Castle wars released on the test server!

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Taiga » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:55 pm

Hashtag wrote: You can cast telegrab on an item as the game ends, and you spawn with it outside.
I was just about to say that one .-.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Errobbie » Sun Sep 21, 2014 7:55 pm

Battle-mage looked glitchy in the castle wars waiting rooms, might wanna investigate.
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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Herrodragon » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:00 pm

Hey, I know this isn't a bug but ...
Can we have dots on the same team in a diff colour on the minimap?
Or we auto-join a Cc when going into the portals

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:04 pm

A burning barricade burns in approx. 7.5 seconds on real RS.

Also, there's supposed to be an altar inside of starting room.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Im on meth » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:06 pm

1. If you die with flag, you can click on it as you die and spawn with it in your own waiting room.
2. Left-click option for teammates shouldn't be "Attack".
3. You can pick up your own team's flag anywhere inside your base after you kill the opponent. It should return flag to flag stand if you are inside your own base.
4. You can take flags into the spawn areas, both your team's flag and the opposing team's flag.
5. You must be on the outer wall (upstairs) of each base to attack someone on the outside. You shouldn't be able to stand in between the main base and the outer wall and farcast players (NOT POSITIVE ON THIS, I WILL HAVE TO CHECK).
6. Dots on the minimap of your own team should be one color, while the opposing team is white. Currently, they are all white.

I will update this as I find more.

7. Talking to the Hooded Stranger and opening CW Shop DC's you. Decorative shop works fine.
8. Flags on the ground and barricades remain from previous games.
9. You cannot walk through flags, they act as a barricade.
10. You can only take supplies from your team's base. This is supposed to be true with bandages, however, anyone should be able to take explosive pots/barricades/etc. from both bases.
Last edited by Im on meth on Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Im on meth » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:07 pm

Simon wrote:A burning barricade burns in approx. 7.5 seconds on real RS.

Also, there's supposed to be an altar inside of starting room.
I don't recall an altar being inside of the waiting room, where did you see this?

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Rawr » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:07 pm

- You can drop your flag, or the other teams, inside your base, but not pick it back up. The flags do not despawn. THIS PREVENTS EITHER TEAM FROM SCORING, EVER.


Neither can be picked up.

- You can cast telegrab on an item as the game ends, and you spawn with it outside.

- One of the items on the tables is 'null' ???


- You can't pick up your own barricades. Your team also can't walk through the same teams; this means a troll can prevent their own team leaving bases. You cannot attack either barricade from where I'm standing.


- Old barriers do not despawn either, but you can still place new ones in the next one (essentially doubling the limit). However, it's only visual.

- Setting barricades on fire doesn't do anything other than show a visual difference.
Last edited by Rawr on Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Tendah » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:09 pm

you can only blow up rocks underground but you cant mine them? no point having a pickaxe table at base if you cant use em??

also once you start mining and walk off it carrys on mining the floor while you walk around lol pretty funny.
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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:12 pm

Im on meth wrote:
Simon wrote:A burning barricade burns in approx. 7.5 seconds on real RS.

Also, there's supposed to be an altar inside of starting room.
I don't recall an altar being inside of the waiting room, where did you see this?
I was just on 07 and there was a zammy altar in the waiting room. (The room you go to when you die).

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Re: Castle wars released on the test server!

Post by Rawr » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:15 pm

Also, I can join both teams with different accounts. I can essentially grief on one account to make the other team more likely to win, to boost my own tickets.
