Castle wars released on the test server!

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Maurits » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:53 pm

Rocks are still unable to be removed by mining them, also I don't think the collapsing of the walls works in order to make new rocks appear.
To block people from getting into your base underground.

EDIT: Rocks just take ridiciously long to get mined.
EDIT2: The mining emote also doesn't stop.
EDIT3: Objects only show to people who were there when it was placed? Not really sure.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Michyy » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:53 pm

I can't even get on the test server :c.
It keeps saying my cache is out of date...?

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Subnet » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:03 pm

Can you please update the character files, these are from like 6 months ago, I can't get onto my account, don't remember the pin I used back then.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Jelle » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:03 pm

can get my honor inside, cant attack or anything tho. only watch

once a game is finished you keep the rope/tinderbox if you picked one inside.
Last edited by Jelle on Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Ruler » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:04 pm

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If you try to leave the zamorak team standing at the eastern side of the portal, it doesn't work
You have to stand at the southern side of the portal to leave.

For saradomin the northern side doesn't work and you have to stand at the western side.
Spoiler: show
A guy was attacking me just outside my base. I entered my base and he could keep hitting me through the wall
You have to be near the wall to get hit by melee. If you mage you can keep hitting your enemy even if he is in his base
Spoiler: show
If you drop helms/capes outside and enter the portal, click on the dropped helm or cape immediately, you are able to get capes and helms into the game

This means you can do weird shit like this:
Bought saradomin banner from donator shop and used this trick to get it inside
Edit: only works if the game is already going on (not if you enter waiting room)
Spoiler: show
I am inside castle wars here but I am not playing (I can get to edgeville with all the items I have in my bag). This means I can drop something on one account inside castle wars, and telegram it with the other. Means I can get all castle wars items in game (barricade, bandages, rock etc.)

Mike, contact me if you want to know how to get there.

Besides, you can also do some confusing shit
Spoiler: show
There are height problems from the outside ring of the castle.
If you stand on top of it (height 1) you can attack people down there (height ) (even with melee). If you attack someone who is heading outside, you will glitch to height 0
Spoiler: show
You can use explosive potions at the flag and just when you die you can take the flag. You will end at your spawn place with the flag, but you can't leave through the doors. You can leave via the ladder. So this is kind of a teleportation from enemies base to your base
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Barricades are lit up if you attack them even if you don't have a tinderbox
Last edited by Ruler on Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:15 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Subnet » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:18 pm

If someone of the opposing team runs out of his spawn, then runs back in while you're attacking him, it continues to attack him and do damage.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Arcane crypt » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:20 pm

Image mage can hit you where ever you stand, not sure if its found yet or not.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Kylo ren » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:25 pm

For Staff Members, when you jail someone who's in a game of Castle Wars, it jails them.

Jailing players that are in Castle Wars should work the same way it does when the person being jailed is in Combat Imo.

Code: Select all

"This person is currently playing Castle Wars. They will be jailed after."

Also, you can spam click on the last bandage that you have in your inventory, and it'll use them all as fast as you click them to heal you.

I also just realized that, while in a fight, I hit a hitpoints level of "0" about 4 times, and when I spam-clicked the bandages, it healed me and kept me from dying.

Once you die, the person attacking you will keep attacking you even after you begin to do the Death Emote.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Rawr » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:33 pm

Ratonhaketon wrote:For Staff Members, when you jail someone who's in a game of Castle Wars, it jails them.

Jailing players that are in Castle Wars should work the same way it does when the person being jailed is in Combat Imo.

Code: Select all

"This person is currently playing Castle Wars. They will be jailed after."

Also, you can spam click on the last bandage that you have in your inventory, and it'll use them all as fast as you click them to heal you.

I also just realized that, while in a fight, I hit a hitpoints level of "0" about 4 times, and when I spam-clicked the bandages, it healed me and kept me from dying.

Once you die, the person attacking you will keep attacking you even after you begin to do the Death Emote.
You clicked them faster than the game registers them, the 0HP is only visual.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Xxcxpxx » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:44 pm

both flags apearing in the spawn
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