Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

All of PkHonor's news will be posted here.

What do you think of the suggestions?

Add hybrid armours
Add hybrid armours but keep them out of the wilderness
Don't add hybrid armours
I agree with the vanguard stats
Make vanguard stronger
Make vanguard weaker
I agree with the battle-mage stats
Make battle-mage stronger
Make battle-mage weaker
I agree with the trickster stats
Make trickster stronger
Make trickster weaker
Add god bows
Add god bows but keep them out of the wilderness
Don't add god bows
I agree with god bows being the same as dark bows
I disagree with god bows being the same as dark bows
I agree with the god bows stats
Make god bows weaker
No votes
Make god bows stronger
Total votes: 429

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by U lose i win » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:28 am

bring on the goodies =]
Yes thats my dog!!!

I'm a huge pk fan so lets see dem skills
^^^Aug 25th 2014... date of acc recovery^^^

lets see how fast that changes!?!?!?!

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by The underdog » Sun Sep 21, 2014 1:33 am

Hashtag wrote:
Maurits wrote:If you're going to add non-degradeable armour the entire minigame will be dead content in a matter of weeks.
People will just grind castle wars, get the armour and will be done with it.

So I think you'd be best of making the armour degradeable, but repairable.
So for example, 10% for 10 castle war tickets. Given that a winning game gives 2-4 tickets.
And what about if Castle Wars does begin to decline in activity regardless? It should only degrade on Death IMO, if at all.
This would have the same effect as morph ring charges lost on death.

People will do everything to stay alive, they will get divines and safe as much as they can etc.

I agree with no hp boosters in castle wars though.

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:05 am


I've played PkHonor for 3 years now, and I really think that these rewards should be reworked.
My personal ideas
For one, I really think the concept of "upgrading items" should be added. For instance, you should be able to convert some of the lesser used customs into a bow or staff for X amount of tickets. (See: My "Bow of Balance" suggestion). (On a side note, the unholy, holy, and balance whips corrolate to Zamorack, Saradomin and Guthix, respectively. It wouldn't be unreasonable to give these whips some upgrades via castlewars, seeing how castle wars involves these 3 RS gods. (Maybe combine a god bow with one of the whips to make it an untradable bow)

#2 - Perhaps the berserker, archer, seers and warriors rings could be imbued for X tickets? You could have to trade 10 of the normal ring for the normal version, or 1 (you can decide). This would add something people have been asking for for ages.

#3 - The ability to kill Brutal Green Dragons (see - http://forums.pkhonor.net/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=30691) This would introduce a new herblore method, as well as allow people to kill dragons using a dragon defender.

#4 - Ring of stone could be a nice reward.

As for the hybrid armors, while I do think they're great, they have some very high bonuses. I think that they should either...

1) Disappear on death and turn into pkpoints.

2) Go to refund on death, but cost 3x 1b ticket PER PART to retrieve. These items are better than nex sets, and therefore, should cost a lot to retrieve.

On a side note, I've made some quick and easy suggestions/ bug-fixes that I think you should add in the update.

1- The souls cape doesn't work. Put simply, it has no effect.

2- When using longranged with a crossbow, you're supposed to have an added attack radius. Not having this has caused some major problems in the pking scense, as it allows magers to farcast rangers.

3 - The eagyle eye kiteshield is dead content - My suggestion is to give it +10 ranged attack. This would make it the strongest shield ingame.

4 Decorative armor and team capes need to be readded (To avoid making them discontinued). Perhaps add both of them to costume boxes/wardrobes in a POH?



P.S If you read this post, please acknowledge doing so =] Whenever I post on these threads, I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

P.P.S - Don't forget to make pkpoint tickets turn into X cwars tickets, and fix the dupe I reported (I want to make the video public).

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Tony god » Sun Sep 21, 2014 2:20 am

I like the item sets the way they are. They are powerful and I like that so I hope they take a lot of work to get so that they become a reward to players that want to work hard to be stronger in PvM. However, I feel that the god bows are rather weak and I would prefer it if they were an upgrade to chaotic crossbow or a chaotic crossbow with special attributes though if they are then I hope they are also hard to get.

These items are very good but in my opinion they should be extremely difficult to get (require very many castlewars games at least) to earn because nex gear at the moment is very expensive and if it is too easy to get then it'll just make all the nex armor etc crash hard.

EDIT: Essentially, I want to feel very rewarded when I earn it and feel like I made a worthwhile time investment. However, I don't want to feel like everyone else has it too.
(I want it to be like enchanted completionist)

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Rawr » Sun Sep 21, 2014 10:28 am

Vincent g wrote:
Mike wrote:
Hashtag wrote:I wouldn't mind if they were in PVP and if they were completely untradeable, I wouldn't mind if they were strong either.
They won't be tradeable.

Not sure about whether the bows could be traded or not though. Castle wars would probably be a decent money maker that way, provided the bows can't be used in the wilderness.
imo, implement robbies suggestion (ill find link in a minute, its about the upgraded trade rights) and make them tradeable through ge, this way its a money sink and they're tradeable.
No. I want people to actually have to work for something. I agree that you should be able to make money off Castle Wars, but making the best armour buyable would kinda suck.

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Maurits » Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:10 pm

Hashtag wrote:
Maurits wrote:If you're going to add non-degradeable armour the entire minigame will be dead content in a matter of weeks.
People will just grind castle wars, get the armour and will be done with it.

So I think you'd be best of making the armour degradeable, but repairable.
So for example, 10% for 10 castle war tickets. Given that a winning game gives 2-4 tickets.
And what about if Castle Wars does begin to decline in activity regardless? It should only degrade on Death IMO, if at all.
In theory, it shouldn't decline and its also more about getting people back into castle wars.
Having to repair your armour, with castle wars beeing the only way to do so, makes for a bigger reason for to be players in there.

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by I2aw origins » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:30 pm

If you make any of these rewards unusable in PvP its gonna be dead content before it even comes out.

The sets are literally made for bridding.

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Simon » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:31 pm

I2aw origins wrote:If you make any of these rewards unusable in PvP its gonna be dead content before it even comes out.

The sets are literally made for bridding.
It's the same as custom comp capes.

Dead contenttttt

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by M0onshine » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:50 pm

Well we already got hybrid armour in game which is ahrims which is kinda the normal hybrid gear for hybrids. Then there is drudic armour that is really strong.

So I think drudic is good enough for the game as it already cost way to much for most people to get their hands on as it is.

As far as the other stuff goes I have no idea at all.

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Re: Let's talk Castle Wars rewards!

Post by Smdjagex » Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:54 pm

M0onshine wrote:Well we already got hybrid armour in game which is ahrims which is kinda the normal hybrid gear for hybrids. Then there is drudic armour that is really strong.

So I think drudic is good enough for the game as it already cost way to much for most people to get their hands on as it is.

As far as the other stuff goes I have no idea at all.
The point of hybrid is to switch style. This armor allows that with no switch and no reduction in power
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