest because it was exhausting to have to go back and forth with the progress, wasn't finding anything (other than a few typos) anyway.
Errobbie wrote:Can you work on Pk'ing...?
Or bringing more players to the server by joining more top lists?
There are so many threads about Pk'ing that it's almost unbelievable, yet nothing has been done?
The combat system was slightly reworked - not a big enough difference for most players to realise - but that's it.

I remember mike had a Q&A a while back, it was at Falador then everyone went into a clan chat (think it was named QNA or something) and we all asked questions etc. But a lot of people gave suggestions to improve the activity of the Wilderness, yet nothing has been done?

You & Mike might as well go balls deep with Pk'ing and the Wilderness as you honestly can not do anything to make it worse, that's how bad it is.
The only thing you could do to make the Wilderness worse is removing the Wildy Wyrm, sadly.
Do what the Oldschool RS team done, add Demi-bosses to the Wilderness with enticing drops.
You guys honestly have no idea how much potential the Wilderness has.
Imma be honest here
PKing is dead
WW is dead
CW will be dead
(can't think of more examples right now)

All this dead content, we can't do anything to fix. It will remain dead because the server is dying. Actually, the RSPS community in general is dying.
No matter what we do to PKing, we won't have that many new PKers, unless we make making money ridiculously easy, which ruins the game for everybody else.

What people look for in a private server is to log in, get maxed quick, and go PK in whatever gear they want. PkHonor is too dependant on commitment. If you want decent gear, you have to commit to the game and go do slayer for a whip (or buy from someone else). Bandos is like 1.6b (or it was last time i saw it being bought), a new player can't get it in a day or two. I could go on with more examples but you get the point.
People will log in, realize that commitment is needed, and log out.

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Re: Latest developments

Post by Kalista » Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:05 am

What hayden said, If someone wants to work for their shit and actually commit to the game they'll play 07, because they have constant new and cool updates, a larger playerbase, and people feel more secure that the game won't be shut down by jagex.
